2-6-14: To Bomb a Clock Town - WindStrike - 02-06-2014
Oh god, not this quest... it should've been a nice little adventure quest, but... stuff happened.
<Smithy> I've got a little task for ya. Ye've noooticed the frooozen sky, ya?
<DM> *Indeed. It's even begun to lightly snow.*
<Wolfgang> Sure.
<Smithy> Well, Ah can't leave me shop, else someone cooomes in an' stels it all, ya?
<Smithy> So, ah'll need ya to... err.. blow up a wolcano.
<SandorClegane> what is a wolcano?
<Smithy> It's a wol... wol......
<DM> *Volcano.*
<Smithy> Ya, what that foooorth woll said! .. wait wot.
* Smithy looks around in confusion.
* DM looks around in confusion for no reason at all.
<SandorClegane> explosions+volcano= hell yeah
<Wolfgang> Sounds good.
<DM> *Wow, you guys don't even need a reward. You just wanna blow it up. Sweet.*
<Smithy> Oookay, me's got a plan, ya?
<Wolfgang> What is yous plan?
<Smithy> Ya need te get to that wolcaaano o'er there...
<SandorClegane> *i would take his robe but that seemed overplayed*
<Wolfgang> a little bit yeah
* Smithy points to the Northwest. There's a tall.. Volcano. It looks like Mount Doom with snow and ice, but without a glowing security tower next to it.
<Smithy> Noow, there's a wee entrance at the baaase o' the mooontain, ya? Enter there, an' hed through yon cawes... cawes...
<DM> *Caves.
<Wolfgang> is this scottish or scandanavian?
<Wolfgang> pick an accent and stick with it
<Smithy> That.. an' at the end o' the toonnel! Is... I forgot.... BUT YE'LL FIGURE IT ALLL OUT, YA?
<SandorClegane> give me explosives please
<Smithy> Hmm... al'ight...
<Smithy> Jus' gimme a moooment.
<SandorClegane> unless its heavy then give it to wolfgang
* Smithy heads into his shop. You hear crashing sounds from within, along with various cursing.
<Smithy> Ahh'ahh!
* Smithy comes out carrying a large barrel half his size. On the side of the barrel is a picture of a skull covered in flames.
<Smithy> This'll blow stoof up!
<Wolfgang> Let's go then.
<Smithy> Now... jes make sure noot te bloow yerselves up erly!
* Wolfgang grabs it.
* Wolfgang juggles it.
<DM> *The Power Keg threatens to explode you, but for the sake of plot, I'll wait till you're outside of the village before it really does explode in your face.*
<SandorClegane> Engage and Rollout!
<SandorClegane> if our bomb can jump start a volcano i think it can get a village
<DM> *It can also get you in theory.*
<Wolfgang> wait wait wait
<Wolfgang> we're looking at this wrong
<Wolfgang> totally wrong
<Wolfgang> what we should do
<Wolfgang> is use this big arse bomb to hold something hostage
<Wolfgang> for money
<Wolfgang> like the royal palace
<SandorClegane> GENIUS!
<SandorClegane> or a school
<Wolfgang> or kariko village
<DM> (god dangit, why am I allowing you to even try this)
<SandorClegane> WIN!
* DM just commits seppuku.
<Wolfgang> its like the friggin center of the shiekahs dumb arse cult group thing.
<Wolfgang> we could totally make some easy cash
<SandorClegane> lets do this
<DM> (I hate you all, by the way)
<Wolfgang> TO KARIKO
* DM psyducks.
<DM> (I am back, and you two deserve to be murdered)
<Wolfgang> HOLD ON
<Wolfgang> hold on
<Wolfgang> I just had a BETTER idea!
<Wolfgang> Blow open the vault and take the cash!
<Wolfgang> Hostage situations are dumb and don't pay well anyway.
<Wolfgang> Let's go bank robbing.
<DM> *Despite "leaving" Subrosia Village, your enthusiasm for these plans echoes throughout the desolate village.*
<SandorClegane> yea hostage situations tend to be drawn out it will so much fastrer to rob a bank
<DM> *The Gandalf-bearded Subrosian is seen waltzing up to your location.*
<Wolfgang> TO CLOCKTOWN!
<DM> *Also, I still hate you all, and yon bearded Subrosian has now reached your position.*
<Smithy> Ahh, greetings once again!
<SandorClegane> sup smithy?
<Smithy> I uhh.. thooght ye were gooin' te blooow up ye wolcano, ya?
