Lead Dev, DM, Hal

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Running along the northwest corner of Hyrule like a great scar carved with the great might of the Zora’s River, forming the border between Hyrule Field and Gerudo Desert, is Gerudo Valley. Gerudo Valley is a valley known for it’s exceedingly hot climate, approaching that of Gerudo Desert’s, and as the home of the fierce Gerudo tribe. The Zora’s River, flowing at it’s fastest in all of Hyrule, flows downstream from the northeast to the southwest down at the bottom of the valley, producing such a wild current that is likely to shred all but the well prepared to pieces if they would try to swim. If one would look along the walls, you could spot many ledges, rocky outcrops and other places where one can gain foothold on the walls of the canyon.
Little is known about the current state of Gerudo Valley. The residents of Gerudo Valley have locked themselves inside, away from the outside world, by blocking the main entrance to the valley with a titanic boulder that even the strongest of explosives doesn’t seem to have scratched. Explorers have discovered alternative paths into Gerudo Valley, but they could only observe small portions of the valley before the terrain became impassable or they were chased off by monsters or Gerudo. Even from these small observations just past the entrance, it seems something might be amiss in the valley...
Little is known about the current state of Gerudo Valley. The residents of Gerudo Valley have locked themselves inside, away from the outside world, by blocking the main entrance to the valley with a titanic boulder that even the strongest of explosives doesn’t seem to have scratched. Explorers have discovered alternative paths into Gerudo Valley, but they could only observe small portions of the valley before the terrain became impassable or they were chased off by monsters or Gerudo. Even from these small observations just past the entrance, it seems something might be amiss in the valley...
Nabooru, Sage of Spirit
The leader of the Gerudo tribe and the Sage of Spirit, Nabooru is a highly respected individual of the Gerudo and is a master of all forms of melee combat. Sleek, slim and slender with long red hair and a long beak-like nose, she bares all the basic physical traits that are typical of her tribe but her nose is exceptionally long and she wears highly distinguishable light pink clothing. Nabooru makes herself home in Gerudo Fortress, where her mere spiritual presence inspires her fellow Gerudo to carry out their day to day tasks and duties.
Nabooru was the one who ordered Gerudo Valley to be blocked off with a large boulder, preventing any outsiders from accessing it. The boulder is protected with her Magic, making attempts at destroying or otherwise removing it to prove futile. She also currently seems uncharacteristically reclusive towards outsiders, even towards the other Sages.
She is also the only NPC currently listed here, due to the fact that only she has been able to get in and out of the valley since it was blocked off with the boulder and therefore the is only current inhabitant that anybody knows about. It is likely that she has a secret way of getting in and out, which prompts Explorers to search the outside of the valley for one. If other notable NPC inhabitants are discovered, this list will be updated.
Nabooru was the one who ordered Gerudo Valley to be blocked off with a large boulder, preventing any outsiders from accessing it. The boulder is protected with her Magic, making attempts at destroying or otherwise removing it to prove futile. She also currently seems uncharacteristically reclusive towards outsiders, even towards the other Sages.
She is also the only NPC currently listed here, due to the fact that only she has been able to get in and out of the valley since it was blocked off with the boulder and therefore the is only current inhabitant that anybody knows about. It is likely that she has a secret way of getting in and out, which prompts Explorers to search the outside of the valley for one. If other notable NPC inhabitants are discovered, this list will be updated.
Gerudo Canyon
Carved out by the ravages of Zora’s River, Gerudo Canyon is a large canyon that runs along the northeastern border of Hyrule like a great scar. Being at the entrance of Gerudo Valley, the canyon is where the hot air from the Haunted Wasteland meets the cooler air from Central Hyrule; providing an interesting gradient of climate for people as they venture towards Gerudo Fortress and beyond. Zora’s River runs along the very bottom of the gorge at its fastest in all of Hyrule, running downstream from the northwest to the southwest until it reaches Lake Hylia. The rapids the river produces down the bottom of the valley are likely to shred anyone who fall in it to pieces unless they have prepared very well for it - Only the Zoras are allowed to traverse the rapids and only with great caution.
