Nayru's Love Shards - Sephiroth - 03-17-2015
... So, I've been thinking.
And I'm failing to see who has them at this time.
Which characters has what shards of Nayru's Love?
Either Sephiroth never got one, or he did and it got overlooked...
RE: Nayru's Love Shards - Orithan - 03-17-2015
- Saria - Obtained during Attack on Death Mountain
- Sephiroth - Obtained during The Final Shard
- Gurloz - Obtained during Let there be Light
- There was a second one that was obtained during Let There be Light but IDK who has it. A search revealled nothing about it.
- Hasn't been obtained yet.
Pulled from the logs of a conversation with Windstrike a few weeks ago.
RE: Nayru's Love Shards - WindStrike - 03-17-2015
No, just one by Gurloz from Let there be Light. The first shard was in a quest before Shingeki no Death Mountain, and I thought either Sephiroth or Fireblast had it. If we can't find it on anyone, we can add it, because the total collected so far is supposed to be 4, with 1 shard remaining, something I will certainly be addressing in a high-level quest once we get the game back on the road in the summer time.
RE: Nayru's Love Shards - Orithan - 03-17-2015
Two shards right there in Let There be Light.
RE: Nayru's Love Shards - WindStrike - 03-17-2015
In that case, I have no idea. I'd have to get the logs up and posted and re-read to double check. I miiiight be able to do that this weekend, can't put a guarantee on that.
RE: Nayru's Love Shards - Sephiroth - 03-17-2015
Feb 23 00:00:32 <Dan> W-what's that thing?
Feb 23 00:00:44 <@DM> (Pre-emptive explanation!)
Feb 23 00:01:05 <Dan> ... Nayru's Love Shard... huh...
Feb 23 00:01:13 <Dan> That thing... hasn't tried to crystallize you yet?
Feb 23 00:01:28 <@Sephiroth> "Nope."
Feb 23 00:01:29 <Monroe> Hey, you know about that, boy?!
Feb 23 00:02:25 <Dan> Uh huh. Saw it crystallize a Poe 'round here before. Haven't seen that Poe since.
Feb 23 00:02:45 <Monroe> Wait, you're tellin' me there's another one of those shards?
Feb 23 00:03:00 * Sephiroth reveals the other two he's holding on to.
Feb 23 00:03:07 <Dan> N-no, the shard fell from it, a-and then it disappeared... but the Poe stayed crystallized.
Feb 23 00:03:19 * Dan takes a look at them.
Feb 23 00:03:30 <@Sephiroth> (other one, sorry.)
Feb 23 00:03:37 <@DM> (lol Gurloz)
Feb 23 00:03:37 <@Sephiroth> (Gurloz has two.. ... lol)
Feb 23 00:04:00 <@DM> *The one you're holding onto is shining brightly. The one in the hilt of your sword is shining far brighter.*
Feb 23 00:04:38 <Monroe> Hmm... if I recall correctly... there's a chap named Gurloz... think Saria told me 'e's got two of them, and Zelda has one of them....... should be all of 'em.
Feb 23 00:05:36 <Monroe> Let's go rest up and see if we can find that Gurloz fella an' go combine 'em. Sound like a good idea?
Feb 23 00:05:58 <@Sephiroth> "Sure thing, Monroe."
Feb 23 00:06:27 <@DM> (Auto-travel outta the place and get to an inn or you goin' there step by step?)
Feb 23 00:06:41 <@Sephiroth> (auto)
Hmm, think I found the solution. Gurloz has two, Sephiroth has one, plus the one that was affixed to Oblivion.
... Shortly afterward..
Feb 23 00:07:05 <@DM> *You auto-travel to... let's say the South Inn, cause... North Inn is undergoing renovation due to bar fight. *COUGH*
Feb 23 00:07:30 <@DM> *You all rest up for the night, recovering to full strength. You awaken the next morning fully refreshed.*
Feb 23 00:08:53 * Sephiroth yawns and streches as he gets out of bed.
Feb 23 00:09:03 <@DM> *There's a particular Hylian wandering around the Inn's Lobby. I WONDER WHO IT IS...
Feb 23 00:09:30 * Gurloz paces back and forth.
Feb 23 00:09:35 <@DM> *My god. Doesn't even have a physical description, and we figured it out.*
Feb 23 00:09:43 <@DM> (I just realized he has no physical description, lol)
Feb 23 00:10:28 <@Gurloz> (lol)
Feb 23 00:10:42 * Monroe tumbles outta bed and down the stairs as Strife ninja-hops off his barrel-rolling body and lands in front of the reception desk, to chat with a fair lady that happens to be the owner of this inn.*
Feb 23 00:11:02 <Monroe> Ooh god... first thing the senile one does... hit off with the ladies at HIS age.... *sighs*
Feb 23 00:11:11 * Sephiroth casually walks downstairs.