<Wolfgang> We liked your plan. It was a good plan. BUT we have a BETTER plan.
<Smithy> Hoooh? Lemme hear, ya?
<SandorClegane> MUCH BETTER!
<Wolfgang> First, we rob a bank. Then we pay off a bunch of gorons to restart the volcano!
<Wolfgang> Gorons are totally the best choice for this.
<Smithy> ....
<Wolfgang> Strong, heat resistant and they make good bombs.
<Smithy> Ah'm sooorry, but uhh...
<SandorClegane> GORONS EAT ROCKS!
<Wolfgang> Whereas me and Sandor. We're not so heat resistant.
<Wolfgang> AND we make lousy bombs.
* Smithy reaches up to place one of his mole-like fingers to his face, as if to clean out his ear... if he has one. Dunno, Subrosians... you just see this darkness when looking at them, save for their glowy eyes.
<SandorClegane> Also terrifeid of fire
<Smithy> What'd ye say yer doooin'?
<Wolfgang> We're going rob Peter to pay Paul so to speak.
<SandorClegane> saving the town with expendalbe gorons
<Wolfgang> Except instead of paying Paul we're paying Gorons to fix the volcano.
<Smithy> ... ah'm gooonna have te stooop ye, if'n ye all try it, ye knoow, ya?
<Wolfgang> Why?
<Wolfgang> We'd be saving your town.
<Smithy> Err... wha?
<Wolfgang> And it's less effort all around.
<Wolfgang> For everyone
<Wolfgang> Your town wins, we win and the gorons win.
<SandorClegane> plus with clocktowns economy taking a hit
<DM> *Darte, did the author Darths & Droids hijack these two people and replace them with Jim's mind?*
<SandorClegane> it will force people to come here and buy from your store smithy
<SandorClegane> more wealth for your town as a collective
<Smithy> ....
<Wolfgang> Encouraging trade between the two towns!
<Smithy> .... ye ha'e ah good poooint, ya...
<Wolfgang> Resulting in an overall economic growth for both people.
<CrouchingZoraHiddenDeku> (an excellent question, DM)
<Wolfgang> Plus as everyone knows, Clocktown is the economic hub for Termina.
<Wolfgang> So really its a win - win - win - win situation.
Sephiroth Serikka_Tonatsu
<Wolfgang> Nobody loses!
<SandorClegane> *well last time we hijacked a boat so its more of the 2 of us
<SandorClegane> EXACTLY!
<SandorClegane> think of the children
<DM> *For the record, I have my hand over my face. I am permanently face-palming to this.*
<Wolfgang> Just 2 of us is fine. We just need to try EXTRA hard.
<DM> *Okay...
<Wolfgang> Alright.
<Wolfgang> Let's do this.
<Wolfgang> Get your game face on.
<DM> *ON THE PURE BASIS that you two created a LOGICAL argument and that this is completely nuts...
<Wolfgang> Smithy you wanna come help?
<Smithy> Ye ha'e yerselves a deal, lads! Them Gooorons are laaazy, ye knoooow, ya?
<Wolfgang> Yeah but like I said.
<Wolfgang> They make some of the best explosives.
<Smithy> Err, me can't. Moight be some dolts troiyin' ter steal from me shop....... yer on ye own. Goo' loock!
<DM> *There isn't anyone on the west side, as far as you can tell.*
<SandorClegane> its an alley wayv theres always a bum and a cat
<DM> *You can see a cat passing by. There is no sight of any bums.*
<Dhoo> Not even our own?
<DM> *Well, if you look at each other that way, then I suppose there is.*
<Dhoo> Quit making an ass of yourself.
<DM> *You hear footsteps slowly ascending the stairs up towards you.*
<Dhoo> I forgive you. Let's turn the other cheek.
<DM> *There seems to be a sudden pause in the yelling from the entrance.*
<Dhoo> Bottom's up!
<DM> *You fling Guard2 into Guard3 at sonic speeds, sending them both crashing into the wall. Guard2's back snaps, killing him on contact. Guard3 manages to hang on with 2 hearts left.*
<Guard3> W-w-who are these monsters?!
<SandorClegane> DEATH ITSELF!!!!!!!
<DM> *Your shout imposes a powerful image into these guards' minds. They appear to be frightened at your declaration.*
<DM> *The note reads....
<Dhoo> i didnt say i READ it
<Dhoo> i said i look at it
<DM> *You see writing on the note.*
<Dhoo> any pictures?
