
This quest is for:
Just a random improv dungeon... I expect shenanigans...
Just a random improv dungeon... I expect shenanigans...
Logerino Numerino One!
<~DM> ----===== QUEST START =====----
* DM drops Kappa, Serikka_Tonatsu and Firiann into a random dungeon. Oh look, ZURPG is capable of randomization.
<~DM> *You're now standing inside of a burning room, ... well at least its nice and toasty inside here. The walls are made of stone, the kind you find in volcanic caves. ... Its your standard entry room; there's a few skulls lying on the floor and in front of you is a large opening.
* Firiann is apparently in a mystery dungeon game...
<~DM> *You do feel a breeze coming into the room from the entrance behind you, which is mysteriously sealed.
<+Firiann> (If it's sealed then why is there breeze)
* Firiann probes the entrance.
<&WindStrike> (Science)
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> ((It was WindStrike))
<~DM> *A magical ward knocks Firiann back about 4 inches.
* Serikka_Tonatsu just stands in place, doing nothing, on the phone
<-- Pizza has quit (Ping timeout)
<-- Kappa has quit (Ping timeout)
<+Cirn0> ((RIP in peace Pizza))
* Firiann breathes on the entrance softly
<+Firiann> (I could examine this all day, we'd better get a move on...)
<~DM> *The entrance looks back at Firiann, unamused.
* Serikka_Tonatsu is still doing nothing, on the phone
<+Firiann> "What is this... phone?
* DM kicks Serikka_Tonatsu out the window.
<-- DM has kicked Serikka_Tonatsu from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in a pile of shit! «16,834»)
--> Serikka_Tonatsu (~ThatOneGu@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +v Serikka_Tonatsu
<+Firiann> (oh goodness I almost started typing MUD commands again)
<~DM> (lol)
* Serikka_Tonatsu apparently landed in trash
<~DM> (Your face is trash.)
* DM flees.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> ((Disclaimer: Serikka doesn't usually speak))
* Firiann feels her leaves beginning to re-crisp in the toasty room, and decides it's more comfortable indoors anyway.
<&WindStrike> (If her face is trash, does that mean she was kicked and landed in her own face?)
<~DM> (Yes.)
* Firiann sucks up a skull, and then proceeds to roll towards the room's opening.
* Serikka_Tonatsu dies from landing on her own face, but is then revived
--> Pizza (~Orithan@ has joined #zurpg
--> Kappa (~Orithan@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +o Kappa
* Serikka_Tonatsu looks at her watch, for time
<@Kappa> (Miss anything?)
<&WindStrike> (Trash is capable of being kicked into itself)
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> ((Not much happened))
<~DM> <~DM> ----===== QUEST START =====----
<~DM> * DM drops Kappa, Serikka_Tonatsu and Firiann into a random dungeon. Oh look, ZURPG is capable of randomization.
<~DM> <~DM> *You're now standing inside of a burning room, ... well at least its nice and toasty inside here. The walls are made of stone, the kind you find in volcanic caves. ... Its your standard entry room; there's a few skulls lying on the floor and in front of you is a large opening.
<~DM> * Firiann is apparently in a mystery dungeon game...
<~DM> <~DM> *You do feel a breeze coming into the room from the entrance behind you, which is mysteriously sealed.
<-- Pizza has quit (Quit: Local kill by Kappa (Say hi to KEESE AND CO))
* Serikka_Tonatsu is still doing nothing, waiting
<@Kappa> Where did these skulls come from?
* Firiann has declared her intent to roll through the large opening ahead.
<~DM> *Firiann enters the main chamber of this room; it is a rather large cavern spanning two floors. Overhead you can see two rope bridges spanning the room from the east to the west sides of the room. In the center of the room is a raised island surrounded by a lava moat. The east and west sides of the room also have raised ledges, making it difficult to traverse the room ahead of you.
* Firiann speaks around the object in her mouth. "Nawt shoor, but i's quaaht blahnd'
<~DM> *There's a door on the west side of the room, as well as the east side, with a locked door straight ahead.
* Kappa follows Firiann
* Serikka_Tonatsu pokes a skull with a sword
<~DM> *The skull crumbles and reveals a Green Rupee. Don't spend it all in one place!
* Serikka_Tonatsu leaves the rupee behind and follows the group
<~DM> *You can see a figure on the island in front of you*
<@Kappa> (Obviously DM must have watched Justin's Isle of Rebirth stream)
* Firiann raises her hand.
* DM kicks Kappa out the window.
<-- DM has kicked Kappa from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on Don Vito's lap! «16,835»)
--> Kappa (~Orithan@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +o Kappa
<+Firiann> "Questions."
<~DM> (Hmm?)
<+Firiann> "Which side of the room are we on?"
<&WindStrike> (Hint: Use cardinal directions - North, East, South, West)
<~DM> (Forgot to mention that. You're on the south-side of the room.)
<&WindStrike> (oh you did, ignore me)
* DM kicks WindStrike out the window.
<-- DM has kicked WindStrike from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed inside a passing dump truck «16,836»)
--> WindStrike (~WindStrik@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +ao WindStrike WindStrike
<+Cirn0> ((Shenanigans))
<+Firiann> "How high is the raised platform? To the height of the birdges?"
* WindStrike is seen getting carried off towards Serikka_Tonatsu- I mean the lava.
<~DM> (The raised platform is about 4 feet off of the ground, the bridges about 30 feet.
<~DM> )
<+Firiann> "And the moat is directly surrounding the island, or stretched all the way across the room?
<+Cirn0> ((Watches as Firiann somehow breaks the fourthwall))
* Kappa kicks Cirn0 out of the window
<-- Kappa has kicked Cirn0 from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed inside a barrel going down Niagra Falls! Hope you packed your survival equipment.)
--> Cirn0 (~ThatOneGu@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +v Cirn0
* Serikka_Tonatsu is silently standing still
<+Firiann> (I have to ask questions of my brain directly. It's like a really bad bureaucracy in here)
<+Firiann> ("Give me the summarized quarterly report on visuals received in the last fifteen seconds.")
<@Kappa> (Lol)
<~DM> *To finish the description, the lava moat is roughly 8 feet across, you guys enter in an alcove of about 7 feet in diameter. The moat circles the platform, making it difficult to maneuver in the room.*
* DM kicks Firiann out the window.
<-- DM has kicked Firiann from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on Fawful! He has fury, but he also lacks beef, Fink-rat! «16,837»)
--> Firiann (~KenoguLab@ has joined #zurpg
<~DM> (Think Dodongo Cavern entrance room. Without the pillars in the moat, and the moat being actual lava..)
<@Kappa> (That's what I had in mind)
<~DM> (There's a distinct lack of the large dodongo head on the north-side however.)
<Firiann> (thumbsup)
* Firiann rolls to a stop at the edge of the alcove.
* Serikka_Tonatsu is away: Autofollow mode on
* Kappa observes the figure standing on the island from afar
<~DM> *Kappa observes what looks like a minature dinosaur walking about on the island
* Kappa whispers to Firiann "Is that a Dodongo?"
* Firiann blinks.
<Firiann> "Wuzza dodogono?"
<@Kappa> "On the island"
<&WindStrike> (The fire-breathing Deku Scrub doesn't know what a Dodongo is. Interesting.)
--- BlueShell is now known as BabyDodongo
* Serikka_Tonatsu is back (gone 00:02:37)
* BabyDodongo notices the group and locks into a staring contest with Kappa
* Kappa stares back.
<~DM> *The lava begins to bubble*
* Kappa steps back away from the edge of the platform.
<Firiann> (Considering having sudden dodongo-daddy issues / identity crisis... naaaaw that would just get weird)
* Kappa fires a blast of Magic at the Baby Dodongo, hoping to knock it off (Roll Wisdom!)
<@Kappa> $25d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 25 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 9, 3, 8, 2, 6, 8, 4, 3, 10, 8, 2, 6, 5, 9, 4, 5, 7, 3, 6, 5, 5, 10, 3 and 8. Total: 148. Successes: 19.
<BabyDodongo> $10d10
<&Navi> BabyDodongo: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 8, 2, 8, 6, 2, 5, 4, 5 and 2. Total: 43. Successes: 5.
<@Kappa> 19-5+3 (From Bonus Stack) = 17 damage - Defense
* BabyDodongo takes a rather nasty blow to the face and gets knocked backward into the lava.
<@Kappa> Phew, that one's out of the way.
* BabyDodongo dies a rather painful death as the bomb it drops burns in the lava.
--- BabyDodongo is now known as BlueShell
* Firiann scowls at Kappa.
