
Going by the logs...
<WindStrike> let's start off with the Sephiroth character, and then we'll move to Vincent afterwards
<Orithan> Sephiroth I belive is based on the Sephiroth from FFVII, am I correct?
<Sephiroth> Yeah.
<WindStrike> well, from what I've seen while DMing, your character seems more based off the Crisis Core version than the "KILL EVERYTHING I'M AM GOD" original version
<WindStrike> benevolent, helps others, protects his friends, etc.
<Orithan> I am unfamiliar with FFVII
<Sephiroth> Given that I haven't played Crisis Core, I can't really say Yay or Nay, but if you feel that is the case, then we can base it off that one.
<WindStrike> however, when I had Cloud Strife appear (really old version), he did recognize Cloud, so...
<WindStrike> oh
<WindStrike> well, I won't spoil anything about it, but he was much nicer in that game prior to the part where he "goes insane"
<WindStrike> a rather playful character
<Charizard> Yeah.
<WindStrike> in fact, I'm surprised you haven't played it
<Sephiroth> Crisis Core was for PSP, right?
<WindStrike> yes
<Darte> mobile entries are tough ones
<Sephiroth> I'm tempted to ...
* Sephiroth coughs.
<WindStrike> because the way you play his character is almost exactly like the Crisis Core version
<Sephiroth> .. Uhh, excuse me. ...
* Sephiroth coughs again.
<WindStrike> ANYHOW... back to non-money problems..
<WindStrike> I had Cloud Strife appear at one point, and Sephiroth recognized him, so... in theory, he should actually remember everything he did back in FFVII, including nuking pluto and various other planets... multiple times
<WindStrike> I spent some time thinking about how he could have gotten over to Hyrule and why he's more like his old self but still has his memories... annnd I'm thinking of continuing the ending of Advent Children
<WindStrike> just clarifying, you have seen that at least, yes?
<Sephiroth> I did watch that.. yes.
<WindStrike> okay, good
<Sephiroth> Was ages ago, but yes.
<WindStrike> so in the ending, he's defeated by Cloud and then ascends into the Lifestream, where he theoretically becomes a part of it
<Dark_Link> Wait what?
<Darte> ahahahah
<WindStrike> ... unless I misinterpreted that
<Charizard> I agree.
<Dark_Link> I thought he was a genetic memory, which kind of implied that he wasn't really there.
<Dark_Link> It was weird.
<Darte> face it
<WindStrike> yeah, technically that's the case
<Darte> no-one watched AC for its incredibly coherent story
<Dark_Link> I don't think he went back into the lifestream though, because he was the reason it freaked out in the first place. Cnacer and all that.
<Dark_Link> cancer*
<Charizard> I will............. never be a memory.
<Dark_Link> Great last line though
<WindStrike> well, official story summary actually reads that he "dissipates and returns to the lifestream"
<Darklink42> Hey, can't argue with canon I guess.
<WindStrike> lol
<WindStrike> okay, here's where I start throwing ideas at the screen
* Darklink42 braces for impact
<WindStrike> once in the lifestream, he's able to be a part of the planet, chat with other dead folks, see some of his old friends... and based on that last line "I will never be a memory", he wants to return to Gaia
<WindStrike> he's still got an expected rivalry with Cloud, but he's no longer bent on destroying the planet, instead wanting to kind of redeem himself and help others once again, like he did in the past
<Darklink42> That'll happen when you get Omnislashed twice.
<WindStrike> lol
<WindStrike> well, he doesn't convince Aerith to give him a 1-UP, but because he's so darn OP, he's able to escape the lifestream........ except he didn't end up in Gaia afterwards
<Fireblast124> And that's how he landed in the land of Hyrule
<Fireblast124> ... Wait
<Darte> (but the lifestream is tied to a planet...)
<WindStrike> Aerith ended up altering his destination, not quite sure she trusted Sephiroth yet and wanted proof that he could indeed redeem himself
<WindStrike> true, it should theoretically be tied to Gaia
<WindStrike> buuuuut IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY... someone was tinkering with dimensions, trying to open Hyrule up to other dimensions
<Darte> "got a little lifestream in you?"
<Charizard> This is Hyrule, anything is possible at this point.
<WindStrike> quite frankly, I'm not about to get into the science of something that's already shaky, so in a nutshell, that "tinkering with dimensions" somehow transported Sephiroth from Gaia's lifestream to Hyrule
<Charizard> They threw in giant robots at the start of the timeline. God knows what lurks within the Hylian lore lol.
