Melizea & Nigel

Space for Rent
Session 1 Synopsis
Last time, our heroes had chanced an encounter to the Zurulian Castle, holding a briefing with the princess. After having been informed of the various fractures materializing among the land — and a more recent one directly south of the city — the squad of adventurers set themselves towards Lanky's Guildhouse to prepare. While trekking on the streets, they happened upon a young woman named Annalia, who introduced herself briefly and joined the crew.
The party entered the Guildhouse, which was packed full of adventurers, and met the owner — a large, burly man with an upbeat attitude named Lanky. He briefed the heroes in on Princess Gilda's orders, preparing a few rupees and items for their expedition. Lanky additionally notified that there is a Quest Board they can look at for side-assignments to the mission they were tasked.
Analyzing the quests posted on the wall, you noticed a few of them mentioned the various rifts around Zurule. One had mentioned a fracture spawning beasts in a temple within the Forest of Mushrooms southeast of the city, another addressed some landmasses of the Demolition Ridge up northeast being ripped apart ever since the fissure materialized, and a more recent posting of an enormous tree emerging near the centre of the fields — the one the party was sent for.
Most of the other crevice-related quests were usually either requesting some supplies for stationed guards, investigating the area to ensure the recently-established barrier was undisturbed, or simply too far from Zurule City for your party to consider taking up. There was an additional quest by a Goriya living in the cave seeking some Meat Delicacy Meal made of various monster parts cooked together. Various adventurers in the Guildhouse also gave the party some advice, mostly just stocking up on supplies from the shop and being wary of unknown dangers.
It was getting pretty dark, so the crew decided to stay at the Guildhouse to rest up for adventure. Daybreak comes by, and you all get ready to exit Zurule City.
Analyzing the quests posted on the wall, you noticed a few of them mentioned the various rifts around Zurule. One had mentioned a fracture spawning beasts in a temple within the Forest of Mushrooms southeast of the city, another addressed some landmasses of the Demolition Ridge up northeast being ripped apart ever since the fissure materialized, and a more recent posting of an enormous tree emerging near the centre of the fields — the one the party was sent for.
Most of the other crevice-related quests were usually either requesting some supplies for stationed guards, investigating the area to ensure the recently-established barrier was undisturbed, or simply too far from Zurule City for your party to consider taking up. There was an additional quest by a Goriya living in the cave seeking some Meat Delicacy Meal made of various monster parts cooked together. Various adventurers in the Guildhouse also gave the party some advice, mostly just stocking up on supplies from the shop and being wary of unknown dangers.
It was getting pretty dark, so the crew decided to stay at the Guildhouse to rest up for adventure. Daybreak comes by, and you all get ready to exit Zurule City.
The party obtained the following from Lanky, courtesy of Princess Gilda:
- 500 Rupees per person.
- Two Ariadne Threads for the entire party — instantly teleports the current party back to Zurule City.
- One Fae Ointment — prevents near-death experiences on a live ally, OR revives an already-dead ally to 3 Hearts.
- One Blue Chu Jelly per person — gives a passive regeneration of 3 Hearts & Magic for three rounds.
Zurulean Market (Consumables)
Ariadne Thread
Costs 200 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- RESTRICTIONS 1: Can only be used in Zurule.
- RESTRICTIONS 2: Can only be used outside of combat.
- DESCRIPTION: A mystifying piece of thread that'll instantly warp you back to Zurule City. You can even take your allies with you! Nifty, huh?
- EFFECT: Instantly teleports you and your current party back to Zurule City. Afterwards, this thread disintegrates.
Buy this Thread
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[box=Ariadne Thread]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]100[/Rupees]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS 1[/b]: Can only be used in [b]Zurule[/b].
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS 2[/b]: Can only be used outside of combat.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A mystifying piece of thread that'll instantly warp you back to [b]Zurule City[/b]. You can even take your allies with you! Nifty, huh?
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Instantly teleports you and [u]your current party[/u] back to [b]Zurule City[/b]. Afterwards, this thread disintegrates.
Analysis Scope
Costs 1000 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 500 Rupees
- RESTRICTIONS 1: Can only be used in Zurule.
- RESTRICTIONS 2: Can only be used during combat.
- DESCRIPTION: A mystifying pair of glasses that'll allow you to view the stats of an opponent. Nifty, huh?
- EFFECT: View the stats of an enemy. Afterwards, these lenses distinegrates.
Buy this Scope
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[box=Analysis Scope]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]500[/Rupees]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS 1[/b]: Can only be used in [b]Zurule[/b].
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS 2[/b]: Can only be used during combat.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A mystifying pair of glasses that'll allow you to view the stats of an opponent. Nifty, huh?
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: View the stats of an enemy. Afterwards, these lenses distinegrates.
Fae Ointment
Costs 1000 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 500 Rupees
- RESTRICTIONS: Can only be used in Zurule.
- DESCRIPTION: A strange jar of ointment made of fairy powder and bone dust. Using it can prevent near death experiences and even revive the fallen. No fairies were harmed during the making of this.
- EFFECT A: Apply it on a dead ally to revive them to 3 Hearts.
- EFFECT B: Apply this to yourself or an ally to obtain the Fae Ointment Effect:
- If you happen to die, you instantly revive to half of your Maximum Hearts.
- This effect cannot be removed by any means whatsoever, except for dying.
Buy this Ointment
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[box=Fae Ointment]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]500[/Rupees]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: Can only be used in [b]Zurule[/b].