Feb 23 00:11:41 <Monroe> *You walk downstairs to find Monroe greeting Gurloz, and Strife getting slapped across the face by the Inn's owner.*
Feb 23 00:11:46 <Strife> I'm... in heaven...
Feb 23 00:11:56 * Strife passes out with a smile on his face.
Feb 23 00:11:58 * Gurloz giggles.
Feb 23 00:12:18 <Monroe> Sup Gurloz, good ta see ya here!
Feb 23 00:12:25 <@Gurloz> Whats up.
Feb 23 00:12:38 <@Gurloz> How's it goin' sir?
Feb 23 00:12:40 <@DM> (So when two of Sephiroth's characters meet, does the universe implode?
Feb 23 00:13:23 <Monroe> Mighty fine, thanks to this man's help.
Feb 23 00:13:37 * Monroe places his on Sephiroth's shoulder, smilin' wide and mighty.
Feb 23 00:13:50 <Monroe> Saved me life, an' I reckon he could do it 'gain!
Feb 23 00:13:58 <@Gurloz> "And just who might he be?"
Feb 23 00:14:27 <Monroe> Why don'tcher introduce yerself to this fine Hylian, Seph!
Feb 23 00:14:43 <@Sephiroth> "... The name's Sephiroth. ..."
Feb 23 00:15:32 <@Gurloz> "Well nice to meet ya, My name is Gurloz."
Feb 23 00:15:45 * Gurloz extends a hand for a handshake.
Feb 23 00:15:46 * Dan yawns and proceeds down the stairs silently, entering the lobby.
Feb 23 00:16:01 <Dan> Ahh, I feel better...
Feb 23 00:16:04 * Sephiroth shakes hands.
Feb 23 00:16:39 <@DM> -=ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! Shake hands with yourself by using two of your own characters. Both of you gain 20 Experience and 100 Rupees each!=-
Feb 23 00:17:02 * Gurloz face-palms and pockets the Rupees.
Feb 23 00:18:35 * Monroe tries to slap Dan on the back, but his hand passes right through Dan and he ends up slapping himself in the chest.
Feb 23 00:18:38 <Monroe> Ack!
Feb 23 00:19:39 <@Gurloz> "So what brings you folks here?"
Feb 23 00:19:40 <@DM> *The image of Dan disappears as he appears behind Monroe's back, slapping him on the back.*
Feb 23 00:19:47 <Dan> Thanks for savin' me, buddy!
Feb 23 00:20:07 <Monroe> Uhh, err... we just came back from the dern Catacombs.
Feb 23 00:20:56 <Monroe> Blew up half the place, killed a bunch o' zombies, and blew up that darn Poe down there finally, all thanks to Seph here! Oh, and got one of them blue shiny gems.
Feb 23 00:21:18 <@Gurloz> blue shiny gems?
Feb 23 00:21:25 <@Gurloz> Like these?
Feb 23 00:21:33 * Gurloz holds up the two he holds on to.
Feb 23 00:21:49 <Monroe> Yep, jus' like those!
Feb 23 00:23:04 <Monroe> Why don't we all head up to the Castle, see if Zelda is willin' to give up the shard she's holdin' onto so we can combine all these?
Feb 23 00:23:30 <@Sephiroth> "Well, we have a problem."
Feb 23 00:23:40 * Sephiroth holds up Oblivion
Feb 23 00:23:52 <Monroe> ... ah, right... it's stuck, ain't it...
Feb 23 00:23:53 <@Sephiroth> "What do we do about this one, being embedded in the sword?"
Feb 23 00:24:24 <Monroe> Huh, won'er if Eldin can chip it out... he's always got a bunch o' gems in 'is weapons.
Feb 23 00:24:36 --- Strife is now known as X__X
Feb 23 00:25:03 <Dan> I'm gonna go explore the town. See if somethin' jogs my memory. See you all around!
Feb 23 00:25:16 <@Sephiroth> "Seeya Dan"
Feb 23 00:25:45 * Dan waves and leaves the inn.
Feb 23 00:25:48 --- Dan is now known as X___X
Feb 23 00:26:31 <Monroe> I'll be back, gonna see where Eldin is...