<Firiann> "Maybe you shouldn't've hit it quite so hard. Looked a mite tasty."
* Firiann spits the skull into the water.
<Firiann> "Tastier'n that, anyway."
<~DM> *Water? What water?!?!*
<Firiann> waaaa-va.
<@Kappa> (WATER!!!! *Splash!*)
<&WindStrike> (I think Firiann wants some LttP water.)
<+Cirn0> ((Need more Cirno))
* Kappa kicks Cirn0 out of the window
<-- Kappa has kicked Cirn0 from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed in-THAT'S CLASSIFIED!)
<~DM> *The skull lands with a thud on a pile of dust next to them, and suddenly a chime sounds.*
--> Cirn0 (~ThatOneGu@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +v Cirn0
<@Kappa> (EXP?)
<Firiann> "Need to work on my aim..."
<~DM> *4 platforms, 1 on each compass position (north, south, east, and west) raise up out of the lava, allowing for easy access to the various platforms.
<&WindStrike> (I believe EXP is rewarded only to the one who killed it, since you all didn't enter battle officially.)
<~DM> Kappa earns 16 EXP.
<~DM> Kappa also gains $16d11 Rupees.
<@Kappa> $16d11
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 16 Dice with 11 Sides. Result: 11, 7, 1, 3, 10, 6, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 8, 3, 11 and 10. Total: 88.
<~DM> *There's now a very clear path to the doors on the east and west sides of the room.
<@Kappa> (East and West are open, North is locked)
<@Kappa> Hey, Deku and whoever that silent girl is, which door do you want to take?
* Serikka_Tonatsu does not respond. Mute.
<+Cirn0> ((Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvEUruHHxSw))
<@Kappa> Deku?
<~DM> (brb)
* Firiann https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HVy3WVkU6c
* Firiann wheels off to the west. Go west, young man!
* Kappa follows Firiann
* Firiann is, unfortunately, not a man, and yet somehow connects with the not-of-this-world phrase.
* Serikka_Tonatsu follows the party
<Firiann> (phew, at least it's not a jumping puzzle. :P)
<~DM> *You all enter the west wing; where the door behind you slams shut and locks itself with heavy iron bars.
<@Kappa> Shoot!
* Kappa observes the room around him.
<~DM> *The room itself is fairly well lit, due to the small puddles of lava throughout the room. Large stalagmites and stalagcites dot the floor and ceiling. You can spy several figures inside the room.
<~DM> *Looks like a trap*
* Kappa quickly glances the figures and grabs his wand to prepare for battle.
--- BlueShell is now known as LikeLike
--- RedShell is now known as Zol1
--- GreenShell is now known as Zol2
--- BlackShell is now known as Firerobe
* Firiann waves a frond enthusiastically towards the figures.
<~DM> *The figures enter battle stance.
<@Kappa> $init 1d10
<&Navi> Kappa: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
* DM rolls for bonus skill
<~DM> $1d4
<&Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 4 Sides. Result: 1. Total: 1.
<~DM> $1d9
<Firiann> $init 1d10
<&Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 9 Sides. Result: 3. Total: 3.
<&Navi> Firiann: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> $1d11
<&WindStrike> NICE 10'S
<&Navi> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 1 Die with 11 Sides. Result: 5. Total: 5.
<~DM> *Like Like gains the Doubled Affinities bonus!
<&WindStrike> nice roll Serikka
* WindStrike runs.
<+Cirn0> ((Hush it, human))
<LikeLike> $init 1d10
<&Navi> LikeLike: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 8.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> $init 1d11
<&Navi> Serikka_Tonatsu: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 1.
<Zol1> $init 1d10
<&Navi> Zol1: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
<Zol2> $init 1d10
<&Navi> Zol2: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 4.
<Firerobe> $init 1d10
<&Navi> Firerobe: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
<&WindStrike> (should be all of them)
<~DM> $init s
<&Navi> The battle has begun!
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Firerobe (9), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<&Navi> Bonus Turns: Kappa (10) and Firiann (10).
* Kappa switches his wand out for his White Sword and fires a beam of air at LikeLike (Roll Courage!)
<@Kappa> $23d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 23 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 7, 4, 5, 9, 4, 7, 5, 1, 9, 4, 3, 10, 7, 7, 5, 2, 2, 6, 9, 9, 2 and 4. Total: 130. Successes: 15.
<LikeLike> $12d10
<&Navi> LikeLike: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 6, 2, 10, 10, 5, 3, 7, 10, 3, 10 and 8. Total: 82. Successes: 13.
* Kappa rerolls LikeLike
<Firiann> (really, you brought Pizza the Hut into this)
<LikeLike> $12d10
<&Navi> LikeLike: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 1, 2, 3, 10, 2, 7, 3, 1, 6, 1 and 6. Total: 47. Successes: 6.
<@Kappa> 15-6+3 (Bonus Stack) = 12 damage - Defense
<LikeLike> (That is considered physical, right?)
<&WindStrike> (it's physical)
* LikeLike takes 12 damage and wiggles in pain.
<@Kappa> $endturn
<&Navi> Kappa has ended their turn.
<&Navi> Bonus Turns: Kappa (10) and Firiann (10).
<LikeLike> 9h, ?m | Doubled Affinities
<Firiann> (Dat firerobe description: it's totally Black Mage Ominas Crowe)
<Firiann> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1b5HXMfDxc&t=38s
<Firiann> (also lol @ Edea's heel-face turn)
* Firiann attempts to Thwack the Firerobe in the face with her Loot Shovel.
<Firiann> (Roll Power)
<Firiann> $30d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 30 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 5, 3, 9, 5, 9, 1, 1, 10, 4, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 6, 3, 1, 9, 3, 9, 2, 5, 5, 8, 6, 8, 8, 7 and 3. Total: 181. Successes: 24.
<Firerobe> $11d10
<&Navi> Firerobe: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 6, 2, 3, 7, 4, 1, 7, 2, 5 and 9. Total: 52. Successes: 6.
<Firiann> Damage + 1
<Firiann> = 19 damage outgoing
<&WindStrike> +$2d10 (Arcane Blaze Shield)
<&WindStrike> (......not that it matters)
<Firiann> target gets th' Kaboink! Affliction:
<Firiann> A harsh blow t' th' noggin' has left ye dazed.
<Firiann> Target's Wisdom is reduced by 4, and any items he can wield by hand have increased Wisdom requirements by 8.
<Firiann> This stacks infinitely.
<Firiann> Kaboink! lasts for the remainder of the battle.
<&WindStrike> (magic siphon effect from shield should still go off)
* Firerobe takes 19 damage, but also sends out a flaming feedback pulse from its Firefield. (Roll wisdom)
<Firerobe> (Or does that not work?)
<&WindStrike> (it technically works, but it would do 0 damage right now)
<@Kappa> (There should be no FireField, because it hasn't mitigated any damage)
<Firerobe> (Very well.)
* Firerobe takes a blow to the face from a shovel and collapses onto the floor in a firey heap.
<Firerobe> $removeme
<&Navi> Firerobe has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<Firiann> -3 magic from the siphon
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Firiann's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<&Navi> Bonus Turns Over! Round 1 Begins Now!
<Firiann> $endturn
<&Navi> Firiann has ended their turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<Firiann> oh wait
<Firiann> LOL
<~DM> LUL!
<Firiann> 20h-1m
<+Cirn0> ((NICE TIMING))
<&WindStrike> *Reminder on sending actions to DM. The DM should only be copy+pastaing, so if you leave info out, it takes more time to look it up."
* WindStrike uses Action on Target. (Roll [Stat]) | $13d10, +3 Physical Damage etc.
<&WindStrike> *10 minute timer, starto!*
<Firiann> Is DM prepared to receive actions?
<~DM> Almost.
<@Kappa> (Already sent)
<~DM> Enemy Actions Set!
<&WindStrike> *5 minutes on timer.*
<~DM> Waiting on Serikka_Tonatsu and Firiann
--- DM sets mode: #zurpg +v Firiann
--- Kappa sets mode: #zurpg +h Firiann
* DM grabs shotgun.
<~DM> Locked and loaded
<~DM> $turns
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> * Firiann hocks her trusty Spiked Boomerang at the Like Like ($30d10 | Roll Power | Rebounds on successful strike)
<%Firiann> $30d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 30 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 1, 4, 7, 5, 5, 8, 5, 6, 3, 8, 3, 8, 3, 8, 6, 10, 4, 8, 2, 5, 5, 6, 4, 8, 7, 5, 5, 3 and 7. Total: 164. Successes: 22.