<WindStrike> by the way, it also transported a small portion of the lifestream to Hyrule as well, hence why Sephiroth is able to use powers related to the lifestream
<Darte> giant robots? That's Xenoblade :P
<Darte> Seph doesn't get materia usage with that, does he?
<WindStrike> when Sephiroth did try to escape from the lifestream, this used up nearly all his strength and power, so... that explains why he started at Level 1 and not Level God-mode
<Charizard> I still need to play that.
<Darte> No standard magic, all magic must be used through materia :P
<WindStrike> theoretically, he could, there's a locked locker with materia in it in Old Hyrule.. I'll get to it later
<Darklink42> Intriguing
<WindStrike> anyhow, that's about as far as I got and thought up, so... fire away with your ideas!
<WindStrike> (brb, grabbing burrito)
<Darklink42> Well, I guess the first place to start would be what Sephiroth does once he wakes up in a field somewhere in Hyrule.
<Fireblast124> Or he could have just woke up in the graveyard
<Darklink42> Or whether he has a flashier/darker intro.
<Fireblast124> Except that is unlikely
<Sephiroth> That sounds like a good explanation as to how Sephiroth got to Hyrule.
<WindStrike> (back)
<Darte> hmm
<Darte> intro...
<Darte> how about
<Darte> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQcnliEjXM
* Darte runs
<Darklink42> Man, I miss the Kefka's "name that link" service.
<WindStrike> hmm, graveyard could make sense actually...
<Nexas> Forgot this was open
<Darte> ohai
* Charizard hugs nexas to death
<WindStrike> cause first time Sephiroth used his lifestream powers in the Dampe's Grave quest, which was in the Old Shadow Temple under said Kakariko Graveyard
<Darklink42> There was that one portal to the realm of the dead in the Shadow temple.
<Nexas> k
<WindStrike> (shift yer non-topic chat to #zurpgchat please)
<WindStrike> yep
<WindStrike> ... wait, that was a Gurloz quest actually
<Darklink42> Shadow temple? I thought Vincent was still with us for that one.
<WindStrike> hang on
<WindStrike> yeah, Vincent quest, derp
<Orithan> Vincent was in that one
<WindStrike> right, 5 deaths in one quest, yay glass cannons!
<Sephiroth> Vinvent was in that one. >_>'
<Sephiroth> if I can even spell.
<Charizard> <Sephiroth> Vinvent
<WindStrike> but I like the idea of the lifestream connecting to the Old Shadow Temple's "Portal to the Dead", so... Sephiroth totally ended up there first
<Sephiroth> So this raises an interesting question.
<Sephiroth> ... How did I manage to escape it without being slaughtered?
<WindStrike> lol
<Charizard> well, arent you sephiroth
<Darte> He's been slaughtered before, not like this is the first time...
<Darklink42> I can't even remember what we fought in that place.
<WindStrike> well, it might've been the first place you met Shady
<Darklink42> Other than the portal itself.
<Sephiroth> $about url
<Kefka> $about: The command $url could not be found, or there is no information about that command, Sephiroth.
<Orithan> You fought Shadow of Penumbra
<Sephiroth> $switch url
<Kefka> $switch: URL Catcher is now Disabled for #zurpg, Sephiroth.
<WindStrike> which might also explain that one room that mysteriously had Vincent's signature weapons along with someone else's
<WindStrike> since Shady is notorious for somehow acquring signature weapons for unknown reasons
<WindStrike> (cough, how'd those signature items end up inside a chest in his bloody mind?)
<Orithan> That part leaves a hole on Harvey's side of things.
<WindStrike> eh?
<Darte> that's easy: he's Hoid.
<Orithan> The Tail Cloak was one of the items Shady had in his mind.
<WindStrike> ah, right
<WindStrike> let's get to that theoretical issue later
<Orithan> yeah.
<Darklink42> Heh.
<WindStrike> so Mr. Shady (the troll) found an exhausted and weak Sephiroth in the Old Shadow Temple... why was Shady there? WE'LL NEVER KNOW
<WindStrike> he decided to transport Sephiroth out of there, and brought him to Kakariko to regain his strength
<WindStrike> once healed up, he asked where the **** he was (as you would aptly put it) and why the **** he wasn't in Gaia
<Darte> wow seph
<Darte> that wasn't very polite
<Darklink42> Does Shady stick around to explain that though?
<WindStrike> Shady didn't have a bloody clue about the latter quest, but he did explain that the man was in Hyrule, land of.......... adventurers?
<Darte> and fairies
<Darklink42> and occasionally anime.
