Lead Dev, DM, Hal

The new Sephiroth
<Tatl> Maliki: You rolled 20 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 6, 5, 8, 3, 9, 8, 5, 10, 3, 6, 6, 3, 1, 2, 7, 1, 3, 10 and 5. Total: 106. Successes: 15.
<DM> *You jam the blade into the handle. After a moment, the handle suddenly flashes brightly, and you feel the blade crumble to dust in your hand. There's also some cuts along your hand where the blade was, as you take 1 bleed damage (neutral).*
<Kappa> So... I guess that's a no
<Amilena> I'm telling you, next the moon will start dropping out of the sky.
* Kappa kicks Amilena out of the window
* Kappa has kicked Amilena from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed on the surface of the sun!)
* Amilena (~DarkLink4@ has joined
<Amilena> Irony.
<DM> (...... please tell me that was randomized)
<Kappa> (Yes)
<Serikka_Tonatsu> ((BRILLIANCE))
* Kappa kicks Serikka_Tonatsu out of the window
* Kappa has kicked Serikka_Tonatsu from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed on Kefka!)
* Serikka_Tonatsu (~ThatOneGu@CPE-65-31-178-8.wi.res.rr.com) has joined
* ChanServ gives voice to Serikka_Tonatsu
<DM> (Kappa, you're starting to gain Sephiroth level powers and are thus scaring me.)
<DM> ................
<DM> .......................................................................................................................................
<DM> ....... right as I say that line
<DM> .... that happens
<Maliki> "can you wright Serikka_Tonatsu ?"
<Maliki> *dangit
<Maliki> (Dangit!)
<Maliki> *miss
* Serikka_Tonatsu takes out a piece of paper
* Sephiroth has quit (Connection reset by peer)
* X__X is now known as Phoenix
* Phoenix can totally wright.
* Serikka_Tonatsu writes downthing something on the paperyes of the write
* Phoenix is now known as X__X
<Amilena> (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy7NVfkEsvQ)
* Kappa kicks X__X out of the window
* Kappa has kicked X__X from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed in the courtroom as the defendant!)
* X__X (~WindStrik@ has joined
* Serikka_Tonatsu writes down yes and shows it to Maliki
<Amilena> (Now that's just getting weird)
<Kappa> (Oh god)
<Maliki> "ok that will making life easy"
<Kappa> (Why do my kicks have to be this relevant?)
<DM> *You jam the blade into the handle. After a moment, the handle suddenly flashes brightly, and you feel the blade crumble to dust in your hand. There's also some cuts along your hand where the blade was, as you take 1 bleed damage (neutral).*
<Kappa> So... I guess that's a no
<Amilena> I'm telling you, next the moon will start dropping out of the sky.
* Kappa kicks Amilena out of the window
* Kappa has kicked Amilena from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed on the surface of the sun!)
* Amilena (~DarkLink4@ has joined
<Amilena> Irony.
<DM> (...... please tell me that was randomized)
<Kappa> (Yes)
<Serikka_Tonatsu> ((BRILLIANCE))
* Kappa kicks Serikka_Tonatsu out of the window
* Kappa has kicked Serikka_Tonatsu from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed on Kefka!)
* Serikka_Tonatsu (~ThatOneGu@CPE-65-31-178-8.wi.res.rr.com) has joined
* ChanServ gives voice to Serikka_Tonatsu
<DM> (Kappa, you're starting to gain Sephiroth level powers and are thus scaring me.)
<DM> ................
<DM> .......................................................................................................................................
<DM> ....... right as I say that line
<DM> .... that happens
<Maliki> "can you wright Serikka_Tonatsu ?"
<Maliki> *dangit
<Maliki> (Dangit!)
<Maliki> *miss
* Serikka_Tonatsu takes out a piece of paper
* Sephiroth has quit (Connection reset by peer)
* X__X is now known as Phoenix
* Phoenix can totally wright.
* Serikka_Tonatsu writes downthing something on the paperyes of the write
* Phoenix is now known as X__X
<Amilena> (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy7NVfkEsvQ)
* Kappa kicks X__X out of the window
* Kappa has kicked X__X from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed in the courtroom as the defendant!)
* X__X (~WindStrik@ has joined
* Serikka_Tonatsu writes down yes and shows it to Maliki
<Amilena> (Now that's just getting weird)
<Kappa> (Oh god)
<Maliki> "ok that will making life easy"
<Kappa> (Why do my kicks have to be this relevant?)