<LikeLike> $12d10
<&Navi> LikeLike: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 9, 1, 6, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, 3, 7 and 9. Total: 62. Successes: 7.
<%Firiann> 15 damage outgoing
* LikeLike is smacked by a deadly spiked boomerang of death, and is made mincemeat of itself.
<LikeLike> $removeme
<&Navi> LikeLike has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<%Firiann> Rebound strikes Zol1 ($26d10 | Roll Power)
<%Firiann> $26d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 1, 5, 10, 2, 2, 9, 6, 10, 9, 8, 9, 6, 3, 10, 1, 7, 3, 6, 5 and 10. Total: 166. Successes: 23.
<%Firiann> o_o
<Zol1> $20d10
<&Navi> Zol1: You rolled 20 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 10, 7, 9, 5, 8, 5, 2, 1, 7, 7, 9, 4, 4, 7, 3, 3, 10, 1 and 9. Total: 115. Successes: 14.
<%Firiann> 9 damage outgoing
<Zol1> 12h, ?m
<~DM> (endturn)
<%Firiann> 30h-1m
<%Firiann> $endturn
<&Navi> Firiann: You cannot end somebody else's turn. Wait until your turn comes up.
<%Firiann> ;P
<&WindStrike> $turns
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> * Kappa fires another Air Blade from his White Sword at the hapless Like Like (Roll Courage) | $23d10 | +3 Damage is Kappa's successes are at least twice that of Like Like's
<~DM> What Like Like?
<~DM> would you like to redirect this attack?
<@Kappa> *Redirect to Zol1*
<@Kappa> $23d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 23 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 10, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 7, 5, 10, 8, 5, 8, 6, 1, 7, 9, 1, 9, 2, 10 and 6. Total: 127. Successes: 17.
<~DM> $12d10
<&Navi> DM: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 6, 4, 1, 2, 10, 1, 4, 6, 8, 5 and 6. Total: 60. Successes: 8.
* Zol1 takes the roll.
<Zol1> 3h, ?m
<@Kappa> 17-8+3 = 12 damage - Defense
<@Kappa> (Remember Bonus Stack)
* Zol1 takes another 3 damage and splits!
<Zol1> $removeme
<&Navi> Zol1 has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
--- Zol1 is now known as Gel1
--- LikeLike is now known as Gel2
<Gel2> $init j
<Gel1> $init j
<&Navi> Gel2 has entered the fray.
<&Navi> Gel1 has entered the fray.
<&WindStrike> (to clarify, neither Gel get any actions until next round)
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Kappa's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<&WindStrike> (for that matter, if someone uses $init j during the action phase, they don't get to do anything till next round except defend)
--- Firerobe is now known as BlueShell
* Zol2 casts Viel of Flames on the itself as an extra support skill, then does a MEGA-HOP onto Firiann. (Roll Courage!) | $23d10
<Zol2> $23d10
<&Navi> Zol2: You rolled 23 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 2, 10, 9, 5, 1, 10, 1, 8, 10, 1, 9, 10, 10, 3, 6, 7, 1, 6, 4, 9, 6 and 3. Total: 140. Successes: 20.
<%Firiann> ;_;
<%Firiann> $14d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 8, 4, 7, 3, 4, 10, 5, 5, 7, 4, 5, 2 and 10. Total: 76. Successes: 10.
<&WindStrike> lol +6 damage
<Zol2> 20-10=10+4=14+6=20 damage
<@Kappa> (Firiann should live)
* Zol2 also squishes Firiann with its weight.
<%Firiann> Stripped Pirate Shirt -> Incoming Damage - 2
<@Kappa> (She should take 18 damage)
<%Firiann> 2h-1m
<%Firiann> Wait gah
<Zol2> ??h, 3m
<Zol2> $endturn
<&Navi> Zol2 has ended their turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<%Firiann> That's right, but I could've used my shield since I used the boomerang this turn
<%Firiann> ah well
<%Firiann> just 1d
<~DM> * Serikka_Tonatsu attacks Zol1 with the slice of the Potential Blade. Zol1 should roll Courage to defend. | $32d10, no modifiers.
<~DM> Zol1 was splattered; redirect?
* Serikka_Tonatsu redirects to Zol2
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> $32d10
<&Navi> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 9, 5, 4, 3, 9, 3, 8, 4, 4, 5, 9, 4, 4, 6, 5, 2, 4, 4, 1, 10, 10, 9, 1, 6, 7, 7, 3, 7, 6, 1 and 6. Total: 172. Successes: 20.
<Zol2> $12d10
<&Navi> Zol2: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 9, 5, 9, 4, 2, 10, 9, 6, 8, 2 and 8. Total: 80. Successes: 10.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> 20 - 10 = 10 - damage reduction
<Zol2> 11h, 3m
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Serikka_Tonatsu's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<~DM> $endturn
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Gel2's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<&Navi> DM has ended Gel1's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<&WindStrike> (Here's a funny thought. Potential Blade + Fervor)
<~DM> *********PLANNING PHASE***********
* Serikka_Tonatsu gains a +2 successes on the Potential Blade
* Serikka_Tonatsu also takes a 2 burn damage due to Zol2's Veil of Flames
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> 6h-?m
<~DM> Enemy Actions Set!
<&WindStrike> *Uhhh... forgot the timer, but let's say it's 7 minutes.*
<~DM> (I'm using the *****PLANNING PHASE******** thing as the start of the timer.)
<~DM> Waiting on Serikka_Tonatsu and Firiann
<&WindStrike> (ah... I've got timestamps off, that's why)
<~DM> Still waiting on Serikka_Tonatsu. 3 minutes.
<~DM> Alrighty.
<~DM> Locked & loaded.
<~DM> $turns
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<~DM> *Firiann feels safe under the comfort of the blob and elects to remain underneath it and recover.
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Firiann's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<~DM> * Kappa trades his sword for his Wizzrobe Wand and fires a dispersed blast of Magic at all enmies (Roll Wisdom) | $22d10 | +3 damage if success are at least twice as much as the enemies' defenses
<@Kappa> $22d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 22 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 9, 8, 10, 4, 8, 6, 7, 9, 8, 5, 6, 5, 5, 8, 3, 6 and 8. Total: 133. Successes: 18.
* Gel2 is SCREWED with its 0 wisdom.
* Gel1 also has 0 wisdom.
<Zol2> $9d10
<&Navi> Zol2: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 6, 3, 5, 8, 3, 4, 1 and 6. Total: 40. Successes: 4.
* Gel2 is disentegrated instantly by the blast of magic.
<@Kappa> 18-4/2 +3 = 10 Damage - Defense
* Gel1 is disentegrated instantly by the blast of magic.
<Gel2> (or not.)
<Gel2> (actually, scratch that.)
<@Kappa> (Gel has 5 Hearts)
<Gel2> Still screwed.
<Gel2> $removeme
<&Navi> Gel2 has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1) and Gel1 (0).
<Gel1> $removeme
<&Navi> Gel1 has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<Zol2> 1h, 3m
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Kappa's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
* Zol2 casts Guard on itself.
<Zol2> 1h, 1m | Guard
<Zol2> $endturn
<&Navi> Zol2 has ended their turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> * Serikka_Tonatsu hammers one of the Gels (Gel1) with a Anima Hammer. Gel rolls Power. | $21d10, +2 damage.
<~DM> Redirect?
* Serikka_Tonatsu doesn't redirect.
* Firiann feels even safer.
* Serikka_Tonatsu ends up canceling?
<&WindStrike> *The floor accepts your hammer.*
<~DM> *The floor accept your hammer*
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Serikka_Tonatsu's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 3: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
* Firiann recalls bad incidents with stomping and concrete floors...
<~DM> ******** PLANNING PHASE *****************
<&WindStrike> (lol, just realized... if you try to pick it up Firiann, you take 2 burn damage from Veil of Flames, but if you sit there, you're safe)
<%Firiann> yeaaaaaaah
<~DM> Enemy Action Set!
<%Firiann> Except it hasn't cast that yet, has it?
<%Firiann> It's just got guard.
<&WindStrike> first round it cast it
<Gel2> Right.
<%Firiann> No
<Gel2> I forgot about that.
<%Firiann> It megahopped on me
<Gel2> It does have it.
<%Firiann> oh
<%Firiann> extra support skill
<Gel2> * Zol2 casts Viel of Flames on the itself as an extra support skill, then does a MEGA-HOP onto Firiann. (Roll Courage!) | $23d10
<%Firiann> got it
--- Gel2 is now known as RedShell
--- Gel1 is now known as GreenShell
<Zol2> 1h, 1m | Guard | Veil of Flames
<~DM> Waiting on Firiann.