Feb 23 00:26:40 * Monroe steps out of the inn for a bit.
Feb 23 00:27:07 <@DM> *Some time passes, and Monroe returns.*
Feb 23 00:27:45 <Monroe> So, might as well head to the Throne Room. Think Eldin is speakin' with 'is cousin...
Feb 23 00:28:05 <@Sephiroth> "Alright."
Feb 23 00:28:13 * Sephiroth exits the Inn, and heads towards the castle.
Feb 23 00:28:19 <@DM> (auto-travel to Throne Room?)
Feb 23 00:28:20 * Gurloz follows behind.
Feb 23 00:28:27 <@Gurloz> (yes)
Feb 23 00:28:55 <@DM> *Thanks to Monroe being with you given his status, you all are able to reach the Throne Room at the top of Hyrule Castle's Keep.*
Feb 23 00:29:38 <@DM> *Two grand, gold-plated doors lined with diamonds stands before you. It's creaked open slighty, and you can hear a male voice speaking from inside, frustrated.*
Feb 23 00:29:50 <Monroe> ... uh-oh...
Feb 23 00:30:15 <Monroe> Uhh... I'll knock... let's just hope Eldin ain't too ticked off today.
Feb 23 00:30:31 * Monroe knocks on the door using a specific 7-knock pattern.
Feb 23 00:31:22 <@DM> *After a brief pause of silence, you hear a female voice say, "You may enter, Monroe."*
Feb 23 00:31:33 * Monroe speaks through the crack in the door.
Feb 23 00:31:41 <Monroe> Brought some friends with me, hope ya don't mind...
Feb 23 00:32:06 <@DM> *Without Monroe pushing on the door, the door automatically opens as if some magical force pushes it open.*
Feb 23 00:32:38 * Sephiroth enters.
Feb 23 00:32:42 * Gurloz enters.
Feb 23 00:32:49 * Monroe enters.
Feb 23 00:34:51 <@DM> *You enter the grand Throne Room, walking upon a red carpet at the entrance. There's a checkboard floor pattern, and the ceiling extends 50 feet above you, with elegant and exquisite candle-lit chanedeliers. There's a large, glass-stained window on the opposite end of the room, from which the sun's light breathes life into the room. In front of the window is the grand throne chair. It stands twice as tall as any one of you.*
Feb 23 00:36:22 <@DM> *To the side of the chair stands a beautiful woman with blondish-brown hair and wearing the Royal Dress, fitting for a princess. To the side of her is a disgruntled man that looks older and more scarred than Monroe. He glares at you all as you enter.*
Feb 23 00:36:35 * Monroe bows to them both.
Feb 23 00:36:39 <Monroe> Princess Zelda... Lord Eldin...
Feb 23 00:36:43 --- X__X is now known as Zelda
Feb 23 00:36:44 * Sephiroth bows as well.
Feb 23 00:36:49 * Gurloz bows as well.
Feb 23 00:37:16 * Zelda bows back. The one next to her looks off to the side with his arms crossed.
Feb 23 00:38:09 <Zelda> Do not heed him any ill will. Eldin is just a little worried for me, that's all.
Feb 23 00:38:19 <Zelda> What may I do for you all?
Feb 23 00:38:45 <Monroe> You got that Nayru's Love Shard, right?
Feb 23 00:38:52 <@DM> Yes, I do.
Feb 23 00:38:56 <Monroe> Well...
Feb 23 00:39:06 * Monroe steps back, letting Sephiroth and Gurloz take the floor.
Feb 23 00:39:15 <Monroe> These two managed to collect the other four.
Feb 23 00:39:18 * Sephiroth shows Oblivion, as well as the shard he's holding on to.
Feb 23 00:39:23 <@DM> (GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALLLLLLL)
Feb 23 00:39:25 * Gurloz reveals the other two.
Feb 23 00:39:46 * Zelda is taken back slightly.
Feb 23 00:39:50 --- X___X is now known as Eldin
Feb 23 00:40:14 * Eldin turns towards you two, his grumpiness turning to surprise.
Feb 23 00:40:49 * Eldin grows a look of slight anger, directing it at Sephiroth.
Feb 23 00:41:12 <Eldin> So, you're so greedy, that you place it into your sword. Fine, why don't we-
Feb 23 00:41:27 * Sephiroth explains how it ended up in the sword."
Feb 23 00:41:34 * Zelda snaps her fingers, and a wall of light surrounds Eldin.
Feb 23 00:41:48 <Zelda> Please Eldin, stop being so quick to judge!
