6-18-14: Corruption - WindStrike - 06-16-2014
On Wednesday, June 18th, at 8:00pm CST, a newbie quest will be starting! This is for Alexander, Serra, Flonne, and Iyaruka_Aetashigo. And yes, it will actually have a story, unlike 2013's newbie quests. Look forward to it!
Railroaded onto a boat by the DM, Serra, Alaxandar, Flonne, and Iyaruka_Aetashigo began their first quest, which was on route to Saria Town. They searched the boat a bit, not really finding anything except a drunken man below deck. Iyaruka_Aetashigo was quick to pull off a party split as she jumped from the boat. The rest of them were below deck when the boat arrived at Saria Town. Guards swarmed the boat, asking them to submit and follow them to Lord Malek. The shifty merchants on board got caught in an argument. Meanwhile, the group found the EngineMan, who was some sort of mage-looking guy. He was rather shady, as he shooed them away and then locked himself inside the engine room.
Two guards went below deck and demanded submission. Instead, one of them met submission to life as Alexander sliced him with his sword. Flonne blasted the other guard down, and after the battle, an explosion happened, and a group of bombs dropped down from above. The EngineMan appears again, throwing a fireball at Alexander before they begin to jump off the ship. The ship explodes from the bombs, and they all survive, albeit not after taking a good amount of damage. Everyone else on board... not so lively.
Bizen, the drunk man, also escaped. He offered them a place to hide before more guards came, but Flonne, after nearly dying from the ship explosion, got too stuck up and killed him with a wand blast.
While shenanigans were happening on the boat, Iyaruka_Aetashigo escaped earlier to venture off on her own shenanigans. She sniped a guard at the front of an inn at the same time of the explosion, causing the citizens to not really notice... somehow. She entered the inn to find a bunch of old folks staying there. They were defensive, but they thought she was just a lonesome passerby and let her stay. Then shenanigans happened. Just look at the God darn moments below.
She fell from the room she was staying in and dropped into the first floor room below, where a group of young adults, all of whom appeared to be armed in some way, met and greeted her. The leader of the group was a man called Lode, with a woman by the name of Yuka acting as the secondary leader. More shenanigans happened. Just... read the moments. Iyaruka_Aetashigo mentioned the explosion, which the group was unaware of. They then dropped into a series of tunnels below the town, going towards the direction of the explosion.
After the destruction of the boat, Serra found a mysteriously new companion, Charizard, while Flonne and Alexander spontaneously disappeared. They attempted to surrender to the oncoming guards, but instead, they peer pressured a guard to drown himself. Shortly afterwards, a hipster Zora known as Joe Bunschtag met up with them, claiming he was only there to pass through. He led them away from the guards, and they entered a Kid's house to escape. Inside the house, a trapdoor opened, and they met with a resistance force, led by Lode and Yuka, exiled residents of Saria Town. They desire for Malek to fall for his corruption. They also met up with Iyaruka_Aetashigo, who disappeared earlier.
One of them accidentally ticked off Joe Bunschtag, causing him to trigger a gem. A moment later, a dark night fell upon Saria Town. Guards bombed their way in, knocking Yuka out, which caused the rest of her group to rescue her and fall back. Joe Bunschtag, after his possession wore off, used a bomb to nuke himself and another guard to help even the odds for the upcoming fight. Three more guards appeared, but one of them was assassinated by a stealth kill from Alexander. They defeated the rest of the guards, and when they were going to spare the last one, he was struck by lightning. Malek's voice was heard, warning them to turn back, or else he'd come at them at full force. They did not heed the warning, and they rested the night at an inn.
Meanwhile, Iyaruka_Aetashigo went back down to the tunnel. I wonder how that's going...
<DM> *The engine room is just on the other side of..... this drunk dude.*
<Flonne> Hey man, you alright?
<DrunkMan> Ehhhhhhhhh.......
<Flonne> ^ is that a new robot master?
* Alexander sees Flonne excaped.
* Alexander throws out the bombs.
< DM> (wait, you throw out the bombs AFTER Flonne "escapes"?)
< Alexander> I see her 40 feet away!
< Flonne> Why are you throwing bombs at me.
< DM> *Congrats, you just threw the bombs IN FLONNE'S DIRECTION!*
< Flonne> I knew you guys would kill me off
< Alexander> SWIM!
* DM sighs.......
< DM> Alexander...... roll Power.
- <Navi> Alexander: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 3, 4 and 7. Total: 17. Successes: 1.
< DM> *Thankfully, your teammate has a really bad throwing arm.*
< DM> *He throws the bombs, which land at the base of the ship. And it seems these bombs are water-proof, as they explode upon contact with the surface of the water.*
< DM> *The shockwaves from the bombs blast the underside of the ship to bits. Flonne manages to have swam far enough away to avoid the turmoil.*
< DM> *In the meantime, Alexander and Sera must roll Courage vs. 8 successes as their ship falls apart on itself.*
- <Navi> Alexander: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 6, 9 and 9. Total: 32. Successes: 4.
<Navi> Serra: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 8, 5, 4, 8 and 3. Total: 31. Successes: 3.
< DM> * Alexander, you take some scrapes and enjoy 2 damage before you save yourself by jumping into the water in time.*
< DM> *Meanwhile, Serra enjoys 3 damage as she barrel rolls into the water just barely.*
< DM> *Congrats, your unintentional attempts to kill Flonne backfired as you nearly killed yourselves!*
<DM> okay, so...... I predicted like, 3 or 4 different paths that the quest might have gone
<DM> *At the top of the stairs is a hallway, with 4 doors on each side for a total of 8 doors. Betcha I couldn't do math, can't I? Wait grammar, what why.*
<DM> *They're all shut and locked, save for the one at the back-left. It's slightly ajar, and no, don't try to pick up the jar.*
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo walks to the back of the backside of the inn. Wait what.
<DM> *At the back of the backside of the inn is the back of what appears to be the backside wall. It stares blankly at your back, which is behind yourself thereby preventing the backside back wall from possibly seeing your back. Meanwhile, KEESE AND CO. is back from its vacation.*
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo turns to the left, the leftside of the inn, the left of the door of the side of the inn that is opened, there are too many directions involved here, so the left side is probably right instead.
<DM> *From here, you can see inside the room. Sunlight is pouring in through the room's window, flooding the room with light particles, because that's how science works. There's an empty bookcase, a bed, a desk, and the backside of that door. It plans on backstabbing you when you enter.*
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo looks at the bookcase, the bookcase of emptyness. The bookcase is unamused for not holding anything of use, it is very lonely as it is isolated from the fullness of the bed. The desk might just be half-empty, but it might also be half-full. Who knows? Maybe Master DM has an idea. The door is also staring the backside of the inn with its back.
<DM> I hate you for all eternity.
<DM> *As you unlock the common achievement of the DM's hate for you for the 87th time, you notice one of the wall panels behind the empty bookcase is a good bit darker than the other wall panels. Its loneliness is shared with the bookcases's loneliness............... wait.*
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo looks at the darkened plane, the plane with the shadows. The lonely plane is isolated just like the bookcase. Both cases are unamused by the logic of ZURPG. I wonder why I am even typing this.
<DM> *The panel stares back at you. It's amused by how lonely and dark it is- oh God, I just realized how horrifically racist this is.*
<DM> *The panel, at its realization, just completely disappears.*
<DM> *Where the panel was, you see only loneliness.... okay, and a stash of bombs. ........ bombs? BOMBS?!*
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo looks at the now-no-longer-dark panel, did light infest so much of the room, that it disappeared?
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo now just noticed the stash of bombs, it is really explosive bombs too! Let's just hope the light doesn't infuse them, the UV radiation might cause it to go boom!
<DM> *Well, the light was pouring in. It figures that it just flooded the room so much that it illuminated the dark side of physics, because that's how it works.*
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo stashes up the bombs
<DM> *As the bombs absorb the UV- okay, kidding.*
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo is somehow not affected by the UV so much, it might be the Shadow affinity.
< DM> *Your hear some footsteps from behind as a man with a mustach- oh, it's Rick. He's standing at the doorway, just watching you.*
< DM> *It's not creepy at all. It's just an old man watching what he calls a "little girl" investigate an area of the room he offered her.*
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo turns head around. Slowly.
< DM> *Your head turns slowly as your neck muscles begin to feel increasingly more pain. Then you become a broken owl-
< DM> * Rick stares at you for a few more seconds before suddenly shaking for an instant. He snaps out of his creepystare and waves at you. Wait, that's just as bad.*
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> 2h, 1m | Broken Neck Affliction
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> Uh, hi?
< Rick> Oh, uhh, hi there. Uhh... is the room to your satisfaction?
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> I guess?
< Rick> Ah hah! Good! Yes yes, good! Uhh...
* Rick seems fidgety.
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo attempts to see if there is something suspicious
< Rick> Well, would you like a drink with us down in the bar? I know you're young, but it's to uhh.. calm the nerves, yeah!
< DM> *His eyes seem a little glazed over. Generally, when this happens when I'm DMing, it's something to do with... something obvious.*
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> ... Are you looking at a wall?
