Dev, DM

An old, peaceful man that's lived in Kakariko Village for several generations. Since the fall of Ganondorf, Shikashi has served on Kakariko Village's Council of Elders. He often talks about legends and rumors, both about the village and of the Sheikah.
Goal: Wants peace and prosperity for Kakariko Village.
Importance: Low, could assign quests related to the legends he spreads, that's about it.
Goal: Wants peace and prosperity for Kakariko Village.
Importance: Low, could assign quests related to the legends he spreads, that's about it.
Renado is a long time inhabitant of Kakariko Village, but not the one in this Hyrule. He, along with his daughter, Luda, were mysteriously transported to this land right after Magic became commonplace. Nonetheless, he settled into this land's Kakariko Village and quickly became a favorite among the villagers. He was appointed as one of the three Council of Elders for the village, for his peaceful wisdom. Many people come to tell him about their problems, to which he usually replies that "a problem is a solution that simply needs to be unmasked".
Goal: Wants to return to his Hyrule. Ultimately, he's very kind, but his need to return may overcome his patience.
Importance: Medium, most likely would tag along as an escort on quests. Be wary of him "wandering off course".
Goal: Wants to return to his Hyrule. Ultimately, he's very kind, but his need to return may overcome his patience.
Importance: Medium, most likely would tag along as an escort on quests. Be wary of him "wandering off course".
A man so old, he makes Rauru seem young by comparison. He's only recently settled into Kakariko Village now that he's too old for his "usual travels". Sahasrahla is the last of the three Council of Elders, for he seems to know things about Hyrule that's not even written in the oldest books.
Sahasrahla has a personal distrust of Bloodwind, since he knew the person when he was Wind. He also isn't fond of the wordy folks, especially Ichiro. Of the three elders, he's not unkind, but he doesn't immediately trust others.
Rumor says that Sahasrahla is one the remaining Seven Wise Men. His response? "There are not just seven wise men, but many wise men."
Recently, Sahasrahla has returned to Kakariko Village, after being detained by the Followers of Wisdom in their hideout for a long time.
Goal: Has been searching for ancient artifacts to help defeat "evil". He seems to be anxious to finish finding these artifacts, whatever they are...
Importance: High, would employ/tag along on quests to find these artifacts, all of which would be difficult quests.
Sahasrahla has a personal distrust of Bloodwind, since he knew the person when he was Wind. He also isn't fond of the wordy folks, especially Ichiro. Of the three elders, he's not unkind, but he doesn't immediately trust others.
Rumor says that Sahasrahla is one the remaining Seven Wise Men. His response? "There are not just seven wise men, but many wise men."
Recently, Sahasrahla has returned to Kakariko Village, after being detained by the Followers of Wisdom in their hideout for a long time.
Goal: Has been searching for ancient artifacts to help defeat "evil". He seems to be anxious to finish finding these artifacts, whatever they are...
Importance: High, would employ/tag along on quests to find these artifacts, all of which would be difficult quests.
Mutoh is the leader carpenter of Kakariko Village, father to Anju, and father to his now-deceased son Grog. He used to be a lazy man like the underlings below him and scoff about Grog, but when Grog got lost during Ganondorf's reign and later lost his life, Mutoh changed his ways and became obsessed with work. He's going to make sure Kakariko Village is a place that no inhabitant wants to leave, and a place that's safe against the monstrosities of the world.
Goal: Wants to build Kakariko Village into a grand city like Hyrule Castle like he was originally hired to do by Impa. He wants to build a city that'd make his deceased son Grog proud.
Importance: Low, would start quests for certain materials, nothing more though.
Goal: Wants to build Kakariko Village into a grand city like Hyrule Castle like he was originally hired to do by Impa. He wants to build a city that'd make his deceased son Grog proud.
Importance: Low, would start quests for certain materials, nothing more though.
The only carpenter among Kakariko Village to have never slacked off and always get the job done on time... well, if it wasn't for his lazy partners/brothers. Ichiro idolizes Mutoh, especially now that Mutoh isn't as lazy. As a result, Ichiro, though not even related to Mutoh, looks rather similar - rather large, grizzly, a loose, open shirt, and jeans - just a bit younger. Ichiro is known for being the equivalent of a walking Gossip Stone, always talking about every rumor he hears.
