After the current main quest is over, I will be taking a short break as DM for two reasons:
The only requirement is that if there are any items in the quest that are either given to players or can be stolen, they have to be run by me first. I will assist with enemy designs, making things in general, but I do NOT want to know the story of your quest. I as a player don't want to know everything that's going to happen. I won't be able to roleplay my character properly if I know what's going to happen, and I REALLY want to try my hand at roleplaying in ZURPG, should help me in DMing.
Things you need to set up for a quest as a DM:Setting
Hyrule? Termina? Subrosia? Death Mountain? Northern Hyrule? This will help you determine the enemies and NPCs of the area.
Not required. Depends on the story. If you want a lot of roleplaying in your quest, I am going to recommend at least one NPC.
ZURPG is at least half in-battle gameplay, so yes, these genuinely are required.
The actual enemies in the quest should be dependent on the setting.
You're welcome to use existing enemies, use them as templates for modified versions, or create completely new enemies. If you need help, prod me.
I'll help with boss enemies, but I personally would rather not, because I don't want to even know what it is as a player. Surprise me, but if you absolutely need help here, then prod me.
Not required, but can be necessity if it's part of the story.
You will need to pass all items by me. Although this is a PvE centric game, I'll need to make sure the items given in your quest aren't broken for future quests and the like.
In general, I don't care what you have for items in here, but I'm sticking two restrictions:
No Triforce (duh)
No Master Sword
In general, avoid using items in the quest that really should be reserved for high level requirements.
I have tried this in the past with mixed results. If you can think of a puzzle that can work reasonably in ZURPG given that it's text-based, I say go for it. Just be careful and make sure ALL the hints are there. It shouldn't be obscure or really hard.
Puzzles are often an integral part of Zelda, so I've been wanting to try my hand at them in ZURPG.
More than anything, once you've got the story and setting down, write an outline of how the quest will probably go. Think of this as a roughtdraft for the quest. It may not necessarily end up this way, but it's going to help you a lot, both with designing the quest and DMing it.
Designing a quest of 1-2 session length max is at least 2 hours of work. For me, it's on average 3-5 hours, most of that being spent in enemy design since I'm usually writing a bunch of new ones from scratch and trying to create synergies and the like.
If you want a private forum that only you can see so that you can organize things, prod me.
This is pretty much just a baseline of things for a ZURPG quest design. If you're thinking of trying your hand at DMing and you want more elaboration on anything, just prod me, be it private chat or PM.
- Work for the next main quest that I'm setting up (Termina time!).
- I would like to play this game as a player myself.
The only requirement is that if there are any items in the quest that are either given to players or can be stolen, they have to be run by me first. I will assist with enemy designs, making things in general, but I do NOT want to know the story of your quest. I as a player don't want to know everything that's going to happen. I won't be able to roleplay my character properly if I know what's going to happen, and I REALLY want to try my hand at roleplaying in ZURPG, should help me in DMing.
Things you need to set up for a quest as a DM:
- Story
- This doesn't have to be complicated. Can be something as simple as a fetch quest or escort quest, but you're welcome to go for something complex if you want.
- I'll throw ideas and suggestions at you, but I don't want to know what it is. Please do not tell me.
More than anything, once you've got the story and setting down, write an outline of how the quest will probably go. Think of this as a roughtdraft for the quest. It may not necessarily end up this way, but it's going to help you a lot, both with designing the quest and DMing it.
Designing a quest of 1-2 session length max is at least 2 hours of work. For me, it's on average 3-5 hours, most of that being spent in enemy design since I'm usually writing a bunch of new ones from scratch and trying to create synergies and the like.
If you want a private forum that only you can see so that you can organize things, prod me.
This is pretty much just a baseline of things for a ZURPG quest design. If you're thinking of trying your hand at DMing and you want more elaboration on anything, just prod me, be it private chat or PM.