If one were to say what the day is in ZURPG, what would it be?
It'd be different depending which land you're in.Termina - Based on when Link defeated Skull Kid and the moon was destroyed. ZURPG started 40 seasons after that (aka, 10 years).
It is currently the 46nd season - Summer.
Subrosia - Doesn't really have seasons since there's always lava everywhere all year round. Instead, it just goes off of Hyrule's time.
Romania - The year is currently 1594 A.D.
It'd be different depending which land you're in.
- Rather than months or years, time is listed by seasons and days. Each season has 90 days, though we'll probably only need to say what season it is.
- Hyrule - Based on when Link defeated Ganondorf. ZURPG started 12 seasons after that (aka, 3 years).
- It is currently the 18th season - Summer.