< Rick> Wha?
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> Is there a backside to a wall somehow>
< DM> *He.. is... looking at a wall. Now that you see closer, he's not staring at you... he's staring at where that panel used to be!*
< DM> *Wonder if it's anything to do with the bombs you picked up, cause there's nothing else behind where that panel was.*
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo gets another look at the previously shadowed wall, that disappeared because it realized it wasn't it kind.
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo pokes the wall with nothingness, breaking physics a little
< DM> *You turn back around, only to see the panel of racism is back. And it's back to being lonely. In fact, where the heck did the empty bookcase go?*
< DM> *Roll..... nothing....... to..................... I give up.*
* DM breaks from a result of nothing.
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo tries to look for the bookcase, which disappeared to nothingness. It was empty, so it must have been sent to a world with more emptyness!
< DM> *It was sent into Fireblast's mind. Hmm, I wonder where that went?*
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> The figure of the bookcase is installed into the poor girl's mind. Where the hell did it go? That's creepy.
< Rick> Hey, what are you doing with that wall?!
< Rick> I gave you a room, not a wall!
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> Is that wall supposed to be a secret to everybody?
< Rick> ... you know.... young girl....
< Rick> I used to live in a cave once. It was... oh, down south. And east a bit!
< Rick> Then, one day, I handed a young man a wooden stick that I used to beat myself with.
< Rick> I told him... "It's a secret to everybody."
< Rick> Those exact words.
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> Uh... I kind of just thought about the wall being some kind of secret?
* Rick tries to storm towards you.
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo gets pushed back by an unknown force of video games. What.
< DM> *As Rick enters the room, the door swings inwards, and the backside of the door slams into him. Rick, ROLL POWER!
- <Navi> Door: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 9, 7, 9 and 9. Total: 36. Successes: 4.
<Navi> Rick: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 8. Total: 8. Successes: 1.
* Door SLAMS Rick into the ground. It winks at Iyaruka_Aetashigo with its backside (what), and proceeds to return to being a door on some hinges.
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> ...
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> Did that door have a face?
< DM> *Nope.avi. Just the back of a backside.*
< DM> * Iyaruka_Aetashigo, suddenly, the floor below you disappears.*
< DM> *You fall down into the room below, but you manage to land on your feet. You find yourself suddenly surrounded...... by the plot.*
<Lode> My tail starts from a few weeks ago....
<DM> *Lode has no tail.*
<Lode> I ventured into this town, whence uponst be my arrival, I came across a plot devi-
<Lode> I came upon a dead man, floating down the river.
<Lode> He was young, like me!
<Lode> And yet the guards just laughed it off!
<Lode> So I looked around, around and around for answers, and I all I got back was my back aching from the back of my leather jacket- ARGH THAT'S ITCHY!
* Lode goes nuts as he deals with his back. Maybe the plot is trying to kill him because he has a name.
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo stands there clueless to the plotting device.
<YoungWoman> What's your name, young one?
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo clears throat
<Iyaruka_Aetashigo> My name is Iyaruka_Aetashigo
<Iyaruka_Aetashigo> ((This better be good))
<Lode> Yarko Tash My Go?
* YoungWoman whacks Lode over the head.
<YoungWoman> No, you idiot, she said her name was IYuka Ashtag.
<DM> *Another one pipes up.*
<DM> [Kid]: Wha? I heard Yuka Ashertgo!
<DM> [Another Kid]: Kayashatigo!
<DM> [Adult]: What?! That's nowhere near close to it! It's Iyarko At Shigo's!
<DM> [Another Young Woman]: I heard IYuka Tashigo.
<Lode> Hah! I get it now!
<Lode> It's My Yuka Is A Tasher So I Go
<Iyaruka_Aetashigo> Can I just be called Jennie?
<Iyaruka_Aetashigo> Kick me
* Sephiroth has kicked Iyaruka_Aetashigo from #zurpg (Requested)
<DM> *You emerge at the surface of the water to see God kicking the spirit of Iyaruka_Aetashigo from the sun to the moon. Interesting skybox background.*
<DM> *You continue to rest in the middle of the ship wreckage while guards are closing in on your position. The skybox changes as a lone cloud starts fighting that God from earlier.*
* Serra whispers
* Charizard whispers back
* RiverGuard yells again.
<RiverGuard> ....... I mean, surrender.
< Serra> pfft
< Serra> You guys seriously can't swim?!
< RiverGuard> What?!
< RiverGuard> I CAN SWIM!
< RiverGuard> ........ right guys?
< RiverGuard> I think.
< RiverGuard> Maybe.
< Serra> Prove it!
< RiverGuard> Why you.....
< DM> * Serra, roll Wisdom vs. RiverGuard to see if your taunt works!*
- <Navi> Serra: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 5, 3 and 10. Total: 23. Successes: 4.
<Navi> RiverGuard: You rolled 2 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2 and 9. Total: 11. Successes: 1.
Charizard> "Wow, they can't swim. And they call themselves guards."
* RiverGuard dives into the wall and attempts to swim towards you......
< DM> *After about two or three arm strokes, RiverGuard encounters a new kind of stroke, which is lethal on his back. He falls below the surface of the water, and moments later, his gurgling stops.*
< Charizard> "Well done Serra, you managed to peer pressure a person to his death."
...... wall?
<DM> *You all begin your journey to the east. As you swim over to the shoreline, the Zora dooms himself by asking a question...*
<Zora> Yo dudes, what's you all's names?
<Charizard> "I'm Charizard. She's Serra."
<Serra> I don't know how you got my name! *Look at her nametag* ...oh.
<Zora> Alright yo, that's sweet, Char the Zarda and Sarah Ha, eh? That's cool man!
<Zora> My name is JoeBunschtag!
<Charizard> "...Sure. We're cool."
<Zora> ..... I don't know why mah name is weird like that, but hey, it's all hip and cool now.
<DM> *You hear Yuka say something remarkable...
<DM> [Yuka]: Why do I hear someone talking like a racist hipster from above?
<Iyaruka_Aetashigo> ((Prolly that Zora))
<DM> [Lode]: *acting like one* Oh please don't say it ain't so, Yu the ka to the Yuka yo!-
<DM> *Upon reaching them, Lode's head has merged with a nearby wall.*
<DM> [Yuka]: It's a wonder we're the ones following him.
<Iyaruka_Aetashigo> I question why.
<DM> [Lode]: Ow. Being hipster is painful to my head.
<DM> [Lode]: Yeah! That's how to be a REAL main charac-
<DM> *Lode encounters the dirt wall once again as Yuka braces one of her shields into him.*
<DM> [Yuka]: *sigh* I wish he wasn't so stupid sometimes...
< DM> *So, you guys going for that inn? Or... actually, the door into the house next to you is slightly ajar. You can see the Kid peeking at you guys.*
< JoeBunschtag> Hey yo, that Kid is starin' at us!
< Charizard> "This Kid is staring into my soul."
< DM> * Kid's Wisdom vs. Charizard's Wisdom. GO, DICE ROLL!*
- <Navi> Kid: You rolled 3 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 5 and 2. Total: 10. Successes: 1.
<Navi> Charizard: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 9, 9 and 6. Total: 30. Successes: 4.
< DM> *The Kid's stare fails to rattle your soul. Your spirit overwhelms him, and he passes out, with the door still ajar.*
* JoeBunschtag goes all homie on this shizz.
<JoeBunschtag> Yo yo Kid, I's the neighborhood Zora yo, in da house with the goro goro and the zoro zoro! Ain't you never seen anythin' like this yo!
* Serra punches Joe to shut him up.
<JoeBunschtag> Doh!
<DM> *Suddenly, the trapdoor is sent flying into the roof. It breaks into pieces which rain down on the guy that hammer'd the door.*
<DM> *He's seen falling shortly afterwards.*
<Kid> My name is Kid!
<JoeBunschtag> ...... yo seriously, really Kid? Really?
<Charizard> "You're kidding me."
<Kid> My parents were lazy I think.
< DM> [ Yuka]: ... are you that racist hipster I heard from down there?
* JoeBunschtag suddenly gets very angry.
< DM> *He's yelling rather loudly.*
< DM> *You calm JOE down through a generic action. Your generic action fails to work.*
< DM> *The woman with the shields lowers them and introduces herself.*
< DM> [ Yuka]: I am Yuka, one of the members of our resistance cell against the evil Malek.
< Serra> Ohh, I get it!
< DM> [ Yuka]: Get what?
< Serra> Malek is a Rip off of Nergal, alrighty.
< DM> [ Yuka]: ... who?
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> What's a Nergal?
< Serra> Some asshole from Elibe. Anyways
* JoeBunschtag misinterpreted that while in rage mode.
< Charizard> "Don't mind Serra. She's a bit sleepy."
* JoeBunschtag gets up close to Serra, pointing his finger at her.
< Charizard> " Joe, please, chill. Be cool again." ;-;
< DM> [ Yuka]: Uhh, someone calm him down before the guards swarm this building?
