Dev, DM

Arcane (11)
Offensive (7)
Split Shot
Costs 200 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic * the number of targets
- DESCRIPTION: A blast of Arcane Magic that can split into multiple attacks, hitting a number of targets equal to the Magic Cost.
- Roll your Wisdom +8 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: Halved
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[box=Split Shot][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]100[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]1[/Magic] * the number of targets
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A blast of [Arcane] [Magic] that can split into multiple attacks, hitting a number of targets equal to the [b][Magic] Cost[/b].[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+8 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: Halved
Costs 100 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A generic, Arcane blast attack that hits with striking accuracy.
- Roll your Wisdom +7 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
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Code:Select All
[box=Magic Blast][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]50[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]1[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A generic, [Arcane] blast attack that hits with striking accuracy.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+7 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
Costs 500 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 250 Rupees
- COSTS: 5 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: With the power to attack the darkness itself, this missile of Arcane energy packs a punch.
- Roll your Wisdom +7 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +5
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Code:Select All
[box=Magic Missile][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]250[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]5[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: With the power to attack the darkness itself, this missile of [Arcane] energy packs a punch.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+7 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +5
Costs 200 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A blast of purging, Arcane energy that hits one target.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, remove up to 2 points of a specified Bonus from the target.
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Code:Select All
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]100[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]2[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A blast of purging, [Arcane] energy that hits one target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, remove up to 2 points of a specified [b]Bonus[/b] from the target.
Costs 500 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 250 Rupees
- COSTS: 5 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: With Din's Blessing, convert your energies into an Arcane, purging flame, that hits one target.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +2
- EFFECT: If it hits, remove up to 4 points of a specified Bonus from the target.
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Code:Select All
[box=Din's Purge][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]250[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]5[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: With [b]Din's Blessing[/b], convert your energies into an [Arcane], purging flame, that hits one target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +2
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, remove up to 4 points of a specified [b]Bonus[/b] from the target.
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Three beams of Arcane light converge in front of you to create a powerful, golden shard that hits one target.
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, select either the target's Power, Courage, or Wisdom stat, and reduce it by 2.
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Code:Select All
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]3[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Three beams of [Arcane] light converge in front of you to create a powerful, golden shard that hits one target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+3 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, select either the target's [Power], [Courage], or [Wisdom] stat, and reduce it by 2.
Costs 600 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 300 Rupees
- COSTS: 6 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Three beams of Arcane light converge in front of you to create a powerful, golden shard, which is fired with a great force at a target.
- Roll your Wisdom +5 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, select either the target's Power, Courage, or Wisdom stat, and reduce it by 4.
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Code:Select All
[box=Trishard Force][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]300[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]6[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Three beams of [Arcane] light converge in front of you to create a powerful, golden shard, which is fired with a great force at a target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+5 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, select either the target's [Power], [Courage], or [Wisdom] stat, and reduce it by 4.
Support (4)
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: You become blessed by an Arcane light, allowing you to bestow a minor Bonus to yourself or an ally.
- EFFECT: Select either the target's Power, Courage, or Wisdom stat, and increase it by 2.
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Code:Select All
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]3[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: You become blessed by an [Arcane] light, allowing you to bestow a minor [b]Bonus[/b] to yourself or an ally.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Select either the target's [Power], [Courage], or [Wisdom] stat, and increase it by 2.
Force of Alteration
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.EFFECT 2: The attack's Damage Modifier and EFFECTS remain the same.
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Through the power of Arcane Magic, you're able to transform a Wisdom-based attack into a different force.
- EFFECT 1: The next Wisdom-based attack you use is altered into one of the following, though you lose its Dice Modifier in the process:
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
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[box=Force of Alteration][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]3[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Through the power of [Arcane] [Magic], you're able to transform a [Wisdom]-based attack into a different force.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT 1[/b]: The next [Wisdom]-based attack you use is altered into one of the following, though you lose its [b]Dice Modifier[/b] in the process:[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage type-b=Courage]
[*][dice type-a=Power type-b=Power]
[*][b]EFFECT 2[/b]: The attack's [b]Damage Modifier[/b] and [b]EFFECTS[/b] remain the same.
Farore's Cleansing
Costs 400 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- COSTS: Any amount of Magic
- DESCRIPTION: With Farore's Blessing, use your Arcane energies to rid your allies of their impurities!
- EFFECT: For every 1 Magic you spent casting this spell, remove 1 point of a specified Negative Bonus from yourself or an ally.
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Code:Select All
[box=Farore's Cleansing][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]200[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: Any amount of [Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: With [b]Farore's Blessing[/b], use your [Arcane] energies to rid your allies of their impurities![list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: For every [Magic]1[/Magic] you spent casting this spell, remove 1 point of a specified [b]Negative Bonus[/b] from yourself or an ally.
Nayru's Protection
Costs 600 Rupees to buy.
- SELL VALUE: 300 Rupees
- COSTS: 6 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: With Nayru's Blessing, use your Arcane energies to create a thin, blue, crystal shield around a target.
- EFFECT: The next Negative Bonus or Named Effect (caused by an enemy) to affect the target is negated.
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[box=Nayru's Protection][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]300[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]6[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: With [b]Nayru's Blessing[/b], use your [Arcane] energies to create a thin, blue, crystal shield around a target.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: The next [b]Negative Bonus[/b] or [color=yellow][b]Named Effect[/b][/color] (caused by an enemy) to affect the target is negated.