
Amilena De'anvar
- Power: 10 (+0)
- Courage: 16 (+2)
- Wisdom: 25 (+2)
- Hearts: 12/12 (+0)
- Magic: 12/12 (+0)
- Initiative: $init 1d10
- Attack Dice: 0
- Defense Dice: 7
- Armor: 3
- Stat Points: 0
- Stat Points (Used): 75
- Heart Containers: 0
- Rupees: 1,400
Affinities: None
Physical Description
Age: 23
Weight: 158
Race: Human?
Appearance: Wears a dark gray cloak over her head, keeping her face in constant shadow. Her chin reveals that she's human, or from that line, but that's the only distinguishing feature about her aside from her voice, which marks her as a woman. Her cloak is long enough to cover her torso, but when she moves, the sky blue tunic and yellow sash she's wearing underneath it sometimes flash brightly. Amalena also wears grey gloves that leave her thumbs and forefingers free, but otherwise cover her hands and forearms.
Personality: Amelina isn't a cold or callous person, but it's clear that she prefers to remain distant from others and their inquiring questions. She'll always go for treasure first and ask questions later, and money seems to be the easiest way to get her attention. The truth is, though, she really just enjoys the adventure. Amilena is also clearly driven by a larger goal, but like most things about her, what that is remains a mystery for now.
Misc.: n/a
- Recovery: 2 Magic per hit, 3 Magic when successfully defending an Offensive Spell
- Magic Costs: -3 (down to a minimum of 1 Magic)
- EFFECT 1: Courage +2, Wisdom +2
- EFFECT 2: Armor +2, Defense dice +7
- EFFECT 3: Defense Dice vs. Power attacks +3
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Use your body as a shield! Select a target to use Cover on or Reverse Cover.
- Cover:
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- DURATION: Cover lasts until you're hit or until you use Cover on someone else.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- Reverse Cover:
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- Cover:
- RESTRICTIONS: This will only work in combat if you're Camouflaged
- DESCRIPTION: Hide behind a nearby object large enough to conceal you.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
- EFFECT 2: If you successfully get past a Spot Check while using Hide, you will gain 3 Dice when using either Sneak-Up or Stealth Strike from that position.
- This can stack up to three times.
- This can stack up to three times.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
Basic Counter
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Counterattack Skill. If you have another Counterattack Skill set to '(Enabled)', this one is '(Disabled)' by default.
- DESCRIPTION: The basic Counterattack Skill, this skill allows you to counterattack when the opportunity arises.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
Two Hands for One
- DESCRIPTION: You can use both of your hands for most attacks that're normally one-handed for a dice bonus.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Swords not good enough? Punch a target with your fist!
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: Halved
- Damage: Halved
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Who says shields are only good for defending? Bash a target with your shield, head-on!
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: -2
- Damage: -2
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: You can throw people or large objects at other people! First, pick up a target using ATTACK 1.
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You manage to pick the target up! Throw them at another target using ATTACK 2, which uses the same success rate for you.
- Damage: None
- ATTACK 2: Target rolls Courage dice to defend
- Target Damage: +0
- Projectile Damage: Halved and based on difference in successes from ATTACK 1
- Target Damage: +0
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Why run when you can kick the crap out of your enemy? Kick a target with your leg!
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: Halved
- Damage: Halved
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Run away! Run as far as you can! 'Hits' all enemies by using either Outrun or Outwit.
- Outrun:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Damage: None
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Outwit:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Damage: None
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Outrun:
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to speedily sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to speak in the same language as the target
- DESCRIPTION: Call out to an enemy and insult them! Insult them, their family, their backstory, and their swimming skills!
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it works, target gets Taunted:
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- DURATION: One round.
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- Damage: None
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Stealth Strike
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
Leap Attack
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- REQUIREMENTS: A melee attack
- CHARGE: 1 Action
- Charge by readying your attack, and preparing to leap at the target.
Split Shot
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic * the number of targets
- DESCRIPTION: A blast of Arcane Magic that can split into multiple attacks, hitting a number of targets equal to the Magic Cost.
- Roll your Wisdom +8 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: Halved
Magic Blast
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A generic, Arcane blast attack that hits with striking accuracy.
- Roll your Wisdom +7 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
Magic Missile
- SELL VALUE: 250 Rupees
- COSTS: 5 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: With the power to attack the darkness itself, this missile of Arcane energy packs a punch.