Feb 23 00:41:59 * Zelda bows to Sephiroth, apologizing for Eldin's rather rude behavior.
Feb 23 00:42:11 <Zelda> I'm sorry, he's not normally this bad!
Feb 23 00:42:16 <Eldin> Grr...
Feb 23 00:42:22 <Zelda> So, it's stuck...
Feb 23 00:42:48 <Monroe> Ahem... figured err.. Lord Eldin could pry that out... what with all those gems in your lances.
Feb 23 00:42:58 <Eldin> . . .
Feb 23 00:43:04 <Eldin> *ahem*
Feb 23 00:43:45 <@DM> *The barrier around him drops, and he puts on a glove with a magic circle on its palm.*
Feb 23 00:44:27 * Eldin reaches into his palm with his other hand, pulling out one of his lances, as if pulling it out of an alternate dimension.
Feb 23 00:44:50 <Eldin> Place the sword on the ground.
Feb 23 00:45:09 * Sephiroth places Oblivion on the ground before him.
Feb 23 00:45:37 * Eldin raises his lance... and thrusts it down onto the Nayru's Love Shard embedded into Oblivion's hilt.
Feb 23 00:45:49 <Eldin> $97d10
Feb 23 00:45:50 <@Navi> Eldin: You rolled 97 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 513. Successes: 68.
Feb 23 00:46:27 <@DM> *There's an eletric discharge followed by a shockwave, knocking everyone back. Eldin is flung into the wall behind him, but he recovers.*
Feb 23 00:47:05 <@DM> *The gem is no longer in Oblivion's hilt... but now it glows red. You can all hear voices, similar to the voices of Poes, echoing throughout the room.*
Feb 23 00:47:52 * Zelda raises a dark orange gem, and she fires a blast of fire at the gem.
Feb 23 00:47:55 <Zelda> $112d10
Feb 23 00:47:57 <@Navi> Zelda: You rolled 112 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 601. Successes: 74.
Feb 23 00:48:49 <@DM> *The fires swirl inside of the gem, as three more barriers, one of light, one of arcane energy, and one made of gold dust, all cover the gem.*
Feb 23 00:49:00 * Zelda sighs an air of relief.
Feb 23 00:49:12 <Eldin> The heck was that?!
Feb 23 00:49:21 <Monroe> That... didn't seem good.
Feb 23 00:49:30 <Zelda> It's not...
Feb 23 00:49:44 * Sephiroth is confused by the events that occurred.
Feb 23 00:50:04 <Zelda> ... you said you got this from the Catacombs?
Feb 23 00:50:12 <@Sephiroth> "Yes."
Feb 23 00:50:23 <Monroe> Yeah. Big frigin' poe down there.
Feb 23 00:50:44 * Zelda pulls out her Nayru's Love Shard.
Feb 23 00:51:32 <Zelda> When I encountered this one, it kept crystallizing everything it touched, but when those beings were destroyed, the shard was silenced.
Feb 23 00:51:45 <Zelda> Did this shard crystallize anything?
Feb 23 00:51:58 <@Sephiroth> "No."
Feb 23 00:52:07 <Monroe> Uhh.. wait, Dan mentioned somethin'...
Feb 23 00:52:20 <Monroe> He said there was a crystallized Poe, but he hadn't seen it since...
Feb 23 00:52:34 <Zelda> Then, before we can combine these gems...
Feb 23 00:52:41 <Zelda> That Poe must be defeated first.
Feb 23 00:53:31 <Monroe> Wait, you're tellin' me that one we just beat wasn't the one that got crystallized?
Feb 23 00:53:54 <@DM> *You recall that the Poe you defeated remarked about being defeated by the power of those gems... once before, as well.*
Feb 23 00:55:08 <@Sephiroth> "That poe, when we defeated it, remarked about beind defeated by these gems once before.."
Feb 23 00:55:08 <Zelda> For now, I will hold onto these gems and keep them safe.
Feb 23 00:55:15 <Zelda> Oh?
Feb 23 00:55:29 * Eldin seems shocked.
Feb 23 00:55:32 * Sephiroth eats TYPOES for breakfast.
Feb 23 00:56:01 <Eldin> Wait... that gem....
Feb 23 00:56:17 <Eldin> It protected the Triforce... in the past, 20 years ago....
Feb 23 00:56:30 <Eldin> Was that Poe an Interloper?!
Feb 23 00:56:51 * Sephiroth head-scratch.