<WindStrike> yep
<Darte> sephiroth looked like a guy that would love fairies
<WindStrike> a land that's recovering from the turmoil of an evil ruler, and that Shady could use Sephiroth's help in fixing the land by joining as an adventurer
<Orithan> Not to mention shenanigans
<Darklink42> Sidebar note: we should probably do a little more work with Shady and Fraaz at some point too.
<WindStrike> (yep, and in order to do that, I'll need you to get the summaries for the high level ice dungeon done. ^_^)
<Darte> add them to the queuestack
<Darklink42> (0_0)
<WindStrike> Sephiroth reluctantly agreed at first, but within his first days of questing, he got some gear, some party mates (through mystical shenanigans), and a bit of his powers back, and what happened from there is ZURPG
<WindStrike> sound good?
<Sephiroth> Yeah.
<Darklink42> Sounds reasonable enough.
<Darklink42> Does he remember Vincent at all?
<WindStrike> theoretically, he should...... but I don't think the two have crossed paths yet
<WindStrike> in fact, neither have heard of each other yet in Hyrule, so both of them should believe "I'm the only one from Gaia here"
<WindStrike> (brb, yoinking second burrito)
<Sephiroth> They haven't
<WindStrike> okay, anything else you want worked on for Sephiroth?
<Sephiroth> No.
<Darklink42> I have a question though.
<WindStrike> shoot
<Darklink42> Aerith is arbiter of the Lifestream, more or less. Is she still aware of what's going on if Seph has jumped dimensions?
<WindStrike> given that a portion of the lifestream jumped over
<WindStrike> she should
<Darklink42> (Potential future story hooks.)
<Orithan> Sephiroth I belive is based on the Sephiroth from FFVII, am I correct?
<Sephiroth> Yeah.
<WindStrike> well, from what I've seen while DMing, your character seems more based off the Crisis Core version than the "KILL EVERYTHING I'M AM GOD" original version
<WindStrike> benevolent, helps others, protects his friends, etc.
<Orithan> I am unfamiliar with FFVII
<Sephiroth> Given that I haven't played Crisis Core, I can't really say Yay or Nay, but if you feel that is the case, then we can base it off that one.
<WindStrike> however, when I had Cloud Strife appear (really old version), he did recognize Cloud, so...
<WindStrike> oh
<WindStrike> well, I won't spoil anything about it, but he was much nicer in that game prior to the part where he "goes insane"
<WindStrike> a rather playful character
<Charizard> Yeah.
<WindStrike> in fact, I'm surprised you haven't played it
<Sephiroth> Crisis Core was for PSP, right?
<WindStrike> yes
<Darte> mobile entries are tough ones
<Sephiroth> I'm tempted to ...
* Sephiroth coughs.
<WindStrike> because the way you play his character is almost exactly like the Crisis Core version
<Sephiroth> .. Uhh, excuse me. ...
* Sephiroth coughs again.
<WindStrike> ANYHOW... back to non-money problems..
<WindStrike> I had Cloud Strife appear at one point, and Sephiroth recognized him, so... in theory, he should actually remember everything he did back in FFVII, including nuking pluto and various other planets... multiple times
<WindStrike> I spent some time thinking about how he could have gotten over to Hyrule and why he's more like his old self but still has his memories... annnd I'm thinking of continuing the ending of Advent Children
<WindStrike> just clarifying, you have seen that at least, yes?
<Sephiroth> I did watch that.. yes.
<WindStrike> okay, good
<Sephiroth> Was ages ago, but yes.
<WindStrike> so in the ending, he's defeated by Cloud and then ascends into the Lifestream, where he theoretically becomes a part of it
<Dark_Link> Wait what?
<Darte> ahahahah
<WindStrike> ... unless I misinterpreted that
<Charizard> I agree.
<Dark_Link> I thought he was a genetic memory, which kind of implied that he wasn't really there.
<Dark_Link> It was weird.
<Darte> face it
<WindStrike> yeah, technically that's the case
<Darte> no-one watched AC for its incredibly coherent story
<Dark_Link> I don't think he went back into the lifestream though, because he was the reason it freaked out in the first place. Cnacer and all that.
<Dark_Link> cancer*
<Charizard> I will............. never be a memory.
<Dark_Link> Great last line though
<WindStrike> well, official story summary actually reads that he "dissipates and returns to the lifestream"
<Darklink42> Hey, can't argue with canon I guess.