* Iyaruka_Aetashigo whispers to herself "I am surrounded by idiots"
< Iyaruka_Aetashigo> I think I might just go back down.
< JoeBunschtag> Al-alright, y-you know what?
* Serra slaps Joe, to calm him down.
< JoeBunschtag> I ain't dealin' with-
< DM> *Roll Power vs. his Power, Serra!
- <Navi> Serra: You rolled 3 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 10 and 8. Total: 22. Successes: 3.
<Navi> JoeBunschtag: You rolled 2 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4 and 6. Total: 10. Successes: 1.
< DM> *Your slap sends JoeBunschtag spiraling to the floor, knocking him out.*
<DM> [Yuka]: Hey. You. What was on that boat?
<JoeBunschtag> That boat? I reckon...
* JoeBunschtag takes his sunglasses off.
<JoeBunschtag> ... it was a reckoning.
* JoeBunschtag makes a wicked smile, and screams:
<RiverGuard> I... I was just followin' orders... 'e ain't sane no more...
<DM> *Suddenly, his speech patterns change. I WONDER IF IT'S ENOUGH TO GIVE HIM A NAME.*
<Serra> What do you say, we end this charrade, and rest at that inn over there?
<RiverGuard> T-t-the inn? Y-yeah, I'll... I'll get ya rested up there, real good, yeah!
<RiverGuard> Just don't kill me, please!
<Serra> Now then
* RiverGuard is bowing down to you, Serra.
* Serra helps the RiverGuard up
<Serra> What is your name?
<RiverGuard> Eh?
<RiverGuard> My... my name...
<RiverGuard> It's Trello.
<DM> *Suddenly, lightning strikes. Attracted by RiverGuard's name, it strikes him, sapping his lifeforce away.*
<DM> *The three of you pass out at the inn.*
<DM> *As you sleep, you dream of darkness. Suddenly, white text appears, and the nightmare begins....
If the NPC has a name, he'll probably die by the end of the quest.
- <DM> *Before RiverGuard1 can finish his speech, Alexander retaliates and slashes him down. Yes, he can.*
- <DM> *The magic blast initially hits RiverGuard2, seeming to barely phase him. But then, as if descending from the heavens themselves, a dice appears and strikes the magic blast, empowering it. The blast rips a hole in the guard's chest, and he falls to the ground alongside his buddy, Tim.*
- * Bizen finishes warning you when you cold-bloodedly murder the crap out of him, Flonne. Congrats, for killin' an innocent man, you gain 2 Experience and collect his remaining 20 Rupees.
- * Door SLAMS Rick into the ground. It winks at Iyaruka_Aetashigo with its backside (what), and proceeds to return to being a door on some hinges.
- <DM> Yep, the door killed him.
- <DM> *After about two or three arm strokes, RiverGuard encounters a new kind of stroke, which is lethal on his back. He falls below the surface of the water, and moments later, his gurgling stops.*
- <DM> *In a flash of light, sound combusts as JoeBunschtag explodes with the guard, wrecking even more of the house.*
- <DM> *Alexander, you pull a perfect sneak attack as you pierce RiverGuard2 through the chest. It obliviates his heart, and the guard falls to the ground in a lifeless heap.*
- * RiverRearguard manages to partially avenge his friend as he plunges an arrow deep into Serra's head. Her head explodes before being revived by a fairy.
- <DM> *RiverGuard plunges his spear into Alexander's heart as he avenges Pete. His heart stops beating for a moment, but a fairy revives him, causing the heart to beat so grandly, the RiverGuard is stunned by shenanigans.*
- <DM> *Charizard, in his first attack in an actual session, pulls off Godly Navi skills and slices RiverRearguard into pieces, avenging his recently deceased Zora friend, Joe Bunschtag. The RiverGuard paints the pavement with blood, which is washed off by Joe’s tears from the sky.*
- * Charizard looks in the sky and thinks... "Yo, I have avenged you, dude."
- <DM> *The sky high-fives you Charizard. Wut.*
- <DM> *Suddenly, lightning strikes. Attracted by RiverGuard's name, it strikes him, sapping his lifeforce away.*
- <DM> *Grey skies overshadow your futures, as you all become increasingly reluctant of the plot.*
- <DM> *The experience of the explosion and Bizen dying overwhelms your senses, and you find yourselves falling... deeper and deeper... into the dark abyss that is the Loading Screen.*
- <Yuka> So here we all are, a small group of younger people attempting to undermine Malek's authority, so we can show those that live under his rule what kind of a tyrant he really is.
- <DM> *My God...... this quest has a plot after all.*
- <DM> *Serra, you successfully taunt the Rupees to attack you and enter your wallet. Congratulations.*
- <RiverRearguard> He would never do that to himself! Just because he's an old man and is often confused doesn't mean he can't be a duck!
- <Zora> Hey yo, I'm goin' to the inn before those guards stake me to door and make eat shrooms!
- <DM> *The fourth wall backs away from you this time, and as a result, the tunnel gets wider. The fourth wall must've been one of the side walls.*
- <DM> *She finally recomposes herself, but you don't hear any new music. Odd.*
- <DM> [Lode]: Oooooh yeah, am I main character or what?!
- <Charizard> "It's okay man. I only met Serra for a day, and she already tried to use my life as a shield!"
- * Charizard comes close to Iyaruka_Aetashigo and whispers "...Hoenn."
- <DM> *Serra, you slap Charizard's shield. You feel a bit of pain as Newton's third law returns to threaten your characters once more. Good lord you're cursed.*
- <Charizard> "Kid, get away. You have a name, try to be careful." (>_>)
RE: 6-18-14: Corruption - WindStrike - 07-12-2014
- Amount: 1
- A light red liquid that gives you health back when you drink it. So what's in it anyways?
- Restores your Hearts by 4 * your total affinity levels.
[box=Red Potion][list]
[*]A light red liquid that gives you health back when you drink it. So what's in it anyways?[list]
[*]Restores your [Hearts] by 4 * your total affinity levels.[/list][/list][/box]
- Amount: 4
- It's just a bomb... GET DOWN, IT'S A BOMB! Can be thrown at one target or at a group of enemies.
- Target
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice / Deals 4 + $1d4 damage
- If the attack is unsuccessful, the bomb explodes and hits everyone, dealing 2 damage.
- Explosions use original successes of the attack. Targets roll Power to defend.
This attack, while it hits all enemies, does not count as targeting them, as the bomb explodes over them.
Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice / Deals 3 damage
[*]It's just a bomb... GET DOWN, IT'S A BOMB! Can be thrown at one target or at a group of enemies.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Power type-b=Power] / Deals 4 + $1d4 damage
[*]If the attack is unsuccessful, the bomb explodes and hits everyone, dealing 2 damage.[list]
[*]Explosions use original successes of the attack. Targets roll [Power] to defend.[/list][/list]
[*]This attack, while it hits all enemies, does not count as targeting them, as the bomb explodes over them.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Power type-b=Power] / Deals 3 damage[/list][/list][/list][/list][/box]
Some dudes:
Origin: ZURPG
Wearing almost Zora-like armor and toting spears, these guards stop all that try to trespass upon their domain. They control the river of Saria Town, under their new ruler. Any harsh punishments are a result of stopping "terrorism".
Additionally, these guards are all noticeably aged. All of them have at least some gray hair, or are missing some.
- When River Guard dies, he drops a Spear and a River Platemail.
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [i]Two-Handed[/i]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A spear with long reach that can hit from a safe distance. It also gives a small defensive bonus.[list]
[*][b]Defense[/b]: +2 dice
[*]It can hit one target with [b]Slice[/b] or [b]Thrust[/b].[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=+4 type-b=Courage][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]IF FAIL[/b]: Target cannot counterattack you with a melee attack.
[*][dice type-a=Power amount-a=+5 type-b=Power][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: +2
[*][b]IF FAIL[/b]: Target automatically gets to counterattack you.
[box=River Platemail][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: An armor themed similarly to Zora armor, this armor protects well against light attacks and gives a minor attack bonus.[list]
[*][b]Armor[/b]: +1
[*][b]Attack[/b]: +1 dice
- DESCRIPTION: River Guard has been blessed, gaining increased defense when near a river or a large body of water.
- Defense: +1 dice
- DESCRIPTION: A spear with long reach that can hit from a safe distance. It also gives a small defensive bonus.
- Defense: +2 dice
It can hit one target with Slice or Thrust.
Roll your Courage +4 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
Physical Damage: +0
IF FAIL: Target cannot counterattack you with a melee attack.
Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: +2
IF FAIL: Target automatically gets to counterattack you.
- DESCRIPTION: An armor themed similarly to Zora armor, this armor protects well against light attacks and gives a minor attack bonus.
- Armor: +1
- Attack: +1 dice
Origin: ZURPG
Wearing almost Zora-like armor and toting spears, these guards stop all that try to trespass upon their domain. They control the river of Saria Town, under their new ruler. Any harsh punishments are a result of stopping "terrorism".
Additionally, these guards are all noticeably aged. All of them have at least some gray hair, or are missing some.