<~DM> $turns
<&Navi> ROUND 3: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> *Firiann feels safe under the comfort of the blob and elects to remain underneath it and recover.
<~DM> 2nd round.
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Firiann's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 3: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> * Kappa trades his wand for his White Sword and peforms a Spin Attack on Zol2 (Roll Courage!) | $21d10, +1 damage
<@Kappa> $21d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 21 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 2, 6, 3, 10, 7, 7, 7, 8, 5, 3, 2, 6, 10, 9, 9, 3, 2, 4, 8 and 7. Total: 127. Successes: 16.
<Zol2> $12d10
<&Navi> Zol2: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 2, 8, 9, 1, 3, 1, 6, 7, 10, 10 and 6. Total: 65. Successes: 9.
* Zol2 splits into two gel!
<Zol2> $removeme
<&Navi> Zol2 has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 3: Firiann (10), Kappa (10) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
--- Zol2 is now known as Gel1
<Gel1> $inir j
<Gel1> $init j
<&Navi> Gel1 has entered the fray.
<@Kappa> *The shockwave hits the Gel! Roll Wisdom!*
--- GreenShell is now known as Gel2
<Gel2> $init j
<&Navi> Gel2 has entered the fray.
<@Kappa> $21d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 21 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 8, 3, 3, 9, 6, 4, 4, 1, 10, 7, 8, 3, 3, 4, 5, 9, 5, 8, 3 and 7. Total: 116. Successes: 13.
* Firiann is simultaneously relieved and disappointed by her re-emergence into open air.
<Gel2> *The shockwave misses the gel since it ocurred before the split*
<@Kappa> (OBJECTION!)
<&WindStrike> (sword strike hits first, shockwave hits as a result of sword strike)
<&WindStrike> (so sword strike hits, zol dies and splits, then shockwave hits)
<~DM> Very well.
<~DM> $init r
<&Navi> DM: The bot has been reset.
<@Kappa> Ugh..
<&WindStrike> "If the attack is successful, a wave of energy hits all enemies, including the one you just hit.
<&WindStrike> Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice / Damage is halved"
--- Gel2 is now known as GreenShell
<%Firiann> https://soundcloud.com/virtjk/fusion-cha...ell-object
<@Kappa> 13h 10m
--- Gel1 is now known as BlackShell
<%Firiann> eh, it makes an okay victory theme too
<~DM> +67 EXP
<~DM> +$67d11 Rupees
* Kappa Levels up!
<&WindStrike> (level up much?)
<@Kappa> $67d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 67 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 360. Successes: 40.
<@Kappa> Derp
<&WindStrike> d11, not d10
<@Kappa> $67d11
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 67 Dice with 11 Sides. Total: 429.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> $67d11
<&Navi> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 67 Dice with 11 Sides. Total: 374.
<&WindStrike> $3d3
<&Navi> WindStrike: You rolled 3 Dice with 3 Sides. Result: 3, 1 and 2. Total: 6.
* Firiann levels up...
<~DM> Arcane Blaze Shield, 4 Magic Jars, 2 level 10 Fire Scrolls and 2 level 10 Nature Scrolls drop.
* Serikka_Tonatsu takes the fire scrolls
<&WindStrike> + 1 Restoration Heart, 1 Magic Jar, and 1 RP
<%Firiann> $67d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 67 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 361. Successes: 45.
<&WindStrike> lolfailx2
<%Firiann> wait
<%Firiann> what
<%Firiann> $67d11
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 67 Dice with 11 Sides. Total: 367.
<~DM> *So with the room cleared, you still realize you're locked in. Maybe mopping the floor with the enemies isn't what was needed? Though it appears this room is a dead-end. Maybe something has to happen with the stalagmites and stalagcites in the room?
* Firiann grabs desparately for the Restoration Heart.
<%Firiann> er
<%Firiann> desperately
<~DM> (Auto-ending in 25 minutes.)
* Kappa takes a Nature Scroll.
* Serikka_Tonatsu levels up
<%Firiann> (Hah! Search functionality IS still there)
<&WindStrike> (I thought it breaks things when you try it)
* Kappa takes the Magic Jar
<%Firiann> (Nope)
<~DM> *A closer look at the room reveals a ledge higher-up on the north wall. It is roughly 20 feet off of the floor*
<%Firiann> (well)
<%Firiann> (the HIGHLIGHTING does, but you can remove that)
<%Firiann> (It's just a URL param)
* Firiann takes a bite out of the juicy heart.
* Serikka_Tonatsu increases hearts by two and magic by three
<%Firiann> (increase in max hearts from leveling does not increase current hearts, correct?)
<@Kappa> (It does)
<%Firiann> +2 hearts from level up, +6 from restoration heart => 10h-1m
<%Firiann> https://www.google.com/search?q=stalagcite
* Firiann is in no condition to try hovering at the moment.
<@Kappa> Does anyone have a Hookshot?
* Firiann moves towards the center of the room and peers around at the arrangement of formations in the cavern.
* Serikka_Tonatsu attempts to hookshot... Somewhere?
<~DM> *Hookshot? What hookshot targets?*
* Serikka_Tonatsu attempts to hookshot a floating stalatuisdlbfegklewlkkasnc
* Serikka_Tonatsu watches as nothing useful happens
<~DM> *The hookshot bounces off with a loud *PING*
<&WindStrike> (20 feet off the floor = 20 courage successes if someone wants to jump up there)
<~DM> *though the stalagmite begins to form a crack.
<%Firiann> "How are the stalagmites and stalagtites arranged?"
<~DM> *As you take a closer look at the room, it appears the stalagmites on the ceiling of the room are positioned above the various lava pools in the room. The stalagtites just block your field of view from certain angles, they can be ignored.
<~DM> *The stalagmite Serikka_Tonatsu whacked cracks even further, and falls from the ceiling. It lands in the lava pool closest to the ledge.
<~DM> *it forms a new platform roughly 15 feet off the ground.
<+Cirn0> ((What ledge?))
<+Cirn0> ((THE ledge?))
<~DM> *The ledge on the north wall*
* Firiann shrugs and begins thwacking stalagtites with her shovel.
<%Firiann> (*gah now you have me doing it)
<%Firiann> *stalactite
<~DM> *Firiann waves helplessly at the air*
<%Firiann> (thumsup)
<~DM> *The air is unamused.
<%Firiann> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thums_Up
* Firiann sighs and tries her boomerang instead.
* Serikka_Tonatsu looks to see if there are any more floating stalageiufgwuf that are reachable by a hookshot from where she is standing.
<~DM> *the boomerand flies out of Firiann's mouth and whacks another stalagmite; causing it to crack.
<~DM> *there are 3 more stalagmites; one which has begun to crack*
* Kappa fires a blast of magic at the base of another Stalagmite
* Serikka_Tonatsu attempts to stalamfgcoweyowel hookshot a floating dfgkewgw that has yet to crack into a Cacktorok
* Firiann continues lambasting rock with spike send-and-return objects.
<~DM> *The remaining two stalagmites begin cracking; and then the 3 drop into the pools below; putting out the light in the room. Though you can see a soft glow from the ledge above.
<~DM> *That glow illuminates enough for you to see there's a psuedo staircase upward to the ledge on the north wall.
* Kappa follows the psuedo staircase up.
* Serikka_Tonatsu jumps up the psuedo staircase upwards
<~DM> *up on the ledge, you can see light emitting from the north wall
<@Kappa> Can barely make out jack here.
<~DM> *There appears to be another room just on the other side of the wall.
* Firiann upwards skips up steps that raise upwardly.
<@Kappa> Now, how do we get over there?
<~DM> *You can also feel a breeze coming through a crack in the wall.
* Firiann sighs.
* Firiann hocks a bomb out without warning, sending it tumbling against the wall.
<~DM> *The bomb explodes, ... and takes the wall with it!
<~DM> *A chime sounds*
* Firiann mumbles, "...s'last one too..."
<@Kappa> I've got three more, Deku.
* Serikka_Tonatsu is waiting silently
<~DM> *Do you enter the new room?*
* Kappa enters the new room.
<~DM> *You enter the new room, as the screen fades to white...
<~DM> Loading. ...
* Serikka_Tonatsu enters the new froom
<~DM> ---===== QUEST PAUSE =====---
* DM drops Kappa, Serikka_Tonatsu and Firiann into a random dungeon. Oh look, ZURPG is capable of randomization.