<WindStrike> lol
<WindStrike> okay, here's where I start throwing ideas at the screen
* Darklink42 braces for impact
<WindStrike> once in the lifestream, he's able to be a part of the planet, chat with other dead folks, see some of his old friends... and based on that last line "I will never be a memory", he wants to return to Gaia
<WindStrike> he's still got an expected rivalry with Cloud, but he's no longer bent on destroying the planet, instead wanting to kind of redeem himself and help others once again, like he did in the past
<Darklink42> That'll happen when you get Omnislashed twice.
<WindStrike> lol
<WindStrike> well, he doesn't convince Aerith to give him a 1-UP, but because he's so darn OP, he's able to escape the lifestream........ except he didn't end up in Gaia afterwards
<Fireblast124> And that's how he landed in the land of Hyrule
<Fireblast124> ... Wait
<Darte> (but the lifestream is tied to a planet...)
<WindStrike> Aerith ended up altering his destination, not quite sure she trusted Sephiroth yet and wanted proof that he could indeed redeem himself
<WindStrike> true, it should theoretically be tied to Gaia
<WindStrike> buuuuut IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY... someone was tinkering with dimensions, trying to open Hyrule up to other dimensions
<Darte> "got a little lifestream in you?"
<Charizard> This is Hyrule, anything is possible at this point.
<WindStrike> quite frankly, I'm not about to get into the science of something that's already shaky, so in a nutshell, that "tinkering with dimensions" somehow transported Sephiroth from Gaia's lifestream to Hyrule
<Charizard> They threw in giant robots at the start of the timeline. God knows what lurks within the Hylian lore lol.
<WindStrike> by the way, it also transported a small portion of the lifestream to Hyrule as well, hence why Sephiroth is able to use powers related to the lifestream
<Darte> giant robots? That's Xenoblade :P
<Darte> Seph doesn't get materia usage with that, does he?
<WindStrike> when Sephiroth did try to escape from the lifestream, this used up nearly all his strength and power, so... that explains why he started at Level 1 and not Level God-mode
<Charizard> I still need to play that.

<Darte> No standard magic, all magic must be used through materia :P
<WindStrike> theoretically, he could, there's a locked locker with materia in it in Old Hyrule.. I'll get to it later
<Darklink42> Intriguing
<WindStrike> anyhow, that's about as far as I got and thought up, so... fire away with your ideas!
<WindStrike> (brb, grabbing burrito)
<Darklink42> Well, I guess the first place to start would be what Sephiroth does once he wakes up in a field somewhere in Hyrule.
<Fireblast124> Or he could have just woke up in the graveyard
<Darklink42> Or whether he has a flashier/darker intro.
<Fireblast124> Except that is unlikely
<Sephiroth> That sounds like a good explanation as to how Sephiroth got to Hyrule.
<WindStrike> (back)
<Darte> hmm
<Darte> intro...
<Darte> how about
<Darte> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQcnliEjXM
* Darte runs
<Darklink42> Man, I miss the Kefka's "name that link" service.
<WindStrike> hmm, graveyard could make sense actually...
<Nexas> Forgot this was open
<Darte> ohai
* Charizard hugs nexas to death
<WindStrike> cause first time Sephiroth used his lifestream powers in the Dampe's Grave quest, which was in the Old Shadow Temple under said Kakariko Graveyard
<Darklink42> There was that one portal to the realm of the dead in the Shadow temple.
<Nexas> k
<WindStrike> (shift yer non-topic chat to #zurpgchat please)
<WindStrike> yep
<WindStrike> ... wait, that was a Gurloz quest actually
<Darklink42> Shadow temple? I thought Vincent was still with us for that one.
<WindStrike> hang on
<WindStrike> yeah, Vincent quest, derp
<Orithan> Vincent was in that one
<WindStrike> right, 5 deaths in one quest, yay glass cannons!
<Sephiroth> Vinvent was in that one. >_>'
<Sephiroth> if I can even spell.
<Charizard> <Sephiroth> Vinvent
<WindStrike> but I like the idea of the lifestream connecting to the Old Shadow Temple's "Portal to the Dead", so... Sephiroth totally ended up there first
<Sephiroth> So this raises an interesting question.
<Sephiroth> ... How did I manage to escape it without being slaughtered?
<WindStrike> lol
<Charizard> well, arent you sephiroth
<Darte> He's been slaughtered before, not like this is the first time...
<Darklink42> I can't even remember what we fought in that place.
<WindStrike> well, it might've been the first place you met Shady
<Darklink42> Other than the portal itself.
<Sephiroth> $about url
<Kefka> $about: The command $url could not be found, or there is no information about that command, Sephiroth.
<Orithan> You fought Shadow of Penumbra
<Sephiroth> $switch url
<Kefka> $switch: URL Catcher is now Disabled for #zurpg, Sephiroth.