- When River Rearguard dies, he drops a Bow, Metal Tipped Arrows, a Buckler, and a River Platemail.
[box=Bow (Weapon)][list]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: The combination of using a bow and arrows is considered [i]Two-Handed[/i].
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A basic yew bow that can shoot arrows.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Arrows fired by this bow can only be counterattacked by range.
[box=Metal Tipped Arrows (Weapon)][list]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: A bow
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A wooden arrow with a solid, metal tip. Can hit one target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=+5 type-b=Courage][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: +0
[box=Iron Buckler][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A small, iron-plated buckler that you can equip while using either the [b]Bow and Arrows[/b] or the [b]Slingshot[/b].[list]
[*][b]Defense[/b]: +1 dice
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: You cannot equip another [i]Two-Handed[/i] item on top of the [b]Buckler[/b] other than the ones listed above.
[box=River Platemail][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: An armor themed similarly to Zora armor, this armor protects well against light attacks and gives a minor attack bonus.[list]
[*][b]Armor[/b]: +1
[*][b]Attack[/b]: +1 dice
- DESCRIPTION: River Guard has been blessed, gaining increased attack when near a river or a large body of water.
- Attack: +1 dice
- REQUIREMENTS: The combination of using a bow and arrows is considered Two-Handed.
- DESCRIPTION: A basic yew bow that can shoot arrows.
- EFFECT: Arrows fired by this bow can only be counterattacked by range.
- DESCRIPTION: A wooden arrow with a solid, metal tip. Can hit one target.
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Physical Damage: +0
- DESCRIPTION: A small, iron-plated buckler that you can equip while using either the Bow and Arrows or the Slingshot.
- Defense: +1 dice
- EFFECT: You cannot equip another Two-Handed item on top of the Buckler other than the ones listed above.
- DESCRIPTION: An armor themed similarly to Zora armor, this armor protects well against light attacks and gives a minor attack bonus.
- Armor: +1
- Attack: +1 dice
Origin: The Legend of Zelda
Moblins are thuggish, unintelligent, porcine creatures that nonetheless can hold their own in a fight. However, they will submit to a higher command if they are ordered as such.
- When Moblin dies, any equipped items are dropped. It also drops Bait.
- Amount: 1
- DESCRIPTION: A healthy chunk of meat, taken from your dead enemies! Doesn't cannibalism feel great?
- You can eat the bait to recover 8 Hearts.
You can throw the bait somewhere in an attempt to lure enemies to it. "Hits" all enemies.
Roll your Wisdom +2 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Damage: None
EFFECT: Any target(s) affected by its lure are forced to pick up and eat the tasty treat on their next turn.
This counts as using an action.
Once one of the affected targets has picked up the bait, the rest will be unaffected by the lure.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A healthy chunk of meat, taken from your dead enemies! Doesn't cannibalism feel great?[list]
[*]You can eat the bait to recover [Hearts]8[/Hearts].[/list]
[*]You can throw the bait somewhere in an attempt to lure enemies to it. "Hits" all enemies.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+2 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: None
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Any target(s) affected by its lure are forced to pick up and eat the tasty treat on their next turn.[list]
[*]This counts as using an action.
[*]Once one of the affected targets has picked up the bait, the rest will be unaffected by the lure.
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [i]Two-Handed[/i]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A spear with long reach that can hit from a safe distance. It also gives a small defensive bonus.[list]
[*][b]Defense[/b]: +2 dice
[*]It can hit one target with [b]Slice[/b] or [b]Thrust[/b].[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=+4 type-b=Courage][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]IF FAIL[/b]: Target cannot counterattack you with a melee attack.
[*][dice type-a=Power amount-a=+5 type-b=Power][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: +2
[*][b]IF FAIL[/b]: Target automatically gets to counterattack you.
[box=Dragon Blood's Armor][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Who needs [b]Dragonhide[/b] when you have [b]Dragon's Blood[/b]? This beauty of an armor is literally crafted from the sundered, crusty husk of [b]Dragon's Blood[/b]! It was originally going to be used for pizza sauce, but then [b]Master DM[/b] had dumber ideas.[list]
[*][b]Armor[/b]: +2
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: At the start of each round, you recover [Heart]1[/Heart].
- DESCRIPTION: Moblin remains strong in battle, sharing its mentality with its allies.
- EFFECT: Moblin and all of his allies gain 1 Attack Dice and 1 Defense Dice.
- Only one Mob Mentality can be active at a time.
- CHARGE: 1 Turn
- DESCRIPTION: Start charging by bracing yourself into the ground. Once charged, you gain a defensive bonus.
- Defense: +2 dice
- Armor: +1
- If you use any attack, you use this charge, cancelling the defensive bonuses.
You use this charge to select a target and charge them at full speed.
Roll your Courage +6 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: +0
EFFECT: Knock an equipped item out of one of the target's hands.
Anyone may spend an action to pick up this item.
- REQUIREMENTS: Nature (Level: 1)
- COST: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A beam of fairy dust that shrouds a target, causing him to recover from his wounds.
- EFFECT: Target recovers 5 Hearts.
- REQUIREMENTS: Nature (Level: 1)
- COST: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A shield of leaves appears around the target, protecting him from attacks.
- EFFECT: Give a target the Guard Buff:
- Target gains 3 Defense Dice.
- DURATION: Guard lasts until the end of your turn two rounds later.
- DESCRIPTION: A spear with long reach that can hit from a safe distance. It also gives a small defensive bonus.
- Defense: +2 dice
It can hit one target with Slice or Thrust.
Roll your Courage +4 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
Physical Damage: +0
IF FAIL: Target cannot counterattack you with a melee attack.
Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: +2
IF FAIL: Target automatically gets to counterattack you.
- DESCRIPTION: Who needs Dragonhide when you have Dragon's Blood? This beauty of an armor is literally crafted from the sundered, crusty husk of Dragon's Blood! It was originally going to be used for pizza sauce, but then Master DM had dumber ideas.
- Armor: +2
- EFFECT: At the start of each round, you recover 1 Heart.
Origin: ZURPG
Wearing almost Zora-like armor and toting spears, these guards stop all that try to trespass upon their domain. They control the river of Saria Town, under their new ruler. Any harsh punishments are a result of stopping "terrorism".
Additionally, these guards are all noticeably aged. All of them have at least some gray hair, or are missing some. This guard, however, seems to be a bit sturdier than the rest.
- When River Guard dies, he drops a Spear and a River Platemail.
[box=Bloody Edge][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: It's a Razor Sword that won't go dull over time! The blood stained from its victims may evolve it into something deadlier. Can use [b]Slice[/b] or [b]Stab[/b] on a target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage type-b=Courage][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: Halved
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Target gets two stacks of the [b]Bleeding[/b] [u]Affliction[/u]:[list]
[*]Target takes 1 bleed damage (neutral) at the start of each round.
[*][b]Bleeding[/b] stacks infinitely.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: [b]Bleeding[/b] lasts for the remainder of the battle.
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=-3 type-b=Courage][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Target gets a stack of the [b]Internal Bleeding[/b] [u]Affliction[/u]:[list]
[*]Every time the target does an action or defends, target takes 1 bleed damage (neutral).
[*][b]Internal Bleeding[/b] stacks infinitely.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: [b]Internal Bleeding[/b] lasts for the remainder of the battle.[/list]
[*][b]IF FAIL[/b]: Target automatically gets to counterattack you.
[*][b]Blood Evolution[/b]:[list]
[*]Every time you successfully hit a target with the [b]Bloody Edge[/b], its [b]Blood Counter[/b] increases by 1.[list]
[*]Blood Counter is currently at 0/10.
[*]When the [b]Blood Counter[/b] reaches 10, and you are [i]Level 10[/i], the [b]Bloody Edge[/b] will automatically evolve into the [b]Deadly Edge[/b].
[*][b]Searing Flames[/b]:[list]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Fire 1]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: The weapon turns ablaze as it moves, setting even the air around it on [Fire].[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Your weapon gains [Fire] Affinity and deals 1 extra burn damage (neutral).
[box=Barbed Shield][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: The shield’s surface is barbed, harming melee attackers.[list]
[*][b]Defense[/b]: +2 dice
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: When you successfully block someone in melee, the attacker takes [b]3 Physical Damage[/b].
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Water 1]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A bubble forms around your shield, periodically blocking damage.[list]
[*][b]Defense[/b]: +3 dice[list]
[*]After defending once, the [b]Bubble[/b] will pop, dropping the [b]Defense[/b] bonus.
[*][b]Bubble[/b] will automatically reform two rounds later.
[box=River Platemail][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: An armor themed similarly to Zora armor, this armor protects well against light attacks and gives a minor attack bonus.[list]
[*][b]Armor[/b]: +1
[*][b]Attack[/b]: +1 dice
Fire (Level: 1), Water (Level: 1)
- DESCRIPTION: You leech Hearts from your enemies with every strike.
- EFFECT: Every time you land an attack successfully, you recover 1 Heart.
- DESCRIPTION: It's a Razor Sword that won't go dull over time! The blood stained from its victims may evolve it into something deadlier. Can use Slice or Stab on a target.