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A strange jar of ointment made of fairy powder and bone dust. Using it can prevent near death experiences and even revive the fallen. No fairies were harmed during the making of this.
[*][b]EFFECT A[/b]: Apply it on a dead ally to revive them to [Hearts]3[/Hearts].
[*][b]EFFECT B[/b]: Apply this to yourself or an ally to obtain the [color=Yellow][b]Fae Ointment[/b][/color] Effect:
[*]If you happen to die, you instantly revive to half of your [b]Maximum [Hearts][/b].
[*]This effect cannot be removed by any means whatsoever, except for dying.
Moblin Meat
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A piece of flesh ripped straight out of a Moblin. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your Damage.
- EFFECT: Consume this to increase your Damage by 2.
- DURATION: Remainder of the battle.
Buy this food
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[box=Moblin Meat]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A piece of flesh ripped straight out of a [b]Moblin[/b]. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your [b]Damage[/b].
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to increase your [b]Damage[/b] by 2.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Remainder of the battle.
Octorok Tentacle
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A slimy tentacle from an Octorok. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your Armor.
- EFFECT: Consume this to increase your Armor by 2.
- DURATION: Remainder of the battle.
Buy this food
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[box=Octorok Tentacle]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A slimy tentacle from an [b]Octorok[/b]. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your [b][Armor][/b].
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to increase your [b][Armor][/b] by 2.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Remainder of the battle.
Wolfos Meat
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A piece of meat ripped straight out of a Wolfos. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your Attack Dice.
- EFFECT: Consume this to increase your Attack Dice by 2.
- DURATION: Remainder of the battle.
Buy this food
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[box=Wolfos Meat]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A piece of meat ripped straight out of a [b]Wolfos[/b]. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your [b][Attack Dice][/b].
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to increase your [b][Attack Dice][/b] by 2.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Remainder of the battle.
Keese Wing
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A wingpiece from a Keese. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your Defense Dice.
- EFFECT: Consume this to increase your Defense Dice by 2.
- DURATION: Remainder of the battle.
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[box=Keese Wing]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A wingpiece from a [b]Keese[/b]. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your [b][Defense Dice][/b].
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to increase your [b][Defense Dice][/b] by 2.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Remainder of the battle.
Leever Skin
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A piece of skin from a Leever. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your Power.
- EFFECT: Consume this to increase your Power by 2.
- DURATION: Remainder of the battle.
Buy this food
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[box=Leever Skin]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A piece of skin from a [b]Leever[/b]. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your [Power].
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to increase your [Power] by 2.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Remainder of the battle.
Lizalfos Scale
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A piece of scale from a Lizalfos. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your Courage.
- EFFECT: Consume this to increase your Courage by 2.
- DURATION: Remainder of the battle.
Buy this food
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[box=Lizalfos Scale]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A piece of scale from a [b]Lizalfos[/b]. Ew. You can consume this to somehow increase your [Courage].
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to increase your [Courage] by 2.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Remainder of the battle.
Wizzrobe Soul
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A piece of soul from a Wizzrobe. Um. You can consume this to somehow increase your Wisdom.
- EFFECT: Consume this to increase your Wisdom by 2.
- DURATION: Remainder of the battle.
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[box=Wizzrobe Soul]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A piece of soul from a [b]Wizzrobe[/b]. Um. You can consume this to somehow increase your [Wisdom].
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to increase your [Wisdom] by 2.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Remainder of the battle.
Red Chu Jelly
Costs 400 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A piece of jelly from a ChuChu. Ew. You can consume this to regenerate your Health.
- EFFECT 1: Consume this to recover 3 Hearts.
- EFFECT 2: At the start of each round, you recover 3 Hearts.
- DURATION: Three rounds.
Buy this Jelly
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[box=Red Chu Jelly]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]200[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A piece of jelly from a [b]ChuChu[/b]. Ew. You can consume this to regenerate your Health.
[*][b]EFFECT 1[/b]: Consume this to recover [Hearts]3[/Hearts].
[*][b]EFFECT 2[/b]: At the start of each round, you recover [Hearts]3[/Hearts].
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Three rounds.
Green Chu Jelly
Costs 400 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A piece of jelly from a ChuChu. Ew. You can consume this to regenerate your Magic.
- EFFECT 1: Consume this to recover 3 Magic.
- EFFECT 2: At the start of each round, you recover 3 Magic.
- DURATION: Three rounds.
Buy this Jelly
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[box=Green Chu Jelly]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]200[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A piece of jelly from a [b]ChuChu[/b]. Ew. You can consume this to regenerate your [Magic].
[*][b]EFFECT 1[/b]: Consume this to recover [Magic]3[/Magic].
[*][b]EFFECT 2[/b]: At the start of each round, you recover [Magic]3[/Magic].
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Three rounds.
Blue Chu Jelly
Costs 600 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 300 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A rare piece of jelly from a ChuChu. Ew. You can consume this to regenerate your Health and Magic.
- EFFECT 1: Consume this to recover 3 Hearts & Magic.
- EFFECT 2: At the start of each round, you recover 3 Hearts & Magic.
- DURATION: Three rounds.
Buy this Jelly
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[box=Blue Chu Jelly]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]300[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A rare piece of jelly from a [b]ChuChu[/b]. Ew. You can consume this to regenerate your Health and [Magic].
[*][b]EFFECT 1[/b]: Consume this to recover [b]3 [Hearts] & [Magic][/b].
[*][b]EFFECT 2[/b]: At the start of each round, you recover [b]3 [Hearts] & [Magic][/b].
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Three rounds.