I think you will all hate me for this horrible creation (kudos if you know where I got this sucker from):
Now for something less evil:
Grudge Trap
- REQUIREMENTS: Level 40 and Shadow (Level: 9)
- COST: 27 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Place a Magic circle, filled with the hatred and grudge that you will hold against the enemy in your afterlife, in the air anywhere except directly underneath targets or within a foot of them, which is invisible to everyone except yourself and your allies. This can be summoned to Cover yourself or an ally.
- TRIGGER CONDITION: An attack that costs Magic passes over the Magic circle.
- TRIGGER EFFECT: The trap reveals itself and expands to cover the enemy party opposing whoever triggered the trap:
- EFFECT: Whenever someone who is covered by the trap dies as the direct result of an attack, the attacker loses all of their Magic.
- This includes deaths caused as the result of friendly fire.
- This does not affect boss-type enemies.
- This does not occur if the target instantly revives.
- This includes deaths caused as the result of friendly fire.
- EFFECT: Whenever someone who is covered by the trap dies as the direct result of an attack, the attacker loses all of their Magic.
- DURATION: The trap remains active until someone covered by this trap dies, whereupon the trap is consumed.
- TRIGGER CONDITION: An attack that costs Magic passes over the Magic circle.
Shifting Trap
- REQUIREMENTS: Level 30 and Shadow (Level: 5)
- COST: 13 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Place a large Magic circle, large enough to cover a party, that constantly appears to shift from its position on the ground anywhere which is invisible to everyone except yourself and your allies.
- TRIGGER CONDITION: Someone rerolls an attack in the same room as the Magic circle.
- TRIGGER EFFECT: The trap reveals itself and gives anyone covered by the trap the ability to momentarily shift their position in the face of oncoming attacks and to evade defences:
- EFFECT: Everyone covered by the trap gets a free reroll for each Attack and Defend they make
- Unused rerolls do not stack.
- EFFECT: Everyone covered by the trap gets a free reroll for each Attack and Defend they make
- DURATION: This trap remains active until dispelled or otherwise destroyed.
- This can be dispelled as if it is an Field Effect.
- TRIGGER CONDITION: Someone rerolls an attack in the same room as the Magic circle.