- Slice:
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Physical Damage: Halved
- EFFECT: Target gets two stacks of the Bleeding Affliction:
- Target takes 1 bleed damage (neutral) at the start of each round.
- Bleeding stacks infinitely.
- DURATION: Bleeding lasts for the remainder of the battle.
Roll your Courage -3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
Physical Damage: +0
EFFECT: Target gets a stack of the Internal Bleeding Affliction:
Every time the target does an action or defends, target takes 1 bleed damage (neutral).
Internal Bleeding stacks infinitely.
DURATION: Internal Bleeding lasts for the remainder of the battle.
IF FAIL: Target automatically gets to counterattack you.
Blood Evolution:
Every time you successfully hit a target with the Bloody Edge, its Blood Counter increases by 1.
Blood Counter is currently at 0/10.
When the Blood Counter reaches 10, and you are Level 10, the Bloody Edge will automatically evolve into the Deadly Edge.
Searing Flames:
REQUIREMENTS: Fire (Level: 1)
DESCRIPTION: The weapon turns ablaze as it moves, setting even the air around it on Fire.
EFFECT: Your weapon gains Fire Affinity and deals 1 extra burn damage (neutral).
- DESCRIPTION: The shield’s surface is barbed, harming melee attackers.
- Defense: +2 dice
- EFFECT: When you successfully block someone in melee, the attacker takes 3 Physical Damage.
REQUIREMENTS: Water (Level: 1)
DESCRIPTION: A bubble forms around your shield, periodically blocking damage.
Defense: +3 dice
After defending once, the Bubble will pop, dropping the Defense bonus.
Bubble will automatically reform two rounds later.
- DESCRIPTION: An armor themed similarly to Zora armor, this armor protects well against light attacks and gives a minor attack bonus.
- Armor: +1
- Attack: +1 dice
Origin: None
Dark Souls are souls that have been corrupted over time and serve the one corrupting them. They are casters, often amplifying their allies with support spells and hiding in the bodies of allies, boosting their Wisdom stats by a bit.
- When Dark Soul dies, it transforms into a Soul, replacing the random item drop.
- DESCRIPTION: A visible soul that's both gaseous and fluidic. If you drink it, the soul tries to take you over.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. 8 Wisdom dice
- EFFECT: Recover Hearts and Magic equal to the difference in successes +4.
- IF FAIL: The Soul possesses and gains control of you, also increasing your Wisdom stat by the difference in successes.
- The Soul will be automatically be knocked out if you are hit by a spell attack.
- DURATION: Until you're hit by a spell attack.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A visible soul that's both gaseous and fluidic. If you drink it, the soul tries to take you over.[list]
[*]Roll your [Wisdom] dice vs. 8 [Wisdom] dice[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Recover [Hearts] and [Magic] equal to the difference in successes +4.
[*][b]IF FAIL[/b]: The [b]Soul[/b] possesses and gains control of you, also increasing your [Wisdom] stat by the difference in successes.[list]
[*]The [b]Soul[/b] will be automatically be knocked out if you are hit by a spell attack.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Until you're hit by a spell attack.[/list][/list][/list][/list]
- Dark Soul is a stupidly hard game to beat feeds on the magical abilities of its enemies. Once their Magic is gone, it goes after their lives.
- EFFECT 1: At the start of each round, Dark Soul siphons 1 Magic from all of its enemies.
- EFFECT 2: At the start of each round, Dark Soul siphons 1 Heart from any of its enemies that don't have Magic.
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Dark Soul partially phases out of existence and hides inside of an ally's body.
- EFFECT: Dark Soul hides in an ally's body, preventing it from being hurt while inside.
- Host body gains 4 Wisdom.
- If the host body dies while hiding in it, the Dark Soul will also die.
- Dark Soul cannot attack while hiding.
Hide (or unhiding) does not count as using an action.
- REQUIREMENTS: Shadow (Level: 1)
- COSTS: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Within the shadow is another shadow, shifting around shadily, giving the shadow the illusion of moving even when it's remaining still.
- EFFECT: Give a target the Shifting Shadows Buff:
- The next time that target defends, he can reroll his defending roll.
- DURATION: Until after target is next attacked.
- REQUIREMENTS: Shadow (Level: 1)
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A symbol of a grinning, hungry mouth with sharp teeth appears over a target, waiting for the target to die.
- EFFECT: Give a target the Death Leech Affliction:
- When that target dies, you (the caster) recover 7 Hearts and 1 Magic.
- DURATION: Death Leech lasts for the remainder of the battle or when either the target or caster dies.
- REQUIREMENTS: Shadow (Level: 1)
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Fire a blast of shadow energy at a target.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Magical Damage: +1 Successes
RE: 6-18-14: Corruption - WindStrike - 08-22-2014
[enemy Power=5 Courage=5 Wisdom=6 Hearts=5/5 Magic=4/4]
Origin: ZURPG
(NPC Status)
Yuka is actually a resident of Hyrule Village, but due to recent issues, she tried moving away to Saria Town. Some crazy things happened there, like half of the citizens there being converted into a cult at one point, but she still preferred it over Hyrule Village. She became close friends with Lode, despite his stupidity, and when Malek took over, she was the first to follow his rally.
Despite Yuka appearing slender and agile, she's not that fast. In fact, she actually takes the brunt of attacks, keeping close to her enemies and forcing them to focus on her.
- REQUIREMENTS: Two shields
- DESCRIPTION: Attack a target twice in one turn with two small bashes.
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Physical Damage: Halved
Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: Halved
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Defensive Skill. You may only have one Defensive Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: Allows you to heal up when you protect someone.
- EFFECT: When you successfully defend for someone when using Cover him, both you and the target recover 1 Heart and 1 Magic, for every 20 Levels you have + 1 Heart and 1 Magic.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Recovery Skill. You may only have one Recovery Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: You leech Hearts from your enemies with every strike.
- EFFECT: Every time you land an attack successfully, you recover 1 Heart for every 10 Levels you have + 1 Heart.
- REQUIREMENTS: Nature (Level: 1)
- COST: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A beam of fairy dust that shrouds a target, causing him to recover from his wounds.
- EFFECT: Target recovers 5 Hearts.
- REQUIREMENTS: Nature (Level: 1)
- COST: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A shield of leaves appears around the target, protecting him from attacks.
- EFFECT: Give a target the Guard Buff:
- Target gains 3 Defense Dice.
- DURATION: Guard lasts until the end of your turn two rounds later.
- DESCRIPTION: It's considerably heavier than most shields, but consider yourself safe while using it.
- Defense: +4 dice
- Initiative: -0d1
- EFFECT: You cannot get critical hits or use counterattacks.
- DESCRIPTION: It's considerably heavier than most shields, but consider yourself safe while using it.
- Defense: +4 dice
- Initiative: -0d1
- EFFECT: You cannot get critical hits or use counterattacks.
- DESCRIPTION: A steel-plated armor enchanted with magnetism. It provides little protection normally, but when someone is forcibly focused on you, it becomes much stronger.
- Physical & Magical Armor: +1
- EFFECT 1: When you successfully hit someone, that target is forced to attack you.
- DURATION: This lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
EFFECT 2: Your Physical & Magical Armor increases from +1 to +3 against anyone that's forced to attack you.
[enemy Power=11 Courage=9 Wisdom=1 Hearts=7/7 Magic=2/2]
Origin: ZURPG
(NPC Status)
Lode was originally a resident of Saria Town. However, when Malek took over and booted him out, he gathered other exiled residents to rebel against Malek. He's not the smartest person, and he's a bit of a loudmouth, but his anger towards Malek's corruption of his hometown allows him to keep a clear mind towards the goal of all that were exiled - take their home back.
Lode himself is only a young adult. He's well-built, though only 5 feet tall. In combat, he uses a hammer and shield, beating his opponents die, but never actually killing them. At best, he immobilizes them and ties them up somewhere, probably because although he wants to take Saria Town back, he doesn't want to do it over a pile of corpses.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Booster Skill. You may only have one Booster Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: You enter battles in a flash, though it's too fast for an extra move.
- Initiative: +0d#, where # = your Base Affinity Levels * 2
- EFFECT: If you get a Bonus Turn, it's skipped.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Offensive Skill. You may only have one Offensive Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: Your attacks hit with more force, lowering the target's ability to defend.
- EFFECT: Once per turn, when you successfully hit a target with a single target attack, target gets one stack of the Defense Down Affliction for every 10 Levels you have + one stack:
- Target loses 1 Defense Dice.
- This stacks infinitely.
- DURATION: Defense Down lasts for the remainder of the battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Defensive Skill. You may only have one Defensive Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: Allows you counter certain attacks that you defend against.
- EFFECT: When you successfully defend an attack, if the difference in successes is between 5 and 10 (inclusive), you get to automatically Counterattack the attacker.
- REQUIREMENTS: Fire (Level: 1)
- COSTS: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Surround you or an ally with a shield of flames that burns those who get near.
- EFFECT: Give yourself or an ally the Veil of Flames Buff:
- Anyone that fights the target in melee combat takes 1 Burn Damage (Neutral) from Veil of Flames.