<~DM> *You're now standing inside of a burning room, ... well at least its nice and toasty inside here. The walls are made of stone, the kind you find in volcanic caves. ... Its your standard entry room; there's a few skulls lying on the floor and in front of you is a large opening.
* Firiann is apparently in a mystery dungeon game...
<~DM> *You do feel a breeze coming into the room from the entrance behind you, which is mysteriously sealed.
<+Firiann> (If it's sealed then why is there breeze)
* Firiann probes the entrance.
<&WindStrike> (Science)
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> ((It was WindStrike))
<~DM> *A magical ward knocks Firiann back about 4 inches.
* Serikka_Tonatsu just stands in place, doing nothing, on the phone
<-- Pizza has quit (Ping timeout)
<-- Kappa has quit (Ping timeout)
<+Cirn0> ((RIP in peace Pizza))
* Firiann breathes on the entrance softly
<+Firiann> (I could examine this all day, we'd better get a move on...)
<~DM> *The entrance looks back at Firiann, unamused.
* Serikka_Tonatsu is still doing nothing, on the phone
<+Firiann> "What is this... phone?
* DM kicks Serikka_Tonatsu out the window.
<-- DM has kicked Serikka_Tonatsu from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in a pile of shit! «16,834»)
--> Serikka_Tonatsu (~ThatOneGu@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +v Serikka_Tonatsu
<+Firiann> (oh goodness I almost started typing MUD commands again)
<~DM> (lol)
* Serikka_Tonatsu apparently landed in trash
<~DM> (Your face is trash.)
* DM flees.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> ((Disclaimer: Serikka doesn't usually speak))
* Firiann feels her leaves beginning to re-crisp in the toasty room, and decides it's more comfortable indoors anyway.
<&WindStrike> (If her face is trash, does that mean she was kicked and landed in her own face?)
<~DM> (Yes.)
* Firiann sucks up a skull, and then proceeds to roll towards the room's opening.
* Serikka_Tonatsu dies from landing on her own face, but is then revived
--> Pizza (~Orithan@ has joined #zurpg
--> Kappa (~Orithan@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +o Kappa
* Serikka_Tonatsu looks at her watch, for time
<@Kappa> (Miss anything?)
<&WindStrike> (Trash is capable of being kicked into itself)
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> ((Not much happened))
<~DM> <~DM> ----===== QUEST START =====----
<~DM> * DM drops Kappa, Serikka_Tonatsu and Firiann into a random dungeon. Oh look, ZURPG is capable of randomization.
<~DM> <~DM> *You're now standing inside of a burning room, ... well at least its nice and toasty inside here. The walls are made of stone, the kind you find in volcanic caves. ... Its your standard entry room; there's a few skulls lying on the floor and in front of you is a large opening.
<~DM> * Firiann is apparently in a mystery dungeon game...
<~DM> <~DM> *You do feel a breeze coming into the room from the entrance behind you, which is mysteriously sealed.
<-- Pizza has quit (Quit: Local kill by Kappa (Say hi to KEESE AND CO))
* Serikka_Tonatsu is still doing nothing, waiting
<@Kappa> Where did these skulls come from?
* Firiann has declared her intent to roll through the large opening ahead.
<~DM> *Firiann enters the main chamber of this room; it is a rather large cavern spanning two floors. Overhead you can see two rope bridges spanning the room from the east to the west sides of the room. In the center of the room is a raised island surrounded by a lava moat. The east and west sides of the room also have raised ledges, making it difficult to traverse the room ahead of you.
* Firiann speaks around the object in her mouth. "Nawt shoor, but i's quaaht blahnd'
<~DM> *There's a door on the west side of the room, as well as the east side, with a locked door straight ahead.
* Kappa follows Firiann
* Serikka_Tonatsu pokes a skull with a sword
<~DM> *The skull crumbles and reveals a Green Rupee. Don't spend it all in one place!
* Serikka_Tonatsu leaves the rupee behind and follows the group
<~DM> *You can see a figure on the island in front of you*
<@Kappa> (Obviously DM must have watched Justin's Isle of Rebirth stream)
* Firiann raises her hand.
* DM kicks Kappa out the window.
<-- DM has kicked Kappa from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on Don Vito's lap! «16,835»)
--> Kappa (~Orithan@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +o Kappa
<+Firiann> "Questions."
<~DM> (Hmm?)
<+Firiann> "Which side of the room are we on?"
<&WindStrike> (Hint: Use cardinal directions - North, East, South, West)
<~DM> (Forgot to mention that. You're on the south-side of the room.)
<&WindStrike> (oh you did, ignore me)
* DM kicks WindStrike out the window.
<-- DM has kicked WindStrike from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed inside a passing dump truck «16,836»)
--> WindStrike (~WindStrik@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +ao WindStrike WindStrike
<+Cirn0> ((Shenanigans))
<+Firiann> "How high is the raised platform? To the height of the birdges?"
* WindStrike is seen getting carried off towards Serikka_Tonatsu- I mean the lava.
<~DM> (The raised platform is about 4 feet off of the ground, the bridges about 30 feet.
<~DM> )
<+Firiann> "And the moat is directly surrounding the island, or stretched all the way across the room?
<+Cirn0> ((Watches as Firiann somehow breaks the fourthwall))
* Kappa kicks Cirn0 out of the window
<-- Kappa has kicked Cirn0 from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed inside a barrel going down Niagra Falls! Hope you packed your survival equipment.)
--> Cirn0 (~ThatOneGu@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +v Cirn0
* Serikka_Tonatsu is silently standing still
<+Firiann> (I have to ask questions of my brain directly. It's like a really bad bureaucracy in here)
<+Firiann> ("Give me the summarized quarterly report on visuals received in the last fifteen seconds.")
<@Kappa> (Lol)
<~DM> *To finish the description, the lava moat is roughly 8 feet across, you guys enter in an alcove of about 7 feet in diameter. The moat circles the platform, making it difficult to maneuver in the room.*
* DM kicks Firiann out the window.
<-- DM has kicked Firiann from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on Fawful! He has fury, but he also lacks beef, Fink-rat! «16,837»)
--> Firiann (~KenoguLab@ has joined #zurpg
<~DM> (Think Dodongo Cavern entrance room. Without the pillars in the moat, and the moat being actual lava..)
<@Kappa> (That's what I had in mind)
<~DM> (There's a distinct lack of the large dodongo head on the north-side however.)
<Firiann> (thumbsup)
* Firiann rolls to a stop at the edge of the alcove.
* Serikka_Tonatsu is away: Autofollow mode on
* Kappa observes the figure standing on the island from afar
<~DM> *Kappa observes what looks like a minature dinosaur walking about on the island
* Kappa whispers to Firiann "Is that a Dodongo?"
* Firiann blinks.
<Firiann> "Wuzza dodogono?"
<@Kappa> "On the island"
<&WindStrike> (The fire-breathing Deku Scrub doesn't know what a Dodongo is. Interesting.)
--- BlueShell is now known as BabyDodongo
* Serikka_Tonatsu is back (gone 00:02:37)
* BabyDodongo notices the group and locks into a staring contest with Kappa
* Kappa stares back.
<~DM> *The lava begins to bubble*
* Kappa steps back away from the edge of the platform.
<Firiann> (Considering having sudden dodongo-daddy issues / identity crisis... naaaaw that would just get weird)
* Kappa fires a blast of Magic at the Baby Dodongo, hoping to knock it off (Roll Wisdom!)
<@Kappa> $25d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 25 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 9, 3, 8, 2, 6, 8, 4, 3, 10, 8, 2, 6, 5, 9, 4, 5, 7, 3, 6, 5, 5, 10, 3 and 8. Total: 148. Successes: 19.
<BabyDodongo> $10d10
<&Navi> BabyDodongo: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 8, 2, 8, 6, 2, 5, 4, 5 and 2. Total: 43. Successes: 5.
<@Kappa> 19-5+3 (From Bonus Stack) = 17 damage - Defense
* BabyDodongo takes a rather nasty blow to the face and gets knocked backward into the lava.
<@Kappa> Phew, that one's out of the way.
* BabyDodongo dies a rather painful death as the bomb it drops burns in the lava.
--- BabyDodongo is now known as BlueShell
* Firiann scowls at Kappa.
<Firiann> "Maybe you shouldn't've hit it quite so hard. Looked a mite tasty."
* Firiann spits the skull into the water.
<Firiann> "Tastier'n that, anyway."
<~DM> *Water? What water?!?!*
<Firiann> waaaa-va.
<@Kappa> (WATER!!!! *Splash!*)
<&WindStrike> (I think Firiann wants some LttP water.)