- Roll your Wisdom +7 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +5
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A blast of purging, Arcane energy that hits one target.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, remove up to 2 points of a specified Bonus from the target.
Din's Purge
- SELL VALUE: 250 Rupees
- COSTS: 5 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: With Din's Blessing, convert your energies into an Arcane, purging flame, that hits one target.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +2
- EFFECT: If it hits, remove up to 4 points of a specified Bonus from the target.
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Three beams of Arcane light converge in front of you to create a powerful, golden shard that hits one target.
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, select either the target's Power, Courage, or Wisdom stat, and reduce it by 3.
Trishard Force
- SELL VALUE: 300 Rupees
- COSTS: 6 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Three beams of Arcane light converge in front of you to create a powerful, golden shard, which is fired with a great force at a target.
- Roll your Wisdom +5 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, select either the target's Power, Courage, or Wisdom stat, and reduce it by 5.
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: You become blessed by an Arcane light, allowing you to bestow a minor Bonus to yourself or an ally.
- EFFECT: Select either the target's Power, Courage, or Wisdom stat, and increase it by 2.
Force of Alteration
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Through the power of Arcane Magic, you're able to transform a Wisdom-based attack into a different force.
- EFFECT 1: The next Wisdom-based attack you use is altered into one of the following, though you lose its Dice Modifier in the process:
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
Farore's Cleansing
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- COSTS: Any amount of Magic
- DESCRIPTION: With Farore's Blessing, use your Arcane energies to rid your allies of their impurities!
- EFFECT: For every 1 Magic you spent casting this spell, remove 1 point of a specified Negative Bonus from yourself or an ally.
Nayru's Protection
- SELL VALUE: 300 Rupees
- COSTS: 6 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: With Nayru's Blessing, use your Arcane energies to create a thin, blue, crystal shield around a target.
- EFFECT: The next EFFECT to affect the target is negated.
Goddess' Gladius
- INFORMATION: This is an Artifact.
- DESCRIPTION: With a blue blade and a brightly shining handle, this sword can illuminate dark areas, and it scales with your own power. It is said that this sword was one of several precursors to the Master Sword. Can use Slice, Stab, or Shine down upon ye on a target.
- Slice:
- Roll your Courage +4 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, you can choose to recover either 4 Hearts or 3 Magic.
Wizzrobe Wand (equipped)
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A basic wand commonly used by Wizzrobes, which has a rotatable base, allowing you to switch between two different attack modes. You can fire a Focused shot that hits one target, or a Dispersed blast that hits all enemies.
- Focused:
- Roll your Wisdom +6 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
Hylian Shield
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A standard shield used by many of the Hylian Guards. It defends well against most attacks.
- Defense Dice: +3
Mirrory Shield (Equipped)
- INFORMATION: This is an Artifact.
- DESCRIPTION: Within its mirrors, you can see the reflections of its own mirrors. A large mirror that's somehow sturdy enough to be a shield, as it reflects light into your enemies with the Blind Them! ability.
- Defense Dice: +3
- EFFECT: When you successfully defend against an Offensive Spell, you recover 3 Magic.
- Blind Them!:
- REQUIREMENTS: Light (Level: 1)
- COSTS: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Use Magic to infuse the shield with Light, and aim it at a target.
- Roll your Wisdom +4 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it hits, target loses 2 Attack Dice & Defense Dice.
Dragonhide Armor (Equipped)
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: Developed from the hide of a dragon, the armor provides decent protection and increases your mobility.
- Armor: +2
- Courage: +3
Soldier Platemail
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A steadfast, durable plate of armor that protects you well against attacks.
- Armor: +4
Spirit Robe (Equipped)
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: Enchanted by protectful spirits, this robe amplifies the power of the user’s mind. Basic Mode is active by default; alternatively, you can instead have Augmented Mode active as long as you pay its Magic Cost.
- Basic Mode:
- Wisdom: +2
Ping Box
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A small, peculiar metal box that feels pretty light.
- EFFECT: When you channel Magic into it, it fires a ping across the room, causing the sound of a bell to ring.
- After a short time, the ping comes back to the box, and it lets you know the number of "entities" it passed over.
- Any "entities" that have 0 Maximum Magic are ignored by the ping.
- The ping will not return if you're outside.
Magic Candle
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: Oh sure, just drop a candle on your enemies, and Light the way for their deaths, while you're at it! A candle that's lit by Magic. Nifty for lighting rooms up. Can use Light it up! ability or the Burn Notice ability.
