Lead Dev, DM, Hal

(Template) Zora Fighter
Zora Fighter
- Power: 0 (+0)
- Courage: 0 (+0)
- Wisdom: 0 (+3)
- Hearts: 1/1 (+0)
- Magic: 0/0 (+0)
- Initiative: $init 1d10
- Attack Dice: 5
- Defense Dice: 1
- Armor: 1
- Stat Points: 71
- Stat Points (Used): 4
- Heart Containers: 0
- Rupees: 300
Affinities: Water
Other Bonuses
- Once per round, at any time, you can blow a bubble to gain 4 Defense Dice while defending.
Race: Zora
“Nothing’s better than a clean sparring match. Come on, join us. It’s good fun.”
“Nothing’s better than a clean sparring match. Come on, join us. It’s good fun.”
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Use your body as a shield! Select a target to use Cover on or Reverse Cover.
- Cover:
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- DURATION: Cover lasts until you're hit or until you use Cover on someone else.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- Reverse Cover:
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- Cover:
- RESTRICTIONS: This will only work in combat if you're Camouflaged
- DESCRIPTION: Hide behind a nearby object large enough to conceal you.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
- EFFECT 2: If you successfully get past a Spot Check while using Hide, you will gain 3 Dice when using either Sneak-Up or Stealth Strike from that position.
- This can stack up to three times.
- This can stack up to three times.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
Basic Counter
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Counterattack Skill. If you have another Counterattack Skill set to '(Enabled)', this one is '(Disabled)' by default.
- DESCRIPTION: The basic Counterattack Skill, this skill allows you to counterattack when the opportunity arises.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
Two Hands for One
- DESCRIPTION: You can use both of your hands for most attacks that're normally one-handed for a dice bonus.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Swords not good enough? Punch a target with your fist!
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: Halved
- Damage: Halved
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Who says shields are only good for defending? Bash a target with your shield, head-on!
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: -2
- Damage: -2
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: You can throw people or large objects at other people! First, pick up a target using ATTACK 1.
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You manage to pick the target up! Throw them at another target using ATTACK 2, which uses the same success rate for you.
- Damage: None
- ATTACK 2: Target rolls Courage dice to defend
- Target Damage: +0
- Projectile Damage: Halved and based on difference in successes from ATTACK 1
- Target Damage: +0
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Why run when you can kick the crap out of your enemy? Kick a target with your leg!
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: Halved
- Damage: Halved
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Run away! Run as far as you can! 'Hits' all enemies by using either Outrun or Outwit.
- Outrun:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Damage: None
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Outwit:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Damage: None
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Outrun:
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to speedily sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to speak in the same language as the target
- DESCRIPTION: Call out to an enemy and insult them! Insult them, their family, their backstory, and their swimming skills!
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it works, target gets Taunted:
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- DURATION: One round.
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- Damage: None
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Stealth Strike
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
Boomerang Fins
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Zoras can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Detach the fins off your arms (ow?) and fling them like boomerang blades at a target.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice * 2
- Damage: Halved
- EFFECT A: For each fin that hits, siphon 2 Magic from the target to you.
- EFFECT B: Afterwards, your fins return to you automatically.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Zoras can learn and use this skill.
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Once per round, at any time and with the flow of the tide, you can fire a Current at an incoming attack.
- EFFECT: The attack automatically loses 3 Successes.
Bio-Electric Field
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Zoras can learn and use this skill.
- COSTS: 4 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Surround someone with a thorny, electric shield that pulses in reaction to an attack.
- EFFECT: Give a target Thorns:
- The next time the target is hit by a Combat Action, the attacker takes Damage equal to the attack’s Damage (before Armor is factored in), which then removes Thorns.
The Art of Battle
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Zoras can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: To Zoras, battle is a form of art, and those that pursue it find great wisdom in a strong offense.
- Wisdom: +3
- Attack Dice: +2
Free Swim
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Zoras can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Zoras are able to swim and breathe freely underwater.
PSI Blast
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A basic Water spell that flings a flurry of Water bullets at a target; which splash to heal you if it strikes.
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, recover 3 Hearts.
Slow Missile
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Cast a missile of ice at a target, reducing their speed.
- Roll your Wisdom +2 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +2
- EFFECT: If it hits, target loses 3 Courage.
Restoration Bubble
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Wrap the target inside a large bubble, slowly regenerating their life.
- EFFECT: Target gets Regen x2.
Zora Blade
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A slim blade that's shaped like a Zora fin. Get another and you can have two fins and be a fishy person! You can Slash or Stab a target.
- Slash:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: +2
Bubble Shield
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A tiny shield decorated with depictions of foam. It is quite useless for defense normally, but it can blow a large bubble to form a temporary barrier against attack.
- Defense Dice: +1
- EFFECT: Once per round, while defending, this shield can blow a bubble that gives +4 Dice for this defense.
Combat Armor
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A lightweight armor that enhances the offense of its wearer, though the protection it provides is subpar.
- Armor: +1
- Attack Dice: +3
Restoration Heart
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A tasty Heart that can be devoured to recover your Hearts! ... that doesn't sound right.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 6 Hearts.