<+Cirn0> ((Need more Cirno))
* Kappa kicks Cirn0 out of the window
<-- Kappa has kicked Cirn0 from #zurpg (You were kicked out of the window and landed in-THAT'S CLASSIFIED!)
<~DM> *The skull lands with a thud on a pile of dust next to them, and suddenly a chime sounds.*
--> Cirn0 (~ThatOneGu@ has joined #zurpg
--- ChanServ sets mode: #zurpg +v Cirn0
<@Kappa> (EXP?)
<Firiann> "Need to work on my aim..."
<~DM> *4 platforms, 1 on each compass position (north, south, east, and west) raise up out of the lava, allowing for easy access to the various platforms.
<&WindStrike> (I believe EXP is rewarded only to the one who killed it, since you all didn't enter battle officially.)
<~DM> Kappa earns 16 EXP.
<~DM> Kappa also gains $16d11 Rupees.
<@Kappa> $16d11
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 16 Dice with 11 Sides. Result: 11, 7, 1, 3, 10, 6, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 8, 3, 11 and 10. Total: 88.
<~DM> *There's now a very clear path to the doors on the east and west sides of the room.
<@Kappa> (East and West are open, North is locked)
<@Kappa> Hey, Deku and whoever that silent girl is, which door do you want to take?
* Serikka_Tonatsu does not respond. Mute.
<+Cirn0> ((Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvEUruHHxSw))
<@Kappa> Deku?
<~DM> (brb)
* Firiann https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HVy3WVkU6c
* Firiann wheels off to the west. Go west, young man!
* Kappa follows Firiann
* Firiann is, unfortunately, not a man, and yet somehow connects with the not-of-this-world phrase.
* Serikka_Tonatsu follows the party
<Firiann> (phew, at least it's not a jumping puzzle. :P)
<~DM> *You all enter the west wing; where the door behind you slams shut and locks itself with heavy iron bars.
<@Kappa> Shoot!
* Kappa observes the room around him.
<~DM> *The room itself is fairly well lit, due to the small puddles of lava throughout the room. Large stalagmites and stalagcites dot the floor and ceiling. You can spy several figures inside the room.
<~DM> *Looks like a trap*
* Kappa quickly glances the figures and grabs his wand to prepare for battle.
--- BlueShell is now known as LikeLike
--- RedShell is now known as Zol1
--- GreenShell is now known as Zol2
--- BlackShell is now known as Firerobe
* Firiann waves a frond enthusiastically towards the figures.
<~DM> *The figures enter battle stance.
<@Kappa> $init 1d10
<&Navi> Kappa: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
* DM rolls for bonus skill
<~DM> $1d4
<&Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 4 Sides. Result: 1. Total: 1.
<~DM> $1d9
<Firiann> $init 1d10
<&Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 9 Sides. Result: 3. Total: 3.
<&Navi> Firiann: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> $1d11
<&WindStrike> NICE 10'S
<&Navi> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 1 Die with 11 Sides. Result: 5. Total: 5.
<~DM> *Like Like gains the Doubled Affinities bonus!
<&WindStrike> nice roll Serikka
* WindStrike runs.
<+Cirn0> ((Hush it, human))
<LikeLike> $init 1d10
<&Navi> LikeLike: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 8.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> $init 1d11
<&Navi> Serikka_Tonatsu: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 1.
<Zol1> $init 1d10
<&Navi> Zol1: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
<Zol2> $init 1d10
<&Navi> Zol2: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 4.
<Firerobe> $init 1d10
<&Navi> Firerobe: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
<&WindStrike> (should be all of them)
<~DM> $init s
<&Navi> The battle has begun!
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Firerobe (9), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<&Navi> Bonus Turns: Kappa (10) and Firiann (10).
* Kappa switches his wand out for his White Sword and fires a beam of air at LikeLike (Roll Courage!)
<@Kappa> $23d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 23 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 7, 4, 5, 9, 4, 7, 5, 1, 9, 4, 3, 10, 7, 7, 5, 2, 2, 6, 9, 9, 2 and 4. Total: 130. Successes: 15.
<LikeLike> $12d10
<&Navi> LikeLike: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 6, 2, 10, 10, 5, 3, 7, 10, 3, 10 and 8. Total: 82. Successes: 13.
* Kappa rerolls LikeLike
<Firiann> (really, you brought Pizza the Hut into this)
<LikeLike> $12d10
<&Navi> LikeLike: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 1, 2, 3, 10, 2, 7, 3, 1, 6, 1 and 6. Total: 47. Successes: 6.
<@Kappa> 15-6+3 (Bonus Stack) = 12 damage - Defense
<LikeLike> (That is considered physical, right?)
<&WindStrike> (it's physical)
* LikeLike takes 12 damage and wiggles in pain.
<@Kappa> $endturn
<&Navi> Kappa has ended their turn.
<&Navi> Bonus Turns: Kappa (10) and Firiann (10).
<LikeLike> 9h, ?m | Doubled Affinities
<Firiann> (Dat firerobe description: it's totally Black Mage Ominas Crowe)
<Firiann> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1b5HXMfDxc&t=38s
<Firiann> (also lol @ Edea's heel-face turn)
* Firiann attempts to Thwack the Firerobe in the face with her Loot Shovel.
<Firiann> (Roll Power)
<Firiann> $30d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 30 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 5, 3, 9, 5, 9, 1, 1, 10, 4, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 6, 3, 1, 9, 3, 9, 2, 5, 5, 8, 6, 8, 8, 7 and 3. Total: 181. Successes: 24.
<Firerobe> $11d10
<&Navi> Firerobe: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 6, 2, 3, 7, 4, 1, 7, 2, 5 and 9. Total: 52. Successes: 6.
<Firiann> Damage + 1
<Firiann> = 19 damage outgoing
<&WindStrike> +$2d10 (Arcane Blaze Shield)
<&WindStrike> (......not that it matters)
<Firiann> target gets th' Kaboink! Affliction:
<Firiann> A harsh blow t' th' noggin' has left ye dazed.
<Firiann> Target's Wisdom is reduced by 4, and any items he can wield by hand have increased Wisdom requirements by 8.
<Firiann> This stacks infinitely.
<Firiann> Kaboink! lasts for the remainder of the battle.
<&WindStrike> (magic siphon effect from shield should still go off)
* Firerobe takes 19 damage, but also sends out a flaming feedback pulse from its Firefield. (Roll wisdom)
<Firerobe> (Or does that not work?)
<&WindStrike> (it technically works, but it would do 0 damage right now)
<@Kappa> (There should be no FireField, because it hasn't mitigated any damage)
<Firerobe> (Very well.)
* Firerobe takes a blow to the face from a shovel and collapses onto the floor in a firey heap.
<Firerobe> $removeme
<&Navi> Firerobe has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<Firiann> -3 magic from the siphon
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Firiann's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<&Navi> Bonus Turns Over! Round 1 Begins Now!
<Firiann> $endturn
<&Navi> Firiann has ended their turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<Firiann> oh wait
<Firiann> LOL
<~DM> LUL!
<Firiann> 20h-1m
<+Cirn0> ((NICE TIMING))
<&WindStrike> *Reminder on sending actions to DM. The DM should only be copy+pastaing, so if you leave info out, it takes more time to look it up."
* WindStrike uses Action on Target. (Roll [Stat]) | $13d10, +3 Physical Damage etc.
<&WindStrike> *10 minute timer, starto!*
<Firiann> Is DM prepared to receive actions?
<~DM> Almost.
<@Kappa> (Already sent)
<~DM> Enemy Actions Set!
<&WindStrike> *5 minutes on timer.*
<~DM> Waiting on Serikka_Tonatsu and Firiann
--- DM sets mode: #zurpg +v Firiann
--- Kappa sets mode: #zurpg +h Firiann
* DM grabs shotgun.
<~DM> Locked and loaded
<~DM> $turns
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), LikeLike (8), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> * Firiann hocks her trusty Spiked Boomerang at the Like Like ($30d10 | Roll Power | Rebounds on successful strike)
<%Firiann> $30d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 30 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 1, 4, 7, 5, 5, 8, 5, 6, 3, 8, 3, 8, 3, 8, 6, 10, 4, 8, 2, 5, 5, 6, 4, 8, 7, 5, 5, 3 and 7. Total: 164. Successes: 22.
<LikeLike> $12d10
<&Navi> LikeLike: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 9, 1, 6, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, 3, 7 and 9. Total: 62. Successes: 7.
<%Firiann> 15 damage outgoing
* LikeLike is smacked by a deadly spiked boomerang of death, and is made mincemeat of itself.