Given his gossip levels, he's only got a few friends. One of them includes Kirran.
Goal: Works under Mutoh just to have a house to live in. Also has a crush on Mutoh's daughter, Anju.
Importance: Low, listen to his gossip for potential quests and tips though.
Ichiro has spread many rumors, including:
Given his gossip levels, he's only got a few friends. One of them includes Kirran.
Goal: Works under Mutoh just to have a house to live in. Also has a crush on Mutoh's daughter, Anju.
Importance: Low, listen to his gossip for potential quests and tips though.
Ichiro has spread many rumors, including:
- You know how Guru Guru is in his Windmill all day long? They say he's building up Magic to take over Hyrule with the great, almighty Song of Storms!
- Mima's a pretty, strong lass. I sure hope the Followers of Wisdom aren't after her ability to control dreams.
- Hey, you know Shikashi, the old man that tells all those Sheikah legends? Maybe HE'S a Sheikah!
- They say that the ghost of the graveyard, Dampe, has not passed on because he's building an army of the undead, using the corpses buried there. How uncivil!
- You see how old Sahasrahla is? Maybe he's one of the famed Seven Wise Men than Shikashi's talked about!
- That housekeeper Sahasrahla has sure is fishy, keeping all of those books to herself. I think she knows the truth behind Sahasrahla. More proof he's one of them Seven Wise Men. Proof, I say!
- Or maybe... maybe Amara IS Sahasrahla in disguise! They're both old, and they both keep the contents of his books a secret. PROOOOOF!
- They say the mountain that houses Lon Lon Ranch is no coincidence. Something lies beneath in that mountain... perhaps a great, great treasure.
- Rumors speak of a small man that has survived countless deaths and explosions. These things would normally tear through armies, yet this small little man named Fran survives. Is he blessed by the powers of the Great Fairy? Or even the Goddesses themselves?
Since Ichiro is the eldest brother, Jiro looks up to him and takes on Ichiro's look, which takes on Mutoh's look. Jiro is a very strong and capable worker, but unfortunately, he's not very reliable and has a tendency to be very lazy, like WindStrike.
Goal: Works under Mutoh just to have a house to live in. Also has a crush on Mutoh's daughter, Anju.
Importance: Low, he's just there to lounge.
Goal: Works under Mutoh just to have a house to live in. Also has a crush on Mutoh's daughter, Anju.
Importance: Low, he's just there to lounge.
Like Jiro and Ichiro, Sabooru takes on the Mutoh look. Sabooru will take on work, but if it's going to dirty his "smooth hands", he's going to constantly complain about it.
Goal: Works under Mutoh just to have a house to live in. Also has a crush on Mutoh's daughter, Anju.
Importance: Low, another flavor character.
Goal: Works under Mutoh just to have a house to live in. Also has a crush on Mutoh's daughter, Anju.
Importance: Low, another flavor character.
Also known as the Cucco Caretaker, Anju has lived in Kakariko Village her whole life. She's a very gentle person and often worries about the well-being of others, though she can be very finicky when it comes to her Cuccos. It's rumored that Anju was the one that trained Cuccos to attack in swarm if one was in danger.
Goal: Tends to the Cuccos and looks after Impa's house. That's about it.
Ulterior Motive: Wants to find lost Sheikah artifacts that potentially reside under Kakariko Village.
Importance: Medium, can ask for quests to help search for said artifacts. Also, don't tick off the Cuccos.
Goal: Tends to the Cuccos and looks after Impa's house. That's about it.
Ulterior Motive: Wants to find lost Sheikah artifacts that potentially reside under Kakariko Village.
Importance: Medium, can ask for quests to help search for said artifacts. Also, don't tick off the Cuccos.
Guru Guru
A very angry looking man that often plays the Song of Storms on his phonograph. Due to complaints by various people, he's had to redesign his phonograph to not make him look like a child offender. It's not intentional, it's just... with his crazed look and the power of the windmill spinning faster and faster with his rampant music playing, it comes off as rather offensive. Occasionally, people have heard this theme when entering the Windmill. It seems the name Guru-Guru is a pun on something, but he refuses to say what.
