Dev, DM

Map of Kakariko Village
Currently being remade...
Shikashi's House
- A one-story house with two rooms and an attic. The house belongs to the village elder, Shikashi.
Carpenter's House
- A large, two-story house with a carpenter's workstation on the bottom floor and bedrooms for each of the carpenters on the second floor. The house belongs to Mutoh.
- Its other inhabitants include the carpenters: Ichiro, Jiro, and Sabooru.
Impa's House
- A one-story house with two rooms, an attic, and an outdoor Pen attached to it. The house belongs to Impa.
- Impa herself is rarely seen there. Instead, Mutoh's daughter Anju resides there.
- A large one-room house arranged as a shop on the interior. The house belongs to ---.
- Fill it in, folks! Reference photo is here.
Granny's Potions
- A two-room house, the front room designed as a shop, and the back room is a bedroom for the owner, Granny.
Skulltula House
- A one-room house with a high ceiling. The house belongs to the Fabulously Rich Family.
- Fill the NPCs for the family in, folks! Keep in mind they're all Skulltulas.
- Rumors say there's something below the house.
Shooting Gallery
- A two-room house, the front room designed as a shooting gallery, and the back room is a bedroom for the owner, ---.
- Fill it in, folks! Reference photo is here.
- A large windmill owned by Guru-Guru.
- An orchard that grows a variety of fruits. It is owned by ---.
- Fill it in, folks!
Points of Interest
- Tree:
- No really, there's a random tree at the south side of the village that seems to contain random secrets.
- Some village folks have a tendency to lounge or dance around this tree.

Mima's Music Shop
A medium-sized, two-room building which serves as both a shop and home for it's owner, Mima. Sitting adjacent and to the right to the shop, the shop sees itself in a position where people are easily willing to visit both shops to gear up on adventure despite the altitude differences. This position also means it is usually shaded by both the other shop and the wall; remaining cool throughout summer though it can get a bit on the chilly side during the winter. There are windows looking into the front room, which is set out somewhat like a shop. There are instruments; namely an Ocarina and a Baton, placed on display in said windows. There is a door leading from the outside into the front room from the front of the house. There is also a sign with a big blue Ocarina painted on behind the big bold white letters "Mima's Music Shop" which were painted on top of said Ocarina placed directly above the door.
Walking into the front room, you are greeted with the room being arranged in a manner somewhat like a shop, in the sense that there is a desk (with a movable component, to allow access past it) blocking access the lone doorway into the back room with music instruments being showcased on display on a rack on the back wall of the room. On the left hand side of the room sits a wooden chair in the middle of a set of stools, arranged in a layout best suited for teaching songs. On the wall behind said chair is a parchment poster, containing a list of all of the songs that the shop can teach written on it, hanging from it via a metal peg. The room itself contains several lanterns, each of which are lit when the room is in attendance to provide adequate lighting for those who wish to walk in. A pink and red carpet is placed on the floor, leading from the doorway all the way to the desk.
When you enter the back room, you immediately notice a desk against the left hand side of the room with a brightly decorated fabric laid atop of it, sited nest to a large bookcase that backs up against the top left corner containing books written about many subjects as well as diagrams for possible instruments. On the wall above the desk is a poster, depicting the 8 mythical Sirens' Instruments of Koholint and the vague settings they are kept in, and an old picture of a young Hal and Harvey playing with a Mima who was slightly older than them. A fairly drab bed is set up alongside the opposite wall, behind a somewhat tall stack of storage boxes containing the parts and tools needed to assemble instruments. A row of earthenware pots can be seen set up above the doorframe at the entrance to the room. Several oil lamps are placed around the room, keeping it ambily lit when in attendance.
The wall directly behind the desk is rather odd. When lightly tapped, one can hear a hollow sound. Additionally, those who can sense Magic energy would notice an unusually high level of magic power in the general area.
Walking into the front room, you are greeted with the room being arranged in a manner somewhat like a shop, in the sense that there is a desk (with a movable component, to allow access past it) blocking access the lone doorway into the back room with music instruments being showcased on display on a rack on the back wall of the room. On the left hand side of the room sits a wooden chair in the middle of a set of stools, arranged in a layout best suited for teaching songs. On the wall behind said chair is a parchment poster, containing a list of all of the songs that the shop can teach written on it, hanging from it via a metal peg. The room itself contains several lanterns, each of which are lit when the room is in attendance to provide adequate lighting for those who wish to walk in. A pink and red carpet is placed on the floor, leading from the doorway all the way to the desk.