- Cannot use Veil of Flames on someone with Water affinity.
- If Veil of Flames is used on someone with Nature affinity, target takes 1 Burn Damage (Neutral) at the start of each round.
- DURATION: Veil of Flames lasts for the remainder of the battle.
- DESCRIPTION: Slightly larger than a Sledge Hammer, this hammer disables its targets. Can Whack a target or use Cripple on a target.
- Searing Flames:
- REQUIREMENTS: Fire (Level: 1)
- DESCRIPTION: The weapon turns ablaze as it moves, setting even the air around it on Fire.
- EFFECT: Your weapon gains Fire Affinity and deals an extra 1 Burn Damage (Neutral).
Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: +1
EFFECT: If it hits and the target is using a shield, the shield's bonuses and effects are nullified.
DURATION: This lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
Roll your Power -3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: +1
EFFECT: Target gets the Crippled Affliction:
All of target's bonuses are nullified.
Target becomes immobilized and becomes incapable of using any action that involves moving, including Cover and Escape.
DURATION: Crippled lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
- DESCRIPTION: It's a big frigin' shield... no really, it is. Oddly enough, it's light and doesn't defend very well.
- Defense: +1 dice
- EFFECT: You can use Cover once during your turn for no action cost.
- DESCRIPTION: Who needs Dragonhide when you have Dragon's Blood? This beauty of an armor is literally crafted from the sundered, crusty husk of Dragon's Blood! It was originally going to be used for pizza sauce, but then Master DM had dumber ideas.
- Physical & Magical Armor: +2
- EFFECT: At the start of each round, you recover 1 Heart.
[enemy Power=4 Courage=4 Wisdom=10 Hearts=10/10 Magic=2/2]
Origin: ZURPG
(NPC Status)
Hiding under the guise of Malek, Kelam set up a plan with his brother, Lode, to rule over Saria Town. He knew there would be those that oppose their rule, so he had Lode gain the trust of all those who would fight "The evil Malek" back. Lode would eventually bring those people to Malek, seeming to have won back the town, but at that moment, he would backstab those who trusted him and side with Kelam.
Kelam is short, like Lode. He has a mop of blond hair, and despite having a bit of a baby face, he's as cruel as Lode's backstabbing. As his oversized magus robe suggests, he's quite the mage, providing an array of support buffs and an arsenal of destruction.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Support Skill. You may only have one Support Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- REQUIREMENTS: 10 Maximum Hearts
- DESCRIPTION: As you draw your last breath, you're able to bring someone's power down with you.
- EFFECT: If you drop to 5 Hearts or less, select a target.
- That target loses 5 Attack Dice.
- DURATION: This lasts until you recover to more than 5 Hearts.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Recovery Skill. You may only have one Recovery Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: You leech Magic from your enemies with every strike.
- EFFECT: Every time you land an attack successfully, you recover 1 Magic for every 10 Levels you have + 1 Magic.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Critical Hit Skill. You may only have one Critical Hit Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: If you're a lucksack, you'll be taking enemies out for the Tanuki Mario Raccoons to feast on.
- EFFECT: Before you make an attack roll, roll $1d4.
- If the result is a 4, your attack gains Attack Dice equal to your Base Affinity Levels * 2.
- REQUIREMENTS: Water (Level: 1)
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A basic Water spell, PSI Blast hits one target.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Water Damage (Magical): +1
- REQUIREMENTS: Water (Level: 1)
- COSTS: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Rapidly freeze the air around a target, partially turning it to Ice (Water sub-type).
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Frost Damage (Neutral): -2
- EFFECT: Target gets the Frosted Affliction:
- While Frosted, if the target is hit by a Fire attack, all damage from that Fire attack is multiplied by 1.5.
- Target is no longer Frosted after being hit by a Fire attack.
- DURATION: Frosted lasts until the end of your turn two rounds later.
- DESCRIPTION: A basic wand commonly used by Wizzrobes, which has a rotatable base, allowing you to switch between two different attack modes. You can fire a Dispersed blast that hits all enemies, or a Focused shot that hits one target.
- Dispersed:
- Roll your Wisdom +1 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Magical Damage: Halved
Roll your Wisdom +4 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Magical Damage: +0
- DESCRIPTION: A standard shield used by many of the Hylian Guards. It defends well against attacks, and it can even deflect spells.
- Defense: +2 dice
- EFFECT: When you would normally have the opportunity to counterattack a spell, the spell can be Deflected to any other chosen target.
- The Deflected attack's successes are equal to what you used to block the attack.
- DESCRIPTION: A well decorated armor that has various curly markings sprawled across it, kind of like Elvish armor, except less lame. It's actually created to protect casters from their weaknesses.
- Physical Armor: +3
- Magic Costs: -1, down to a minimum cost of 1 Magic
[enemy Power=7 Courage=7 Wisdom=10 Hearts=25/25 Magic=10/10]
Origin: Kelam and Lode
You thought that was the end... BUT IT WAS I, DIO!
Nope, they weren't brothers. They were two different people born with the same soul. Wonder how that works. Somehow, it seems one of them had the ability to absorb the other's soul at any given time, thus creating the original being, Malek.
Malek is literally a fusion-ha of Lode and Kelam, though ultimately, the owner is the late Kelam. He has all of their abilities, and even their items are fused together to create some unique artifacts. Fire (Level: 1), Water (Level: 1)
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Booster Skill. You may only have one Booster Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: You enter battles in a flash, though it's too fast for an extra move.
- Initiative: +0d#, where # = your Base Affinity Levels * 2
- EFFECT: If you get a Bonus Turn, it's skipped.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Offensive Skill. You may only have one Offensive Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: Your attacks hit with more force, lowering the target's ability to defend.
- EFFECT: Once per turn, when you successfully hit a target with a single target attack, target gets one stack of the Defense Down Affliction for every 10 Levels you have + one stack:
- Target loses 1 Defense Dice.
- This stacks infinitely.
- DURATION: Defense Down lasts for the remainder of the battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Defensive Skill. You may only have one Defensive Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: Allows you counter certain attacks that you defend against.
- EFFECT: When you successfully defend an attack, if the difference in successes is between 5 and 10 (inclusive), you get to automatically Counterattack the attacker.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Support Skill. You may only have one Support Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- REQUIREMENTS: 10 Maximum Hearts
- DESCRIPTION: As you draw your last breath, you're able to bring someone's power down with you.
- EFFECT: If you drop to 5 Hearts or less, select a target.
- That target loses 5 Attack Dice.
- DURATION: This lasts until you recover to more than 5 Hearts.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Recovery Skill. You may only have one Recovery Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: You leech Magic from your enemies with every strike.
- EFFECT: Every time you land an attack successfully, you recover 1 Magic for every 10 Levels you have + 1 Magic.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Critical Hit Skill. You may only have one Critical Hit Skill enabled at a time. All others must be set to (Disabled).
- DESCRIPTION: If you're a lucksack, you'll be taking enemies out for the Tanuki Mario Raccoons to feast on.
- EFFECT: Before you make an attack roll, roll $1d4.
- If the result is a 4, your attack gains Attack Dice equal to your Base Affinity Levels * 2.
- REQUIREMENTS: Fire (Level: 1) and Water (Level: 1)
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Surround you or an ally with a shield of flames that burns those who get near.
- EFFECT: Give yourself or an ally the Veil of Frost Flames Buff:
- Anyone that fights the target in melee combat takes 1 Burn Damage (Neutral) from Veil of Flames.
- If you hit anyone, target gets the Frosted Affliction:
- While Frosted, if the target is hit by a Fire attack, all damage from that Fire attack is multiplied by 1.5.
- Target is no longer Frosted after being hit by a Fire attack.
- DURATION: Frosted lasts until the end of your turn two rounds later.
DURATION: Veil of Frosted Flames lasts for the remainder of the battle.
- REQUIREMENTS: Fire (Level: 1) and Water (Level: 1)
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A gentle, cool flame graces a target.
- EFFECT: Remove one stack of an Affliction from a target.
- Target also recovers 4 Hearts as a result.
- DESCRIPTION: Slightly larger than a Wizzrobe Wand, this wand is absolutely smashing! Its abilities are enhanced, allowing it to hit all enemies at once with magical blasts. Can hit all enemies with a physical Whack Blast or a magical Crippling Sweep.
- Frosting Flames:
- REQUIREMENTS: Fire (Level: 1) and Water (Level: 1)
- DESCRIPTION: The weapon turns ablaze with icy fire as it moves, chilling and frying the air.
- EFFECT: Your weapon gains Fire and Water Affinity and deals an extra 1 Burn Damage (Neutral) and 1 Frost Damage (Neutral).
Whack Blast:
Roll your Wisdom +4 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: -2
EFFECT: If it hits and the target(s) is using a shield, the shield's bonuses and effects are nullified.
DURATION: This lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
Crippling Sweep:
Roll your Wisdom +2 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Magical Damage: Halved
EFFECT: Target(s) hit get the Crippled Affliction:
All of target's bonuses are nullified.