Although people like to occasionally wander into the Windmill to hear Guru-Guru playing the Song of Storms, it seems people don't really like this guy. Rumor says he's building up Magic in the Windmill in order to spread the Song of Storms across all of Hyrule. Though it seems the reason he plays it is because the song is capable of controlling the water in the Well, but he doesn't remember the exact pace at which to play it, thanks to some mind-warping. Apparently, after seeing a storm appear inside the windmill and hearing that Link caused a paradox involving him, it blew his mind, and he no longer remembers "how Link played it" for him.
Guru Guru has one friend - Mima, who's also interested in music. She asked Guru Guru to teach her how to play the Song of Storms, so the two could play duets.
Goal: Wants to learn how to control the Well again. He also wants the respect of the people, given he's the provider of the water supply.
Importance: Medium. How else are you going to get into the Well? Unless you're a Zora...
Although people like to occasionally wander into the Windmill to hear Guru-Guru playing the Song of Storms, it seems people don't really like this guy. Rumor says he's building up Magic in the Windmill in order to spread the Song of Storms across all of Hyrule. Though it seems the reason he plays it is because the song is capable of controlling the water in the Well, but he doesn't remember the exact pace at which to play it, thanks to some mind-warping. Apparently, after seeing a storm appear inside the windmill and hearing that Link caused a paradox involving him, it blew his mind, and he no longer remembers "how Link played it" for him.
Guru Guru has one friend - Mima, who's also interested in music. She asked Guru Guru to teach her how to play the Song of Storms, so the two could play duets.
Goal: Wants to learn how to control the Well again. He also wants the respect of the people, given he's the provider of the water supply.
Importance: Medium. How else are you going to get into the Well? Unless you're a Zora...
Reggman Stilmor
Reggman is the shopkeeper at Kakariko Village. He often gets mistaken for Monroe from Hyrule Castle Town, but he is prompt to correct them. He has grown up in Kakariko Village and is distantly related to Impah (he's the son of a cousin of her mother). Notwithstanding his different upbringing, he has about the same business sense as Monroe. He is friendly to the customers (that aren't thieves, that is) and is very prudent in his business dealings.
Goal: Wants to maintain his own business in Kakariko. Maybe then people will think he's not Monroe.
Importance: Low, mainly a flavor character.
Goal: Wants to maintain his own business in Kakariko. Maybe then people will think he's not Monroe.
Importance: Low, mainly a flavor character.
Kabiro, the Shooting Expert
Kabiro is a simple man, only keeping the bare necessities in his house (of which hunting is considered a necessity), and loves to teach archery. The Shooting Gallery is his finest attempt at meeting bowmen around Hyrule and sharing tips and secrets for anything involving archery, such as hunting, targeting, etc.
Kabiro is Reggman's brother. They both grew up together in the house that is now Reggman's shop. When they're not working, they enjoy fishing together, sharing tall tales and fish stories around the dinner table in the evenings, and wrestling each other (for fun, not for sport).
Goal: Wants to train the people in the town to fire a bow in case the town is under attack.
Importance: Low, might be able to learn some Archery skills from him though.
Kabiro is Reggman's brother. They both grew up together in the house that is now Reggman's shop. When they're not working, they enjoy fishing together, sharing tall tales and fish stories around the dinner table in the evenings, and wrestling each other (for fun, not for sport).
Goal: Wants to train the people in the town to fire a bow in case the town is under attack.
Importance: Low, might be able to learn some Archery skills from him though.
A former resident of Koholint, Mima is a light and grateful young woman, showing sympathy and compassion towards most others. She now lives in Kakariko Village as the founder and owner of that town's branch of Mima's Music Shop, where she sells magical songs and instruments to locals and travelers alike.
It is worth noting that Mima has the ability to sing the Ballad of the Windfish and is thus has played an important role in protecting Hyrule, to defend the people from Nightmares by teaching various leadership figures all over Hyrule how to play (or sing) it. She is also active in helping out the community of Kakariko Village, though she does often get carried away and forget that she has to run the music shop. This has, on multiple occasions, lead to consumers being at least frustrated thanks to often having to wait for an hour or more after the shop's proper opening time before Mima remembers and returns to do some business in the shop.
