Dev, DM

A number of changes were talked about in chat between Sephiroth, Darte and I, and here's what we've decided on, but these aren't finalized until we've got some more general input.
Lifting and changing some restrictions
First off, some lesser but notable things...
- The restriction that said you must be within 3 levels of another character to transfer things has been lifted entirely.
- However, for selling items, "You must be capable of using the item you wish to sell in order to sell it to that shop. If necessary, a live demonstration may be required."
- The restriction that capped Heart and Magic containers by pick-ups to 50 has been lifted.
Heart and Magic Containers
The reason that there was a cap in the first place was to prevent the game from breaking in the late-game. However, it had a few problems.
Their drop rate in the random item drop will remain the same, especially because they're a crafting material. Speaking of crafting...
- If you can hold unlimited items, why can you only have 50 of these?
- What happens once you hit 50 while they're still dropping?
Heart Container
- Amount: 1
- Consume this to recover # Hearts, where # = your total affinity levels.
- This can also be used as a Material.
Magic Container
- Amount: 1
- Consume this to recover # Magic, where # = your total affinity levels.
- This can also be used as a Material.
Their drop rate in the random item drop will remain the same, especially because they're a crafting material. Speaking of crafting...
Crafting System
Back in this thread, I outlined a crafting system design. It was cool in concept, but unnecessarily... "fluffy", so to speak, so we're gonna take Skyward Sword's crafting system instead and tweak it a bit, which is cool because it's a Zelda type of system. Here's how it works.Unlike the previously suggested system, the materials will not have affinities attached to them.
You may attach an affinity to the bonus (one that you currently have) for an extra cost.
Some recipes will have affinities built into them already.
To clarify, if you have a weapon that has no affinity innately, but you have a bonus on it that gives it and requires Fire (Level: 1), you can use the weapon even if you don't have Fire affinity, but the bonus will only be active if you have Fire. This holds true for all affinities.
As for if you can attach an affinity to a bonus that already has an affinity, I don't know where I stand on that, and that can be debated below.
As you defeat higher level enemies, they will drop higher level materials.
Materials in general will not be specific per enemy. Instead, there'll be various generic materials.
I don't have a list of materials yet, but expect something along the lines of metal, feathers, silk, etc.
There will be Artifact-level Materials.
These bring a small addition to whatever bonus they're crafted into.
A reminder, Artifact = one-of-a-kind. Careful how ya use these.
Regarding the bonuses you can expect to see, there's generic ones like Passive stat boosts, attacking and defending dice/successes increase, damage increase, etc.
Then there's also ones that add burn damage, give buffs and afflictions on-hit, or maybe if you're hit, it heals an ally. In general, it'll be lot more varied than just generic stat/dice increases.
For now, we'll limiting crafting to item augmentation. Later, we'll expand this into item transformation and item synthesis.
I'm hoping to get a WIP draft of the materials system out by mid-November, and have it finalized and released alongside the Enemy Database update by the end of November.
- There'll be a master list of every recipe in the game in the shops forum, meaning everyone will be able to see all recipes.
- Each recipe will call for the following:
- Item Type (ie, Weapon, Armor, Tool, Bladed Weapon, etc.)
- Materials required
- Cost of crafting it
Regarding the bonuses you can expect to see, there's generic ones like Passive stat boosts, attacking and defending dice/successes increase, damage increase, etc.
Then there's also ones that add burn damage, give buffs and afflictions on-hit, or maybe if you're hit, it heals an ally. In general, it'll be lot more varied than just generic stat/dice increases.
For now, we'll limiting crafting to item augmentation. Later, we'll expand this into item transformation and item synthesis.
I'm hoping to get a WIP draft of the materials system out by mid-November, and have it finalized and released alongside the Enemy Database update by the end of November.