Feb 23 00:57:01 <@DM> (It mentioned being an Interloper twice)
Feb 23 00:57:11 <@DM> (once when it appeared, once as it died)
Feb 23 00:57:42 <@Sephiroth> "... It mentioned being an interloper twice. ... Once when it revealed itself, and once upon its demise."
Feb 23 00:58:00 <Zelda> ... then... that Crystallized Poe...
Feb 23 00:58:17 <Zelda> ... it may be an Interloper as well.
Feb 23 00:58:33 * Eldin yells to the ceiling suddenly.
Feb 23 00:59:06 * Zelda ignores Eldin's banter, though there's a clear look of disdain on her face.
Feb 23 01:00:01 <Zelda> Thank you for bringing this news to me.
Feb 23 01:00:56 <Zelda> I'll ask the Kokiri to see if they can track the Poe down. When they do, can I ask of your assistance again in neutralizing?
Feb 23 01:01:15 <@DM> *neutralizing it
Feb 23 01:01:20 <@Gurloz> "Sure."
Feb 23 01:01:21 <@Sephiroth> "Sure."
Feb 23 01:01:36 <Monroe> Count me. I'm always good fer Poe Hunting.
Feb 23 01:01:43 * Zelda smiles lightly.
Feb 23 01:02:11 <Zelda> I thank you all for your service to Hyrule.
Feb 23 01:02:52 * Zelda kicks Eldin in the shin lightly.
Feb 23 01:02:57 <Eldin> Ack!
Feb 23 01:03:32 <@DM> *There's an electric ZAP with her kick. Seems her Smash skills have transferred over to ZURPG. Don't mess with Zelda.*
Feb 23 01:03:48 * Eldin bows to the three of you.
Feb 23 01:03:51 <Eldin> ... thanks.
Feb 23 01:04:13 * Gurloz bows in return.
Feb 23 01:04:14 * Sephiroth bows in return.
Feb 23 01:04:28 <Zelda> I'll have Eldin transfer some items to you all later. You'll do that, right, Eldin?
Feb 23 01:04:48 <Eldin> What? I'm not letting these weaklings have any of my-
Feb 23 01:04:55 <Zelda> Right, cousin Eldin?
Feb 23 01:04:59 <Eldin> . . . fine.
Feb 23 01:05:37 <Eldin> ... come to my office in the morning. I'll get you all something from my armory. ... if you'll excuse us, I need to-
Feb 23 01:06:00 <Zelda> No, I think I'm going to go for a walk, once in a wihle. You can talk to me later about that issue, Eldin, when you've cooled your head.
Feb 23 01:06:13 <Zelda> If you'll leave the room, please...
Feb 23 01:06:22 <Monroe> As yer w-wish, m'lady...
Feb 23 01:06:26 * Monroe backs on outta the room.
Feb 23 01:06:41 * Eldin steps out of the room, stomping his way out.
Feb 23 01:06:54 * Sephiroth bows to Zelda and exits, stage right.
Feb 23 01:07:03 * Gurloz bows to Zelda and exits, stage left.
Feb 23 01:07:16 * Zelda exits the Throne Room, stage center...... wait what.
Feb 23 01:08:34 <@DM> *The door naturally closes behind her, locking with magical forces with a loud slam. The princess walks on down, away from the Throne Room and down the stairs. As she leaves, you can hear her humming a tune.... your characters don't recognize it, but you, as the players, recognize it as the Legend of Zelda theme.*
Feb 23 01:08:48 <Monroe> Back to me shop, then. See ya folks later!
Feb 23 01:08:55 * Monroe pats you both on the back and heads out himself.
Feb 23 01:09:15 <@DM> -=QUEST COMPLETE=-
So we did obtain the other 4 shards. ... Just there's a ... Crystallized Poe floating around somewhere that we need to dispose of before Zelda can combine the shards, who is currently holding onto them all.
... So this actually alter's Sephiroth's Current Objective.. ... To locating that Crystallized Poe and defeating it..
RE: Nayru's Love Shards - WindStrike - 03-17-2015
Sweet. This weekend, I'll see what I can do for getting up the logs for both those quests (the Let there be Light quest and the Final Shard (bullcrap) quest). Might take two weekends, cause work/schoolwork is preventing me from doing any ZURPG work currently. And hopefully Darklink will be able to follow up with summaries soon, though I believe he's been much busier lately. FYI, your solo quest won't be wrapping up this storyline, though I might get an idea for where it goes after I re-read those two quests. I do recall a still-locked locker that supposedly has Materia in it. Perhaps it'll be related to getting that open.