<WindStrike> which might also explain that one room that mysteriously had Vincent's signature weapons along with someone else's
<WindStrike> since Shady is notorious for somehow acquring signature weapons for unknown reasons
<WindStrike> (cough, how'd those signature items end up inside a chest in his bloody mind?)
<Orithan> That part leaves a hole on Harvey's side of things.
<WindStrike> eh?
<Darte> that's easy: he's Hoid.
<Orithan> The Tail Cloak was one of the items Shady had in his mind.
<WindStrike> ah, right
<WindStrike> let's get to that theoretical issue later
<Orithan> yeah.
<Darklink42> Heh.
<WindStrike> so Mr. Shady (the troll) found an exhausted and weak Sephiroth in the Old Shadow Temple... why was Shady there? WE'LL NEVER KNOW
<WindStrike> he decided to transport Sephiroth out of there, and brought him to Kakariko to regain his strength
<WindStrike> once healed up, he asked where the **** he was (as you would aptly put it) and why the **** he wasn't in Gaia
<Darte> wow seph
<Darte> that wasn't very polite
<Darklink42> Does Shady stick around to explain that though?
<WindStrike> Shady didn't have a bloody clue about the latter quest, but he did explain that the man was in Hyrule, land of.......... adventurers?
<Darte> and fairies
<Darklink42> and occasionally anime.
<WindStrike> yep
<Darte> sephiroth looked like a guy that would love fairies
<WindStrike> a land that's recovering from the turmoil of an evil ruler, and that Shady could use Sephiroth's help in fixing the land by joining as an adventurer
<Orithan> Not to mention shenanigans
<Darklink42> Sidebar note: we should probably do a little more work with Shady and Fraaz at some point too.
<WindStrike> (yep, and in order to do that, I'll need you to get the summaries for the high level ice dungeon done. ^_^)
<Darte> add them to the queuestack
<Darklink42> (0_0)
<WindStrike> Sephiroth reluctantly agreed at first, but within his first days of questing, he got some gear, some party mates (through mystical shenanigans), and a bit of his powers back, and what happened from there is ZURPG
<WindStrike> sound good?
<Sephiroth> Yeah.
<Darklink42> Sounds reasonable enough.
<Darklink42> Does he remember Vincent at all?
<WindStrike> theoretically, he should...... but I don't think the two have crossed paths yet
<WindStrike> in fact, neither have heard of each other yet in Hyrule, so both of them should believe "I'm the only one from Gaia here"
<WindStrike> (brb, yoinking second burrito)
<Sephiroth> They haven't
<WindStrike> okay, anything else you want worked on for Sephiroth?
<Sephiroth> No.
<Darklink42> I have a question though.
<WindStrike> shoot
<Darklink42> Aerith is arbiter of the Lifestream, more or less. Is she still aware of what's going on if Seph has jumped dimensions?
<WindStrike> given that a portion of the lifestream jumped over
<WindStrike> she should
<Darklink42> (Potential future story hooks.)
I'm in the midst of writing up a character backstory for Sephiroth, and I feel there's a few holes in it still. ... I'm not the best at writing, so maybe one of you guys can help me out.
Rough Draft, v. 1
After being defeated by Cloud at the end of Advent Children, Sephiroth dissipated and returned to the Lifestream on Gaia. Once in the Lifestream, he's able to be a part of the Planet, chat with other dead folks, and see some of his old friends. Sephiroth keeps thinking, "I will never be a memory", and he wants to return to Gaia, and wants to redeem himself, and wants to help others again, like he did in the past. Sephiroth attempts to escape the Lifestream; however, Aerith didn't exactly trust him. Aerith rips a hole in dimensions, transferring a portion of the Lifestream to Hyrule, along with Sephiroth as he uses up the last of his strength to escape. Sephiroth emerges from a portal inside the Old Shadow Temple, and collapses on the ground just outside of it. Meanwhile, our lovely ^_^ ghost Shady is traversing the Old Shadow Temple and finds a unconcious Sephiroth at the portal. Shady decides to take him out of the Old Shadow Temple to the town of Kakariko, where he regains his strength. Once he regained a portion of his strength, (and his senses), Sephiroth wondered where the <censored> he was. He found Shady later on, and Mr. Shady revealed that he wasn't in Gaia anymore... But yet he was in a land of Adventurers, ... The Land of Hyrule, a land that's recovering from the turmoil of an evil ruler, and that Shady could use Sephiroth's help in fixing the land by joining in as an Adventurer.