<LikeLike> $removeme
<&Navi> LikeLike has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<%Firiann> Rebound strikes Zol1 ($26d10 | Roll Power)
<%Firiann> $26d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 1, 5, 10, 2, 2, 9, 6, 10, 9, 8, 9, 6, 3, 10, 1, 7, 3, 6, 5 and 10. Total: 166. Successes: 23.
<%Firiann> o_o
<Zol1> $20d10
<&Navi> Zol1: You rolled 20 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 10, 7, 9, 5, 8, 5, 2, 1, 7, 7, 9, 4, 4, 7, 3, 3, 10, 1 and 9. Total: 115. Successes: 14.
<%Firiann> 9 damage outgoing
<Zol1> 12h, ?m
<~DM> (endturn)
<%Firiann> 30h-1m
<%Firiann> $endturn
<&Navi> Firiann: You cannot end somebody else's turn. Wait until your turn comes up.
<%Firiann> ;P
<&WindStrike> $turns
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol1 (6), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> * Kappa fires another Air Blade from his White Sword at the hapless Like Like (Roll Courage) | $23d10 | +3 Damage is Kappa's successes are at least twice that of Like Like's
<~DM> What Like Like?
<~DM> would you like to redirect this attack?
<@Kappa> *Redirect to Zol1*
<@Kappa> $23d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 23 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 10, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 7, 5, 10, 8, 5, 8, 6, 1, 7, 9, 1, 9, 2, 10 and 6. Total: 127. Successes: 17.
<~DM> $12d10
<&Navi> DM: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 6, 4, 1, 2, 10, 1, 4, 6, 8, 5 and 6. Total: 60. Successes: 8.
* Zol1 takes the roll.
<Zol1> 3h, ?m
<@Kappa> 17-8+3 = 12 damage - Defense
<@Kappa> (Remember Bonus Stack)
* Zol1 takes another 3 damage and splits!
<Zol1> $removeme
<&Navi> Zol1 has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
--- Zol1 is now known as Gel1
--- LikeLike is now known as Gel2
<Gel2> $init j
<Gel1> $init j
<&Navi> Gel2 has entered the fray.
<&Navi> Gel1 has entered the fray.
<&WindStrike> (to clarify, neither Gel get any actions until next round)
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Kappa's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<&WindStrike> (for that matter, if someone uses $init j during the action phase, they don't get to do anything till next round except defend)
--- Firerobe is now known as BlueShell
* Zol2 casts Viel of Flames on the itself as an extra support skill, then does a MEGA-HOP onto Firiann. (Roll Courage!) | $23d10
<Zol2> $23d10
<&Navi> Zol2: You rolled 23 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 2, 10, 9, 5, 1, 10, 1, 8, 10, 1, 9, 10, 10, 3, 6, 7, 1, 6, 4, 9, 6 and 3. Total: 140. Successes: 20.
<%Firiann> ;_;
<%Firiann> $14d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 8, 4, 7, 3, 4, 10, 5, 5, 7, 4, 5, 2 and 10. Total: 76. Successes: 10.
<&WindStrike> lol +6 damage
<Zol2> 20-10=10+4=14+6=20 damage
<@Kappa> (Firiann should live)
* Zol2 also squishes Firiann with its weight.
<%Firiann> Stripped Pirate Shirt -> Incoming Damage - 2
<@Kappa> (She should take 18 damage)
<%Firiann> 2h-1m
<%Firiann> Wait gah
<Zol2> ??h, 3m
<Zol2> $endturn
<&Navi> Zol2 has ended their turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<%Firiann> That's right, but I could've used my shield since I used the boomerang this turn
<%Firiann> ah well
<%Firiann> just 1d
<~DM> * Serikka_Tonatsu attacks Zol1 with the slice of the Potential Blade. Zol1 should roll Courage to defend. | $32d10, no modifiers.
<~DM> Zol1 was splattered; redirect?
* Serikka_Tonatsu redirects to Zol2
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> $32d10
<&Navi> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 9, 5, 4, 3, 9, 3, 8, 4, 4, 5, 9, 4, 4, 6, 5, 2, 4, 4, 1, 10, 10, 9, 1, 6, 7, 7, 3, 7, 6, 1 and 6. Total: 172. Successes: 20.
<Zol2> $12d10
<&Navi> Zol2: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 9, 5, 9, 4, 2, 10, 9, 6, 8, 2 and 8. Total: 80. Successes: 10.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> 20 - 10 = 10 - damage reduction
<Zol2> 11h, 3m
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Serikka_Tonatsu's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<~DM> $endturn
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Gel2's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 1: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<&Navi> DM has ended Gel1's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<&WindStrike> (Here's a funny thought. Potential Blade + Fervor)
<~DM> *********PLANNING PHASE***********
* Serikka_Tonatsu gains a +2 successes on the Potential Blade
* Serikka_Tonatsu also takes a 2 burn damage due to Zol2's Veil of Flames
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> 6h-?m
<~DM> Enemy Actions Set!
<&WindStrike> *Uhhh... forgot the timer, but let's say it's 7 minutes.*
<~DM> (I'm using the *****PLANNING PHASE******** thing as the start of the timer.)
<~DM> Waiting on Serikka_Tonatsu and Firiann
<&WindStrike> (ah... I've got timestamps off, that's why)
<~DM> Still waiting on Serikka_Tonatsu. 3 minutes.
<~DM> Alrighty.
<~DM> Locked & loaded.
<~DM> $turns
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<~DM> *Firiann feels safe under the comfort of the blob and elects to remain underneath it and recover.
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Firiann's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1), Gel2 (0) and Gel1 (0).
<~DM> * Kappa trades his sword for his Wizzrobe Wand and fires a dispersed blast of Magic at all enmies (Roll Wisdom) | $22d10 | +3 damage if success are at least twice as much as the enemies' defenses
<@Kappa> $22d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 22 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 9, 8, 10, 4, 8, 6, 7, 9, 8, 5, 6, 5, 5, 8, 3, 6 and 8. Total: 133. Successes: 18.
* Gel2 is SCREWED with its 0 wisdom.
* Gel1 also has 0 wisdom.
<Zol2> $9d10
<&Navi> Zol2: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 6, 3, 5, 8, 3, 4, 1 and 6. Total: 40. Successes: 4.
* Gel2 is disentegrated instantly by the blast of magic.
<@Kappa> 18-4/2 +3 = 10 Damage - Defense
* Gel1 is disentegrated instantly by the blast of magic.
<Gel2> (or not.)
<Gel2> (actually, scratch that.)
<@Kappa> (Gel has 5 Hearts)
<Gel2> Still screwed.
<Gel2> $removeme
<&Navi> Gel2 has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4), Serikka_Tonatsu (1) and Gel1 (0).
<Gel1> $removeme
<&Navi> Gel1 has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<Zol2> 1h, 3m
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Kappa's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
* Zol2 casts Guard on itself.
<Zol2> 1h, 1m | Guard
<Zol2> $endturn
<&Navi> Zol2 has ended their turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 2: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> * Serikka_Tonatsu hammers one of the Gels (Gel1) with a Anima Hammer. Gel rolls Power. | $21d10, +2 damage.
<~DM> Redirect?
* Serikka_Tonatsu doesn't redirect.
* Firiann feels even safer.
* Serikka_Tonatsu ends up canceling?
<&WindStrike> *The floor accepts your hammer.*
<~DM> *The floor accept your hammer*
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Serikka_Tonatsu's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 3: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
* Firiann recalls bad incidents with stomping and concrete floors...
<~DM> ******** PLANNING PHASE *****************
<&WindStrike> (lol, just realized... if you try to pick it up Firiann, you take 2 burn damage from Veil of Flames, but if you sit there, you're safe)
<%Firiann> yeaaaaaaah
<~DM> Enemy Action Set!
<%Firiann> Except it hasn't cast that yet, has it?
<%Firiann> It's just got guard.
<&WindStrike> first round it cast it
<Gel2> Right.
<%Firiann> No
<Gel2> I forgot about that.
<%Firiann> It megahopped on me
<Gel2> It does have it.
<%Firiann> oh
<%Firiann> extra support skill
<Gel2> * Zol2 casts Viel of Flames on the itself as an extra support skill, then does a MEGA-HOP onto Firiann. (Roll Courage!) | $23d10
<%Firiann> got it
--- Gel2 is now known as RedShell
--- Gel1 is now known as GreenShell
<Zol2> 1h, 1m | Guard | Veil of Flames
<~DM> Waiting on Firiann.