Mima does have some skill in combat, though she rarely uses it nowadays. It is only when the town is ravaged by a small group of bandits she does show it, though she rarely kills any of them. She, instead, makes sure that they become incapacitated by tying them together with Magic rope while leaving the rest to the authorities, something which doesn't always work and puts herself at risk against higher levelled bandits should she fail.
Given Mima's formidable ability to drive Nightmares away, rumors say that the Followers of Wisdom are after her. It's a bit odd though, considering no move has been made so far.
Goal: Wants to teach as many people as possible the Ballad of the Windfish in order to drive away Nightmares. She also wants to spread music across the land for its various purposes. She picks up on any music-related news as well.
Importance: Medium. Without her, let the Nightmares resume!
It is worth noting that Mima has the ability to sing the Ballad of the Windfish and is thus has played an important role in protecting Hyrule, to defend the people from Nightmares by teaching various leadership figures all over Hyrule how to play (or sing) it. She is also active in helping out the community of Kakariko Village, though she does often get carried away and forget that she has to run the music shop. This has, on multiple occasions, lead to consumers being at least frustrated thanks to often having to wait for an hour or more after the shop's proper opening time before Mima remembers and returns to do some business in the shop.
Mima does have some skill in combat, though she rarely uses it nowadays. It is only when the town is ravaged by a small group of bandits she does show it, though she rarely kills any of them. She, instead, makes sure that they become incapacitated by tying them together with Magic rope while leaving the rest to the authorities, something which doesn't always work and puts herself at risk against higher levelled bandits should she fail.
Given Mima's formidable ability to drive Nightmares away, rumors say that the Followers of Wisdom are after her. It's a bit odd though, considering no move has been made so far.
Goal: Wants to teach as many people as possible the Ballad of the Windfish in order to drive away Nightmares. She also wants to spread music across the land for its various purposes. She picks up on any music-related news as well.
Importance: Medium. Without her, let the Nightmares resume!
Blane and Lara Lightwall
Blane and Lara Lightwall moved to Kakariko Village some time ago, but even before that they frequented the area. They happened to be visiting Lake Hylia one day when they found a baby boy on the shore of the lake. They inquired with what few locals were there (mostly just the Lake Scientist at the time) and no one knew who the baby belonged to. After informing the Hylian Guard of this lost baby they found, they resolved that if no one would claim him, they would adopt him. Time passed, but still no word about the baby's parents came; so, Blane and Lara officially adopted the baby and named him Joseph.
Blane Lightwall is a farmer. He was born and raised on a farm outside the borders of Hyrule. He married his wife Lara in the same town before setting out on their own. Blane and Lara wanted children, but were unsuccessful at having one. Blane loves family and children and has become good friends with Renado; he enjoys babysitting Luda when Renado has important meetings to go to. Blane lovingly tends to his orchard in Kakariko Village, treating his trees almost as if they were family (while still tending to them as trees ought to be).
Goal: Wants to raise Joseph Lightwall to be a good and loving son, as well as tend to the Kakariko Orchard.
Importance: Low, though his condition could directly influence Joseph.
Lara Lightwall grew up on a farm as well, but was assigned more housework than work in the fields. She fell in love with Blane because of his kind and loving nature toward all creatures. She treats Joseph just like he were her own son, hoping that one day they will discover who his real parents are/were, for his sake. She wants the best for her son and ensured that he received a proper education before he became an adult. She is very kind and friendly, willing to help anyone that is in need. However, Blane has to keep an eye on who she's helping out because she can be a little naive about con-artists.
Goal: Wants to find Joseph's real parents; in the meantime, will help to raise him as her own son.
Importance: Low, though her condition could directly influence Joseph.
Blane Lightwall is a farmer. He was born and raised on a farm outside the borders of Hyrule. He married his wife Lara in the same town before setting out on their own. Blane and Lara wanted children, but were unsuccessful at having one. Blane loves family and children and has become good friends with Renado; he enjoys babysitting Luda when Renado has important meetings to go to. Blane lovingly tends to his orchard in Kakariko Village, treating his trees almost as if they were family (while still tending to them as trees ought to be).
Goal: Wants to raise Joseph Lightwall to be a good and loving son, as well as tend to the Kakariko Orchard.
Importance: Low, though his condition could directly influence Joseph.