Geographically, this is by far the largest area of Gerudo Valley, but the vast majority of it is highly inaccessible due to the mountainous and gorgish nature of the region. Still, the mountainside proves to be a great place for building small fortifications - they are difficult for intruders to access, easily defendable and can be easily supplied depending on the location.
Just past the entrance of the valley stands a solid bridge that crosses the canyon, connecting one side to the other. Beyond the bridge is a small stone cottage that serves as the guardhouse for Gerudo Valley, where guards would patrol and decide on who crosses the bridge. After that is a narrow, winding road to Gerudo Fortress and everything beyond. Occasionally, Kotake and Koume can be seen flying above the walls of the valley and going about on their business.
Geographically, this is by far the largest area of Gerudo Valley, but the vast majority of it is highly inaccessible due to the mountainous and gorgish nature of the region. Still, the mountainside proves to be a great place for building small fortifications - they are difficult for intruders to access, easily defendable and can be easily supplied depending on the location.
Just past the entrance of the valley stands a solid bridge that crosses the canyon, connecting one side to the other. Beyond the bridge is a small stone cottage that serves as the guardhouse for Gerudo Valley, where guards would patrol and decide on who crosses the bridge. After that is a narrow, winding road to Gerudo Fortress and everything beyond. Occasionally, Kotake and Koume can be seen flying above the walls of the valley and going about on their business.
Gerudos Fortress
Consisting of a large and confusing network of stone buildings built into the mountainside and a reasonably-sized courtyard area, Gerudo’s Fortress serves as the home of nearly the entire Gerudo tribe (except those who are Adventurers). It has since expanded after Ganondorf’s defeat to include a small accommodation unit for a few foreign Adventurers and space for many more Gerudo.
Well above the fortress is Gerudo’s Hold, a large magically enchanted wooden prison set in the wall of the mountain high above the fortress. This is where prisoners are held before they are prosecuted and sent into Gerudo’s Fortress catacombs. After Link’s shenanigans involving escaping the hold, the Gerudo has changed it’s design so that it is more secure. Don’t bother trying to escape using a Hookshot now!
Well above the fortress is Gerudo’s Hold, a large magically enchanted wooden prison set in the wall of the mountain high above the fortress. This is where prisoners are held before they are prosecuted and sent into Gerudo’s Fortress catacombs. After Link’s shenanigans involving escaping the hold, the Gerudo has changed it’s design so that it is more secure. Don’t bother trying to escape using a Hookshot now!
Gerudo Training Ground
Directly connected to Gerudo’s Fortress; the Gerudo Training Ground is a large underground dungeon, expanded and redeveloped since Ganondorf’s defeat, filled with all sorts of dangerous and nasty obstacles designed for the Gerudo to train on and hone their skills for combat and navigating hazardous terrain. It is characterized by a series of routes radiating out from the entrance, each presenting a series of obstacles that represent a different element. The end of each of the routes lead into the grand treasure room, a room containing a large treasure chest surrounded by a maze of magically enchanted steel fencing.
The grand treasure chest was once where the Ice Arrows were held, but it has been relocated since Ganondorf’s defeat to somewhere more secure in the wake of Adventurers stopping by the training ground. In it’s place is now the Arbiter’s Key, which supposedly unlocks a special door somewhere in the Spirit Temple.
The grand treasure chest was once where the Ice Arrows were held, but it has been relocated since Ganondorf’s defeat to somewhere more secure in the wake of Adventurers stopping by the training ground. In it’s place is now the Arbiter’s Key, which supposedly unlocks a special door somewhere in the Spirit Temple.
The primary residents of Gerudo Valley, these make up almost the entirety of the Gerudo tribe population within Hyrule. All female; these are fierce warriors who fight, unhindered by the intense heat and arid conditions of their environment, with the power of their spirit and willpower.
The Gerudo residing in Gerudo Valley wish to be isolated from the rest of Hyrule. If you try to explore Gerudo Valley without the permission from the Gerudo tribe, which seems to be almost impossible to gain, be prepared to be removed… forcibly. That’s if you even somehow get in.
The Gerudo residing in Gerudo Valley wish to be isolated from the rest of Hyrule. If you try to explore Gerudo Valley without the permission from the Gerudo tribe, which seems to be almost impossible to gain, be prepared to be removed… forcibly. That’s if you even somehow get in.