Magic Jar
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A jar containing liquified Magic, which you can drink to recover your Magic! Hope there's no alcohol in it.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 6 Magic.
Reroll Points
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.
- EFFECT: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a Reroll Point at the target to force them to reroll it. Then, choose which roll the target uses.
- Amount: 1
- DESCRIPTION: A lively Fairy, waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?
- EFFECT: If you use the Fairy manually, you are restored to Maximum Hearts.
- If you die, you can use the Fairy on the spot, reviving you and restoring you to 3 Hearts.
Select this template
Code:Select All
[stats name=Zora Fighter power=0 (+0) courage=0 (+0) wisdom=0 (+3) hearts=1/1 (+0) magic=0/0 (+0) initiative=1d10 attack-dice=5 defense-dice=1 armor=1 stat-points=71/4 heart-containers=0 rupees=300][Water][/stats]
[box=Other Bonuses][list]
[*]Once per round, at any time, you can blow a bubble to gain 4 [Defense Dice] while defending.
[u]Race[/u]: Zora
“Nothing’s better than a clean sparring match. Come on, join us. It’s good fun.”
[Skills type=Signature]
[Basic Skills]
[Skills type=Innate]
[tab=Active Skills]
[box=Boomerang Fins][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Zoras[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Detach the fins off your arms (ow?) and fling them like boomerang blades at a target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage type-b=Courage] * 2[list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: Halved
[*][b]EFFECT A[/b]: For each fin that hits, siphon [Magic]2[/Magic] from the target to you.
[*][b]EFFECT B[/b]: Afterwards, your fins return to you automatically.
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Zoras[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]3[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Once per round, at any time and with the flow of the tide, you can fire a [b]Current[/b] at an incoming attack.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: The attack automatically loses [b]3 Successes[/b].
[box=Bio-Electric Field][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Zoras[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]4[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Surround someone with a thorny, electric shield that pulses in reaction to an attack.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Give a target [color=yellow][b]Thorns[/b][/color]:[list]
[*]The next time the target is hit by a [b]Combat Action[/b], the attacker takes [b]Damage[/b] equal to the attack’s [b]Damage[/b] (before [Armor] is factored in), which then removes [color=yellow][b]Thorns[/b][/color].
[tab=Passive Skills]
[box=The Art of Battle][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Zoras[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: To [b]Zoras[/b], battle is a form of art, and those that pursue it find great wisdom in a strong offense.[list]
[*][b][Wisdom][/b]: +3
[*][b][Attack Dice][/b]: +2
[box=Free Swim][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Zoras[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [b]Zoras[/b] are able to swim and breathe freely underwater.
[Skills type=Active]
[Skills type=Passive]
[Spells type=Offensive]
[box=PSI Blast][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]50[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Water]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]1[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A basic [Water] spell that flings a flurry of [Water] bullets at a target; which splash to heal you if it strikes.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+3 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, recover [Hearts]3[/Hearts].
[box=Slow Missile][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Water]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]3[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Cast a missile of ice at a target, reducing their speed.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+2 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +2
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, target loses [b]3 [Courage][/b].
[Spells type=Support]
[box=Restoration Bubble][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]100[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Water]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]2[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Wrap the target inside a large bubble, slowly regenerating their life.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Target gets [b]Regen x2[/b].
[Items type=Weapons]
[box=Zora Blade][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]75[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A slim blade that's shaped like a Zora fin. Get another and you can have two fins and be a fishy person! You can [b]Slash[/b] or [b]Stab[/b] a target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=+3 type-b=Courage][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +2
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=-3 type-b=Courage][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +8
[*][b]IF FAIL[/b]: Target can [b]Counterattack[/b] you, regardless of [b]CONDITIONS[/b].
[Items type=Shields]
[box=Bubble Shield][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]100[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A tiny shield decorated with depictions of foam. It is quite useless for defense normally, but it can blow a large bubble to form a temporary barrier against attack.[list]
[*][b][Defense Dice][/b]: +1
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Once per round, while defending, this shield can blow a bubble that gives [b]+4 Dice[/b] for this defense.
[Items type=Armor]
[box=Combat Armor][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]100[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A lightweight armor that enhances the offense of its wearer, though the protection it provides is subpar.[list]
[*][b][Armor][/b]: +1
[*][b][Attack Dice][/b]: +3
[Items type=Robes]
[Items type=Tools]
[Items type=Consumables]
[box=Restoration Heart][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]25[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A tasty [Heart] that can be devoured to recover your [Hearts]! ... that doesn't sound right.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to recover [Hearts]6[/Hearts].
[box=Magic Jar][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]25[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A jar containing liquified [Magic], which you can drink to recover your [Magic]! Hope there's no alcohol in it.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to recover [Magic]6[/Magic].
[box=Reroll Points][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]25[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a [Reroll Point] at the target to force them to reroll it.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A lively [b]Fairy[/b], waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If you use the [b]Fairy[/b] manually, you are restored to Maximum [Hearts].[list]
[*]If you die, you can use the [b]Fairy[/b] on the spot, reviving you and restoring you to [Hearts]3[/Hearts].
[Items type=Masks]
[Items type=Misc]