Lara Lightwall grew up on a farm as well, but was assigned more housework than work in the fields. She fell in love with Blane because of his kind and loving nature toward all creatures. She treats Joseph just like he were her own son, hoping that one day they will discover who his real parents are/were, for his sake. She wants the best for her son and ensured that he received a proper education before he became an adult. She is very kind and friendly, willing to help anyone that is in need. However, Blane has to keep an eye on who she's helping out because she can be a little naive about con-artists.
Goal: Wants to find Joseph's real parents; in the meantime, will help to raise him as her own son.
Importance: Low, though her condition could directly influence Joseph.
Amara is an old woman that lives at and cares for Sahasrahla's House while he is out (which happens to be all the time, now, ever since he left and has not yet returned). She is a kind old woman that likes to read books; she manages the large number of books found in Sahasrahla's House and makes sure that no one steals them.
Rumors say that she's hoarding the knowledge of the books in Sahasrahla's house. Alongside the rumor that Sahasrahla is one of the Seven Wise Men, another rumor believes Amara is also hoarding and learning ancient spells in his wake. Another crazy rumor says that Amara is Sahasrahla in disguise, buuuut it's probably just one of Ichiro's crazy ideas.
Goal: Wants to safeguard Sahasrahla's library and keep it away from others.
Ulterior Motive: Wants to decipher the knowledge in there, she needs the Book of Mudora. Conveniently, Sahasrahla is away so that she can look for it.
Importance: High. She may be a spy.
Rumors say that she's hoarding the knowledge of the books in Sahasrahla's house. Alongside the rumor that Sahasrahla is one of the Seven Wise Men, another rumor believes Amara is also hoarding and learning ancient spells in his wake. Another crazy rumor says that Amara is Sahasrahla in disguise, buuuut it's probably just one of Ichiro's crazy ideas.
Goal: Wants to safeguard Sahasrahla's library and keep it away from others.
Ulterior Motive: Wants to decipher the knowledge in there, she needs the Book of Mudora. Conveniently, Sahasrahla is away so that she can look for it.
Importance: High. She may be a spy.
The Lorin Runos Family
Lorin Runos (pronounced "rune - ohss") is the head of the rich Runos family that was cursed and dwells in what is known as the Skulltula House. Lorin has a great sense of responsibility. When he first heard his family would be cursed, he tried to intervene, saying that only he should be cursed in place of his family, so his family wouldn't have to suffer. However, he was unsuccessful in his persuasion. During the time that he and his family have been cursed, they have learned to be generous with their possessions.
The Runos family members are as follows:
The Runos family members are as follows:
- Lorin Runos - father and head of Runos family
- Ruby Runos (deceased) - mother, wife of Lorin; died shortly after being cursed, being mistaken for a real Skulltula and was killed
- Remorin "Remmy" Runos - oldest son
- Lazlo Runos - second-oldest son
- Korzo Runos - middle son
- Carlton Runos - second-youngest son
- Thayron Runos - youngest son
Council of Elders
- A group of elders that serve as the leaders for Kakariko Village.
- Shikashi - The oldest elder, often talks about legends of the Sheikah.
- Renado - A very calm and friendly person that doesn't flinch even at news of the greatest dangers. He claims to have come from a different Hyrule and Kakariko Village.
- He also has a daughter by the name of Luda.
Fabulously Rich Family
- A family that used to be fabulously rich, but since Ganondorf's curse turned them all into Skulltulas, they've been avoided by most and braided as monsters by all except the Elders. They're not trying to be mean... people just tend to judge them by their looks.
- Members are not actually stated in the game. GIVE THIS FAMILY SOME MEMBERS!
- A group of carpenters employed by Mutoh that expand the village and take on construction requests from around the land.
- Mutoh - The big boss of the group. Ever since he lost his son, Grog, he's been obsessive about rebuilding Kakariko Village and the rest of Hyrule to be better than ever.
- Ichiro - A hard-working man that works for Mutoh. Though, he has a tendency to gossip a lot while on the job. He's been called a walking Gossip Stone as a result.
- Jiro - A man that works for Mutoh. He's strong and capable, but he can be quite lazy when Mutoh least needs him to be.
- Sabooru - A man that works for Mutoh. He does the work... he just complains about how dirty it makes his hands.