Zelda Universe RPG

Ibalin (Test) - Printable Version

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Ibalin (Test) - WindStrike - 07-13-2015


Ibalin (Level: 10)
  • Power: 12 (+0)
  • Courage: 13 (+0)
  • Wisdom: 5 (+9)
  • Hearts: 20/20 (+0)
  • Magic: 10/10 (+0)
  • EXP: 0/50
  • Stat Points: 0
  • Stat Points (Used): 50
  • Reroll Points: 2
  • Rupees: 0
  • Gold Coins: 0
  • Reisano Coins: 0
Water (Level: 2)
Shadow (Level: 1)
Physical Description
Sheikah. LIKE A BOSS!
Total Bonuses
  • Initiative:
  • Damage:
  • Armor: +4, +10 vs. Taunted targets
    • Pay 2 Magic at start of each round, another +1 bonus
  • Attack:
  • Defense:
  • Stats: +9 Wisdom
  • Recovery: 2 Hearts and 1 Magic per hit
  • EFFECT 1: Causes 1-round Taunt on hit
  • EFFECT 2: Once per round, remove a stack of Bleeding
    • Pay 2 Magic at start of each round, can remove two stacks
  • EFFECT 3: If hit, attacker takes Damage equal to your Armor
Active (5)
Passive (7)
Offensive (3)
Support (4)
Weapons (4)
Shields (1)
Armor (1)
Robes (1)
Tools (2)
Consumables (2)