When you enter the back room, you immediately notice a desk against the left hand side of the room with a brightly decorated fabric laid atop of it, sited nest to a large bookcase that backs up against the top left corner containing books written about many subjects as well as diagrams for possible instruments. On the wall above the desk is a poster, depicting the 8 mythical Sirens' Instruments of Koholint and the vague settings they are kept in, and an old picture of a young Hal and Harvey playing with a Mima who was slightly older than them. A fairly drab bed is set up alongside the opposite wall, behind a somewhat tall stack of storage boxes containing the parts and tools needed to assemble instruments. A row of earthenware pots can be seen set up above the doorframe at the entrance to the room. Several oil lamps are placed around the room, keeping it ambily lit when in attendance.
The wall directly behind the desk is rather odd. When lightly tapped, one can hear a hollow sound. Additionally, those who can sense Magic energy would notice an unusually high level of magic power in the general area.
Skulltula House
Approaching the house, you immediately notice something off about it; the windows leading inwards are permanently boarded up, preventing anyone from seeing the horrors inside the house from the outside outside of a tiny silt left by the gaps in the wooden planks, and the exterior of the house appearing neglected. In place of a lush garden growing by the porch of the house is an infestation of weeds, quick to take advantage and flourish in the the owners' inability to care for it. The roof of the house looks like it is missing a good deal of tiles, many having fallen off in the negligence shown by the scared community of the village. Some of the wood used to decorate the exterior has cracked or rotted, as well as vines attempting to seep their way through to keep a foothold on their ascent up the house walls.
As you walk into the small, single room, house; you are greeted with an unusually dark and dusty presence. Dust has settled everywhere, staining everything residing the house with the grey-brown residue that dust forms. The entirety of the interior where the silts in the boarded windows do not let light through during the day is in total darkness, from not having any lanterns on at all in the building since the inhabitants became Skulltulas. Every last surface of the interior is covered in the cobweb left by the Skulltula family, making even the casual venture in a hassle with entanglement possibly lurking in every which corner of the house. Those who are brave enough to venture in without getting scared away by the Skulltula family's appearance and get past the dust and cobwebs can make out a living room; a sofa facing a fireplace on the left hand side of the place, a bench used for preparing food at the back of the house, a wooden table and chairs for eating at in the middle and a set of beds for all of the family being set at the right hand side of the room.
The whole house is supported by a set of four thick wooden beams which stand in a rectangle in the room, closer to the edges than to the middle. A close inspection of the entire house would reveal a wealth of luxurious items owned by the family; including a gold-framed painting set above the fireplace, a golden grandfather clock beside the fireplace and two very expensive-looking swords mounted together at the back of the house away from the bench.
Underneath the grandfather clock is a small section of wooden floorboards that is covered in unusually thick concentrations of web, nearly completely obscured from outside view...
As you walk into the small, single room, house; you are greeted with an unusually dark and dusty presence. Dust has settled everywhere, staining everything residing the house with the grey-brown residue that dust forms. The entirety of the interior where the silts in the boarded windows do not let light through during the day is in total darkness, from not having any lanterns on at all in the building since the inhabitants became Skulltulas. Every last surface of the interior is covered in the cobweb left by the Skulltula family, making even the casual venture in a hassle with entanglement possibly lurking in every which corner of the house. Those who are brave enough to venture in without getting scared away by the Skulltula family's appearance and get past the dust and cobwebs can make out a living room; a sofa facing a fireplace on the left hand side of the place, a bench used for preparing food at the back of the house, a wooden table and chairs for eating at in the middle and a set of beds for all of the family being set at the right hand side of the room.
The whole house is supported by a set of four thick wooden beams which stand in a rectangle in the room, closer to the edges than to the middle. A close inspection of the entire house would reveal a wealth of luxurious items owned by the family; including a gold-framed painting set above the fireplace, a golden grandfather clock beside the fireplace and two very expensive-looking swords mounted together at the back of the house away from the bench.
Underneath the grandfather clock is a small section of wooden floorboards that is covered in unusually thick concentrations of web, nearly completely obscured from outside view...