- Light it up!:
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A flame shoots out and dances around the room.
- EFFECT: The room becomes illuminated.
- This also briefly illuminates anyone that's Camouflaged, automatically procing a Spot Check against them.
- DURATION: This lasts until you leave the room.
Magic Shackles
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- INFORMATION: This item is passive. Having it in your inventory is enough for its effects. And no, stacking it does not work.
- DESCRIPTION: A pair of handcuffs that magically wrap around the target’s wrists, no matter who or what the target is. That’s right, you can even handcuff a Gleeok… not that they really have hands.
- EFFECT 1: When you would kill a target, instead reduce the target to 1 Heart and cuff them with the Magic Shackles, preventing them from doing anything, save for talking.
- Though, it also comes with a Magical Duct Tape option.
Iron Boots
- SELL VALUE: 125 Rupees
- INFORMATION: This item is passive. Having it in your inventory is enough for its effects. And no, stacking it does not work.
- DESCRIPTION: A set of extremely heavy boots that increases your Fall Damage and protection against strength attacks.
- Defense Dice: +3 against Power-based attacks
- EFFECT 1: You cannot jump vertically.
- EFFECT 1: Any Fall Damage you take is doubled.
- EFFECT 2: If you land on someone, they instead take your Fall Damage.
Magic Feather
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- INFORMATION: This item is passive. Having it in your inventory is enough for its effects. And no, stacking it does not work.
- COSTS: 2 Magic per jump
- DESCRIPTION: If I add Magic to a feather, does that suddenly make it useful? A blue, magical feather that lets you use Magic to jump higher than before.
- Defense Dice: +3
- Only if you pay the 2 Magic cost.
Book of Magic
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A book written in mimicry of Ancient Hylian. No one has a clue what even the fake writing says, but it certainly helps when casting stronger spells.
- Magic Costs: -2 to Spells only (down to a minimum of 1 Magic)
Reroll Points
- Amount: 6
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.
- EFFECT: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a Reroll Point at the target to force them to reroll it.
Spell Scroll
- Amount: 1
- DESCRIPTION: A scroll imbued with intense, magical power that courses through the parchment, containing a vast amount of knowledge.
- It can teach you any Spell.
Restoration Heart
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A tasty Heart that can be devoured to recover your Hearts! ... that doesn't sound right.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 6 Hearts.
Magic Jar
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A jar containing liquified Magic, which you can drink to recover your Magic! Hope there's no alcohol in it.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 4 Magic.
- Amount: 1
- DESCRIPTION: A lively Fairy, waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?
- EFFECT: If you use the Fairy manually, you are restored to Maximum Hearts.
- If you die, the Fairy will automatically be used, reviving you and restoring you to 3 Hearts.
- Amount: 2
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A healthy chunk of meat, taken from your dead enemies! Doesn't cannibalism feel great? You can Eat It! or Throw It!:
- Eat It!:
- EFFECT: You can eat the bait to recover 8 Hearts.
Hylian Mask (Equipped)
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A mask molded in the shape of a Hylian face which you wear on your face. This mask disguises you and gives you a small taste of what a Hylian can do.
- EFFECT 1: You become disguised as a Hylian, giving you +5 Dice when defending against Spot Checks performed against you by Hylians
- EFFECT 2: You can eavesdrop on telepathic communications.
Anima Crystal
- INFORMATION: This is a Passive Artifact. Having it in your inventory is enough for its effects.
- DESCRIPTION: A crystal of immense power. At the start of each battle, select an item to embed it into, empowering it with a Bonus.
- EFFECT: Depending on the type of item, it provides a different Bonus.
- If the item is a Weapon, you gain 2 Attack Dice.
- If the item is a Shield, you gain 1 Defense Dice.
- If the item is an Armor, you gain 1 Armor.
- If the item is a Robe, its Augmented Magic Cost per round is reduced by 1.
- The crystal cannot be embedded into any other type of item.
- Outside of battle, the crystal can be removed from the item.
The Hooded Tophat
Owned by Amilena De’anvar.
- INFORMATION: This is an Artifact.
- DESCRIPTION: A tophat covered in random hoods, made by Valve. It causes a bull**** alarm upon you running into any hooded figures, except yourself… and your tophat, of course.
- EFFECT: Anyone you meet that wears a hood is compelled to recognize your hooded tophat by removing their hood. Anyone that refuses to comply must beat out a $25d10 roll with their Wisdom Stat.