<~DM> $turns
<&Navi> ROUND 3: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> *Firiann feels safe under the comfort of the blob and elects to remain underneath it and recover.
<~DM> 2nd round.
<~DM> $endturn
<&Navi> DM has ended Firiann's turn.
<&Navi> ROUND 3: Firiann (10), Kappa (10), Zol2 (4) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
<~DM> * Kappa trades his wand for his White Sword and peforms a Spin Attack on Zol2 (Roll Courage!) | $21d10, +1 damage
<@Kappa> $21d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 21 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 2, 6, 3, 10, 7, 7, 7, 8, 5, 3, 2, 6, 10, 9, 9, 3, 2, 4, 8 and 7. Total: 127. Successes: 16.
<Zol2> $12d10
<&Navi> Zol2: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 2, 8, 9, 1, 3, 1, 6, 7, 10, 10 and 6. Total: 65. Successes: 9.
* Zol2 splits into two gel!
<Zol2> $removeme
<&Navi> Zol2 has removed theirself from battle.
<&Navi> ROUND 3: Firiann (10), Kappa (10) and Serikka_Tonatsu (1).
--- Zol2 is now known as Gel1
<Gel1> $inir j
<Gel1> $init j
<&Navi> Gel1 has entered the fray.
<@Kappa> *The shockwave hits the Gel! Roll Wisdom!*
--- GreenShell is now known as Gel2
<Gel2> $init j
<&Navi> Gel2 has entered the fray.
<@Kappa> $21d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 21 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 8, 3, 3, 9, 6, 4, 4, 1, 10, 7, 8, 3, 3, 4, 5, 9, 5, 8, 3 and 7. Total: 116. Successes: 13.
* Firiann is simultaneously relieved and disappointed by her re-emergence into open air.
<Gel2> *The shockwave misses the gel since it ocurred before the split*
<@Kappa> (OBJECTION!)
<&WindStrike> (sword strike hits first, shockwave hits as a result of sword strike)
<&WindStrike> (so sword strike hits, zol dies and splits, then shockwave hits)
<~DM> Very well.
<~DM> $init r
<&Navi> DM: The bot has been reset.
<@Kappa> Ugh..
<&WindStrike> "If the attack is successful, a wave of energy hits all enemies, including the one you just hit.
<&WindStrike> Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice / Damage is halved"
--- Gel2 is now known as GreenShell
<%Firiann> https://soundcloud.com/virtjk/fusion-cha...ell-object
<@Kappa> 13h 10m
--- Gel1 is now known as BlackShell
<%Firiann> eh, it makes an okay victory theme too
<~DM> +67 EXP
<~DM> +$67d11 Rupees
* Kappa Levels up!
<&WindStrike> (level up much?)
<@Kappa> $67d10
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 67 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 360. Successes: 40.
<@Kappa> Derp
<&WindStrike> d11, not d10
<@Kappa> $67d11
<&Navi> Kappa: You rolled 67 Dice with 11 Sides. Total: 429.
<+Serikka_Tonatsu> $67d11
<&Navi> Serikka_Tonatsu: You rolled 67 Dice with 11 Sides. Total: 374.
<&WindStrike> $3d3
<&Navi> WindStrike: You rolled 3 Dice with 3 Sides. Result: 3, 1 and 2. Total: 6.
* Firiann levels up...
<~DM> Arcane Blaze Shield, 4 Magic Jars, 2 level 10 Fire Scrolls and 2 level 10 Nature Scrolls drop.
* Serikka_Tonatsu takes the fire scrolls
<&WindStrike> + 1 Restoration Heart, 1 Magic Jar, and 1 RP
<%Firiann> $67d10
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 67 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 361. Successes: 45.
<&WindStrike> lolfailx2
<%Firiann> wait
<%Firiann> what
<%Firiann> $67d11
<&Navi> Firiann: You rolled 67 Dice with 11 Sides. Total: 367.
<~DM> *So with the room cleared, you still realize you're locked in. Maybe mopping the floor with the enemies isn't what was needed? Though it appears this room is a dead-end. Maybe something has to happen with the stalagmites and stalagcites in the room?
* Firiann grabs desparately for the Restoration Heart.
<%Firiann> er
<%Firiann> desperately
<~DM> (Auto-ending in 25 minutes.)
* Kappa takes a Nature Scroll.
* Serikka_Tonatsu levels up
<%Firiann> (Hah! Search functionality IS still there)
<&WindStrike> (I thought it breaks things when you try it)
* Kappa takes the Magic Jar
<%Firiann> (Nope)
<~DM> *A closer look at the room reveals a ledge higher-up on the north wall. It is roughly 20 feet off of the floor*
<%Firiann> (well)
<%Firiann> (the HIGHLIGHTING does, but you can remove that)
<%Firiann> (It's just a URL param)
* Firiann takes a bite out of the juicy heart.
* Serikka_Tonatsu increases hearts by two and magic by three
<%Firiann> (increase in max hearts from leveling does not increase current hearts, correct?)
<@Kappa> (It does)
<%Firiann> +2 hearts from level up, +6 from restoration heart => 10h-1m
<%Firiann> https://www.google.com/search?q=stalagcite
* Firiann is in no condition to try hovering at the moment.
<@Kappa> Does anyone have a Hookshot?
* Firiann moves towards the center of the room and peers around at the arrangement of formations in the cavern.
* Serikka_Tonatsu attempts to hookshot... Somewhere?
<~DM> *Hookshot? What hookshot targets?*
* Serikka_Tonatsu attempts to hookshot a floating stalatuisdlbfegklewlkkasnc
* Serikka_Tonatsu watches as nothing useful happens
<~DM> *The hookshot bounces off with a loud *PING*
<&WindStrike> (20 feet off the floor = 20 courage successes if someone wants to jump up there)
<~DM> *though the stalagmite begins to form a crack.
<%Firiann> "How are the stalagmites and stalagtites arranged?"
<~DM> *As you take a closer look at the room, it appears the stalagmites on the ceiling of the room are positioned above the various lava pools in the room. The stalagtites just block your field of view from certain angles, they can be ignored.
<~DM> *The stalagmite Serikka_Tonatsu whacked cracks even further, and falls from the ceiling. It lands in the lava pool closest to the ledge.
<~DM> *it forms a new platform roughly 15 feet off the ground.
<+Cirn0> ((What ledge?))
<+Cirn0> ((THE ledge?))
<~DM> *The ledge on the north wall*
* Firiann shrugs and begins thwacking stalagtites with her shovel.
<%Firiann> (*gah now you have me doing it)
<%Firiann> *stalactite
<~DM> *Firiann waves helplessly at the air*
<%Firiann> (thumsup)
<~DM> *The air is unamused.
<%Firiann> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thums_Up
* Firiann sighs and tries her boomerang instead.
* Serikka_Tonatsu looks to see if there are any more floating stalageiufgwuf that are reachable by a hookshot from where she is standing.
<~DM> *the boomerand flies out of Firiann's mouth and whacks another stalagmite; causing it to crack.
<~DM> *there are 3 more stalagmites; one which has begun to crack*
* Kappa fires a blast of magic at the base of another Stalagmite
* Serikka_Tonatsu attempts to stalamfgcoweyowel hookshot a floating dfgkewgw that has yet to crack into a Cacktorok
* Firiann continues lambasting rock with spike send-and-return objects.
<~DM> *The remaining two stalagmites begin cracking; and then the 3 drop into the pools below; putting out the light in the room. Though you can see a soft glow from the ledge above.
<~DM> *That glow illuminates enough for you to see there's a psuedo staircase upward to the ledge on the north wall.
* Kappa follows the psuedo staircase up.
* Serikka_Tonatsu jumps up the psuedo staircase upwards
<~DM> *up on the ledge, you can see light emitting from the north wall
<@Kappa> Can barely make out jack here.
<~DM> *There appears to be another room just on the other side of the wall.
* Firiann upwards skips up steps that raise upwardly.
<@Kappa> Now, how do we get over there?
<~DM> *You can also feel a breeze coming through a crack in the wall.
* Firiann sighs.
* Firiann hocks a bomb out without warning, sending it tumbling against the wall.
<~DM> *The bomb explodes, ... and takes the wall with it!
<~DM> *A chime sounds*
* Firiann mumbles, "...s'last one too..."
<@Kappa> I've got three more, Deku.
* Serikka_Tonatsu is waiting silently
<~DM> *Do you enter the new room?*
* Kappa enters the new room.
<~DM> *You enter the new room, as the screen fades to white...
<~DM> Loading. ...
* Serikka_Tonatsu enters the new froom
<~DM> ---===== QUEST PAUSE =====---