Holiday happiness to you all! Lettin' ya all know that from Tuesday (Dec. 24th) through Sunday (Dec. 28th), I am on home visit and will be completely unavailable during that time. The following week or two afterwards, I'll be dedicating all of my time to work for Hidden Duality with hopes to start the quest officially around mid-January. Any current quests (High level ice dungeon, the water temple, and the Prelude quest) will all be wrapped up prior to the start of it. There's also a few solo sessions I'll need to run as well before HD starts.
If anyone needs me for anything ZURPG related, prod me either tomorrow (Monday, Dec. 23rd) or wait the two-three weeks out that I'm on session-hiatus, and if you really need me, shoot me a PM and I may respond to it.
And when HD does start, expect some new things to be in place by then! Enjoy the holidays, everyone!
If anyone needs me for anything ZURPG related, prod me either tomorrow (Monday, Dec. 23rd) or wait the two-three weeks out that I'm on session-hiatus, and if you really need me, shoot me a PM and I may respond to it.
And when HD does start, expect some new things to be in place by then! Enjoy the holidays, everyone!