Target becomes immobilized and becomes incapable of using any action that involves moving, including Cover and Escape.
DURATION: Crippled lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
- DESCRIPTION: It's a big frigin' shield with the Hylian emblem on it. It makes a big difference.
- Defense: +3 dice
- EFFECT 1: You can use Cover once during your turn for no action cost.
- EFFECT 2: When you would normally have the opportunity to counterattack a spell, the spell can be Deflected to any other chosen target.
- The Deflected attack's successes are equal to what you used to block the attack.
- DESCRIPTION: A beautifully made armor formed from dragon's blood and Magic. Combined, they make an ultimate pizza- I mean armor.
- Physical & Magical Armor: +3
- Magic Costs: -1, down to a minimum cost of 1 Magic
- EFFECT: At the start of each round, you recover 2 Hearts.
RE: 6-18-14: Corruption - WindStrike - 11-01-2014
Item drops!
- DESCRIPTION: Slightly larger than a Sledge Hammer, this hammer disables its targets. Can Whack a target or use Cripple on a target.
- Searing Flames:
- REQUIREMENTS: Fire (Level: 1)
- DESCRIPTION: The weapon turns ablaze as it moves, setting even the air around it on Fire.
- EFFECT: Your weapon gains Fire Affinity and deals an extra 1 Burn Damage (Neutral).
Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: +1
EFFECT: If it hits and the target is using a shield, the shield's bonuses and effects are nullified.
DURATION: This lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
Roll your Power -3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: +1
EFFECT: Target gets the Crippled Affliction:
All of target's bonuses are nullified.
Target becomes immobilized and becomes incapable of using any action that involves moving, including Cover and Escape.
DURATION: Crippled lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
[box=Smash Hammer][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Slightly larger than a [b]Sledge Hammer[/b], this hammer disables its targets. Can [b]Whack[/b] a target or use [b]Cripple[/b] on a target.[list]
[*][b]Searing Flames[/b]:[list]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Fire 1]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: The weapon turns ablaze as it moves, setting even the air around it on [Fire].[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Your weapon gains [Fire] Affinity and deals an extra [b]1 Burn Damage (Neutral)[/b].
[*][dice type-a=Power type-b=Power][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: +1
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits and the target is using a shield, the shield's bonuses and effects are nullified.[list]
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: This lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
[*][dice type-a=Power amount-a=-3 type-b=Power][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: +1
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Target gets the [b]Crippled[/b] [u]Affliction[/u]:[list]
[*]All of target's bonuses are nullified.
[*]Target becomes immobilized and becomes incapable of using any action that involves moving, including [b]Cover[/b] and [b]Escape[/b].
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: [b]Crippled[/b] lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
- DESCRIPTION: It's a big frigin' shield... no really, it is. Oddly enough, it's light and doesn't defend very well.
- Defense: +1 dice
- EFFECT: You can use Cover once during your turn for no action cost.
[box=Big Frigin' Shield][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: It's a big frigin' shield... no really, it is. Oddly enough, it's light and doesn't defend very well.[list]
[*][b]Defense[/b]: +1 dice
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: You can use [b]Cover[/b] once during your turn for no action cost.
- DESCRIPTION: Who needs Dragonhide when you have Dragon's Blood? This beauty of an armor is literally crafted from the sundered, crusty husk of Dragon's Blood! It was originally going to be used for pizza sauce, but then Master DM had dumber ideas.
- Physical & Magical Armor: +2
- EFFECT: At the start of each round, you recover 1 Heart.
[box=Dragon Blood's Armor][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Who needs [b]Dragonhide[/b] when you have [b]Dragon's Blood[/b]? This beauty of an armor is literally crafted from the sundered, crusty husk of [b]Dragon's Blood[/b]! It was originally going to be used for pizza sauce, but then [b]Master DM[/b] had dumber ideas.[list]
[*][b]Physical & Magical Armor[/b]: +2
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: At the start of each round, you recover [Heart]1[/Heart].
- DESCRIPTION: A basic wand commonly used by Wizzrobes, which has a rotatable base, allowing you to switch between two different attack modes. You can fire a Dispersed blast that hits all enemies, or a Focused shot that hits one target.
- Dispersed:
- Roll your Wisdom +1 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Magical Damage: Halved
Roll your Wisdom +4 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Magical Damage: +0
[box=Wizzrobe Wand][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A basic wand commonly used by [b]Wizzrobes[/b], which has a rotatable base, allowing you to switch between two different attack modes. You can fire a [b]Dispersed[/b] blast that hits all enemies, or a [b]Focused[/b] shot that hits one target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+1 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Magical Damage[/b]: Halved
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+4 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Magical Damage[/b]: +0
- DESCRIPTION: A standard shield used by many of the Hylian Guards. It defends well against attacks, and it can even deflect spells.
- Defense: +2 dice
- EFFECT: When you would normally have the opportunity to counterattack a spell, the spell can be Deflected to any other chosen target.
- The Deflected attack's successes are equal to what you used to block the attack.
[box=Hylian Shield][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A standard shield used by many of the [b]Hylian Guards[/b]. It defends well against attacks, and it can even deflect spells.[list]
[*][b]Defense[/b]: +2 dice
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: When you would normally have the opportunity to counterattack a spell, the spell can be [b]Deflected[/b] to any other chosen target.[list]
[*]The [b]Deflected[/b] attack's successes are equal to what you used to block the attack.
- DESCRIPTION: A well decorated armor that has various curly markings sprawled across it, kind of like Elvish armor, except less lame. It's actually created to protect casters from their weaknesses.
- Physical Armor: +3
- Magic Costs: -1, down to a minimum cost of 1 Magic
[box=Caster Armor][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A well decorated armor that has various curly markings sprawled across it, kind of like Elvish armor, except less lame. It's actually created to protect casters from their weaknesses.[list]
[*][b]Physical Armor[/b]: +3
[*][b][Magic] Costs[/b]: -1, down to a minimum cost of [Magic]1[/Magic]
- DESCRIPTION: Slightly larger than a Wizzrobe Wand, this wand is absolutely smashing! Its abilities are enhanced, allowing it to hit all enemies at once with magical blasts. Can hit all enemies with a physical Whack Blast or a magical Crippling Sweep.
- Frosting Flames:
- REQUIREMENTS: Fire (Level: 1) and Water (Level: 1)
- DESCRIPTION: The weapon turns ablaze with icy fire as it moves, chilling and frying the air.
- EFFECT: Your weapon gains Fire and Water Affinity and deals an extra 1 Burn Damage (Neutral) and 1 Frost Damage (Neutral).
Whack Blast:
Roll your Wisdom +4 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Physical Damage: Halved
EFFECT: If it hits and the target(s) is using a shield, the shield's bonuses and effects are nullified.
DURATION: This lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
Crippling Sweep:
Roll your Wisdom +2 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Magical Damage: Halved
EFFECT: Target(s) hit get the Crippled Affliction:
All of target's bonuses are nullified.
Target becomes immobilized and becomes incapable of using any action that involves moving, including Cover and Escape.
DURATION: Crippled lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
[box=Smash Wand][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Slightly larger than a [b]Wizzrobe Wand[/b], this wand is absolutely smashing! Its abilities are enhanced, allowing it to hit all enemies at once with magical blasts. Can hit all enemies with a physical [b]Whack Blast[/b] or a magical [b]Crippling Sweep[/b].[list]
[*][b]Frosting Flames[/b]:[list]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Fire 1] and [Water 1]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: The weapon turns ablaze with icy fire as it moves, chilling and frying the air.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Your weapon gains [Fire] and [Water] Affinity and deals an extra [b]1 Burn Damage (Neutral)[/b] and [b]1 Frost Damage (Neutral)[/b].
[*][b]Whack Blast[/b]:[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+4 type-b=Power][list]
[*][b]Physical Damage[/b]: Halved
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits and the target(s) is using a shield, the shield's bonuses and effects are nullified.[list]
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: This lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
[*][b]Crippling Sweep[/b]:[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+2 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Magical Damage[/b]: Halved
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Target(s) hit get the [b]Crippled[/b] [u]Affliction[/u]:[list]
[*]All of target's bonuses are nullified.
[*]Target becomes immobilized and becomes incapable of using any action that involves moving, including [b]Cover[/b] and [b]Escape[/b].
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: [b]Crippled[/b] lasts until the end of your turn one round later.
- DESCRIPTION: It's a big frigin' shield with the Hylian emblem on it. It makes a big difference.
- Defense: +3 dice
- EFFECT 1: You can use Cover once during your turn for no action cost.
- EFFECT 2: When you would normally have the opportunity to counterattack a spell, the spell can be Deflected to any other chosen target.
- The Deflected attack's successes are equal to what you used to block the attack.
[box=Big Frigin' Hylian's Shield][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: It's a big frigin' shield with the Hylian emblem on it. It makes a big difference.[list]
[*][b]Defense[/b]: +3 dice
[*][b]EFFECT 1[/b]: You can use [b]Cover[/b] once during your turn for no action cost.
[*][b]EFFECT 2[/b]: When you would normally have the opportunity to counterattack a spell, the spell can be [b]Deflected[/b] to any other chosen target.[list]
[*]The [b]Deflected[/b] attack's successes are equal to what you used to block the attack.
- DESCRIPTION: A beautifully made armor formed from dragon's blood and Magic. Combined, they make an ultimate pizza- I mean armor.
- Physical & Magical Armor: +3
- Magic Costs: -1, down to a minimum cost of 1 Magic
- EFFECT: At the start of each round, you recover 2 Hearts.
[box=Dragon Caster's Armor][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A beautifully made armor formed from dragon's blood and [Magic]. Combined, they make an ultimate pizza- I mean armor.[list]
[*][b]Physical & Magical Armor[/b]: +3
[*][b][Magic] Costs[/b]: -1, down to a minimum cost of [Magic]1[/Magic]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: At the start of each round, you recover [Hearts]2[/Hearts].
RE: 6-18-14: Corruption - Darklink42 - 11-13-2014
Quest summary for Corruption:
Railroaded onto a boat by the DM, Serra, Alexander, Flonne, and Iyaruka_Aetashigo began their first quest, which was on route to Saria Town. They searched the boat a bit, not really finding anything except a drunken man below deck. Iyaruka_Aetashigo was quick to pull off a party split as she jumped from the boat. The rest of them were below deck when the boat arrived at Saria Town. Guards swarmed the boat, asking them to submit and follow them to Lord Malek. The shifty merchants on board got caught in an argument. Meanwhile, the group found the Engine Man, who was some sort of mage-looking guy. He was rather shady, as he shooed them away and then locked himself inside the engine room.
Two guards went below deck and demanded submission. Instead, one of them met submission to life as Alexander sliced him with his sword. Flonne blasted the other guard down, and after the battle, an explosion happened in addition to a group of bombs dropping down from above. The Engine Man appears again, throwing a fireball at Alexander before they begin to jump off the ship. The ship explodes from the bombs which they all survive, albeit after taking a good amount of damage. Everyone else on board... not so lively.
Bizen, the drunk man, also escaped. He offered them a place to hide before more guards came, but Flonne, after nearly dying from the ship explosion, got too stuck up and killed him with a wand blast.
While shenanigans were happening on the boat, Iyaruka_Aetashigo escaped earlier to venture off on her own shenanigans. She sniped a guard at the front of an inn at the same time of the explosion, causing the citizens to not really notice... somehow. She entered the inn to find a bunch of old folks staying there. They were defensive, but they thought she was just a lonesome passerby and let her stay. Then shenanigans happened. Just look at the God darn moments below.
She fell from the room she was staying in and dropped into the first floor room below, where a group of young adults, all of whom appeared to be armed in some way, met and greeted her. The leader of the group was a man called Lode, with a woman by the name of Yuka acting as the secondary leader. More shenanigans happened. Just... read the moments. Iyaruka_Aetashigo mentioned the explosion, which the group was unaware of. They then dropped into a series of tunnels below the town, going towards the direction of the explosion.
After the destruction of the boat, Serra found a mysteriously new companion, Charizard, while Flonne and Alexander spontaneously disappeared. They attempted to surrender to the oncoming guards, but instead, they peer pressured a guard to drown himself. Shortly afterwards, a hipster Zora known as Joe Bunschtag met up with them, claiming he was only there to pass through. He led them away from the guards, and they entered a Kid's house to escape. Inside the house, a trapdoor opened, and they met with a resistance force, led by Lode and Yuka, exiled residents of Saria Town. They desire for Malek to fall for his corruption. They also met up with Iyaruka_Aetashigo, who disappeared earlier.
One of them accidentally ticked off Joe Bunschtag, causing him to trigger a gem. A moment later, a dark night fell upon Saria Town. Guards bombed their way in, knocking Yuka out, which caused the rest of her group to rescue her and fall back. Joe Bunschtag, after his possession wore off, used a bomb to nuke himself and another guard to help even the odds for the upcoming fight. Three more guards appeared, but one of them was assassinated by a stealth kill from Alexander. They defeated the rest of the guards, and when they were going to spare the last one, he was struck by lightning. Malek's voice was heard, warning them to turn back, or else he'd come at them at full force. They did not heed the warning, and they rested the night at an inn.
Meanwhile, Iyaruka_Aetashigo went back down to the tunnel. I wonder how that's going...
Serra and Alexander awake after a restful night to the kid named Kid's knocking on the door. He explains that he and the others are going to raid Malek's stronghold. The two warriors strap on their armor, while the kid somehow dematerializes his wooden sword by swinging it. In the streets, they are surprised to find that everyone has vanished without a trace. The only lead is Malek's palace looming on the horizon. Lode's plan is to attack the front door, while Kid and Co. sneak in through a side door (which proves to be mighty indeed, withstanding a dedicated physical assault by all three of them.) Upon opening a perfectly safe trap door in the shack they found, Serra comes face to face with a less-than-safe spear point, belonging to a grumbly moblin in the darkness whom she fails to reflexively stab. Alexander breaks time and physics in a ploy to confuse the moblin, but the beast is neither fooled nor impressed. What does impress him is the spontaneous train that collides with him moments later. The moblin doesn’t have much time to feel this new emotion, however, as the ceiling then promptly kills him thanks to a rapidly redirected magic blast from Serra.
Mysterious robed figure #810390 leads Iyaruka up a ladder, spawns a torch, then takes a shield to the face. Yuka appears and attempts to exposit about the plot, but is quickly derailed by the plot torch (that is quickly extinguished by her shields) and the MRF who transmorgifies into a Priest (which is becoming a subtrope within the MRF trope.) Everyone follows everyone else out the door, and towards the palace somehow. Much reluctance of the plot ensues. The party discovers that the frontal attack on the palace is already underway, to Yuka's exponential chagrin. Six guards approach, and then begin attacking each other thanks to mysterious magic on the part of the Priest. Yuka and Iyaruka (the unpronounceable) head off to the OTHER side entrance to the palace, which is a dried up well. The mahogany ladder explodes, and Windstrike hands you a hamburger. A guard and a DarkSoul(s) attack, but rather than throw their controllers at the wall, the party bravely strike back. Iyaruka somehow rolls a zero. As the battle continues, none of the enemies can pierce Yuka's Iron Ski--defense. Iyaruka rolls a sixteen on a roll of fifteen dice. The battle ends in the only way it can: with shenanigans. The way forward is clear.
In the continuing adventures of Iyaruka (sideways of the plot), she and Yuka make their way further into the passageways leading to the palace proper. They don’t make it very far before Marty, a distant cousin of Shady the Merchant Poe, stops them and requests their help. Malek has stolen his powers, along with those of Marty’s twin, before placing a barrier between the two ghosts. Yuka isn’t too impressed by the apparition, but in lieu of being able to hit it with her shields, elects instead to charge onwards. They all come to a puzzle labyrinth, consisting of five doors with numbers, two DMs, one fake DM, and some more doors with math symbols. The gist of the puzzle is to make the number 18 by walking through the doors, but each door can only be entered once. This, understandably, breaks reality for a while, but the party remains stoic and arrives at a sufficient (and surprisingly logical) answer. Marty powers up from a mysterious phantasmagoria in the shape of a sphere. Certainly nothing could go wrong at this point…
The two timestreams are finally fused, causing Serra, Charizard, and Alexander to fly out of a vent and into the hallway leading to Malek's throne room. Yuka meets them there, but before she can do much more than explain the current plot, Iyaruka Aegreoafgoureaigrae appears out of thin air. Alexander waits for no plot, kicking the golden door to the throne room down and killing a guard behind it instantly. The fully reunited party wastes no time in charging into a Shyamalan twist: Malek was really Kelam, brother of Lode, leader of the resistance. The guards, stunned by the sudden death of their comrade and the plot twist, do not engage in the boss battle at all. As the two brothers clash with the adventurers, it seems as though nothing will pierce Lode's masterful defense, at least not until Iyaruka takes that as a literal challenge and one-shots him with an arrow. An enraged Kelam blows her up with a massive magical attack in retaliation, but he forgets that this is the Zelda universe and moments later she’s revived by a fairy. A concentrated effort brings the boss to death’s door, but the adventurers forget that this is an RPG, and they weren’t even fighting Kelam's final form.
Somehow, the two brothers fuse into an actual Malek, causing the members of the party with weaker constitutions to flee in abject terror. Serra, Charizard, and Yuka are all that stand between the mad science experiment and Northern Hyrule’s complete subjugation. Things are looking bad, when Iyaruka reappears and rolls a seventeen on sixteen dice. Even with this powerful attack, Malek is able to fell Serra and knock the party’s collective health to almost nothing. Things now look even worse than before, at least until the party realizes his one true weakness: arrows.
Priest returns, infected with glowy yellow eyes syndrome. He passes this on to Yuka, which somehow convinces the rest of the party to enter an otherwise terrifying portal of light. They’re all knocked out for their troubles and conscripted into the Followers of Wisdom. Who is this cult and what are their plans? Perhaps they’ll find out next time.