<SandorClegane> silly dm dhoo can't read he's a dog
<DM> *No pictures, just writing.*
<Dhoo> I don't think I trust this note.
<Dhoo> Could be anything.
<DM> (it's not an explosive note, this isn't Naruto)
<SandorClegane> could be.... a TP
* DM face-palms.
<Dhoo> Poison. A fireball waiting explode on us. A killer bee disguised as a note.
<DM> *I may be evil, but I'm not that mean.*
<Dhoo> Whatever. I'm bored of reading notes. Let's just get to this stupid underground thinger.
<DM> *It's noon in all of the realms. Though in Subrosia, you can never tell.*
<Dhoo> how does that even work
<DM> *Science. And cause I'm not dealing with every place running at a different time. Too much weird crap and plot inconveniences.*
<Dhoo> fine ill allow it this time
<SandorClegane> (but science clearly sdays timezones exisit
<DM> *The fourth wall winks at you from afar.*
<Dhoo> Let's go.
* Dhoo heads for Hyrule Village.
<DM> *You head back through the portal from Subrosia to the Temple of Time. As the tingly feeling makes you feel weightless, your vision turns to darkness, and gravity never seems to reassert itself, for a grave fog has settled upon you both...
<DM> *You find yourselves stuck... in a loading screen.*
- * EdgeclawLizalfos is effortlessly cleaved in half by Wolfgang's axe, ending the battle in the first turn. The Lizalfos' head falls to the ground, still growling in shock before being drained of blood.
- * WinterWolfos ends up dealing 8 damage to SandorClegane as well as taking 1 burn damage from the Flaming Armor and burning itself to a crisp upon contact with Sandor's epic flaming armor.
- <SandorClegane> woo science!
- * EdgeclawLizalfos guts the Werewolfos on his sword. He pulls the sword out of Wolfgang's corpse and proceeds with a chesire grin towards SandorClegane.
- * EdgeclawLizalfos watches Sandor burn to a crisp... only to come back alive, covered in blood but also covered in rage.
- * EdgeclawLizalfos is sliced in a fit of raging fury by SandorClegane's epic blade, driving through the Lizalfos' skin and body with ease as Sandor creates a bloodstorm from its corpse. The raining blood revives Wolfgang to 1 Heart.
- <DM> *Dhoo, you leap at the Thug, ripping through his innards and turning him inside outside. His blood spatters the backalley street, and you taste the blood dripping from your mouth.
- * Guard takes a large wound at his waist, disabling him and preventing him from moving. He appears to be gasping for breath.
- <DM> *Your claymore easily slices through the newbie guard's neck, decapitating him.*
- <DM> *You make a hollow slice at Guard1's throat. However, it's enough to cut his throat as he falls to the ground.*
[*}<Guard2> Why you..... killin' Steve like that!
- <DM> *Congrats! You killed the weekly Steve!*
- <DM> *Sandor, your claymore slices through the Guard3, taking his life, and proving that death reigns over all. You are the embodiement of that nature, and those that do not fear you clearly wish to die.*
- <DM> *Dhoo, your leap punctures the guard's armor. His life drains from him as he's sent flying into the wall, right alongside the corpses of the other guards. He attempts to stand, but death takes its toll, causing him to crumple to the ground.*
- <DM> *You stumble up to your beds and pass the heck out for the night. A loading screen enters your field of vision. ... IN YOUR DREAMS-
- <Guard2> You wallowin' self despairin' little fiddle stick of a man!
- <DM> *You fling Guard2 into Guard3 at sonic speeds, sending them both crashing into the wall. Guard2's back snaps, killing him on contact. Guard3 manages to hang on with 2 hearts left.*
- <SandorClegane> wait why does a gueard use a deku stick? budget cuts?
RE: 2-6-14: Melting the Frozen Sky - WindStrike - 02-06-2014
Origin: Ocarina of Time
The Edgeclaw Clan is one of the more predominant clans of Lizalfos. They usually wear a bit of clothing with no armor, so that they're not weighed down. Their specialty lies in their speed, so their equipment is very light but sturdy. Most Edgeclaws aren't short, but they hunch over when they're in their battle stance, so usually, they don't come above chest in height.
Oddly enough, despite their clan name, they don't use their claws. They prefer to use a short sword and a round shield instead. However, the edges are serrated and could be used like claws if they need be.
- When Edgeclaw Lizalfos dies, any equipped items are dropped, replacing the random item drop.
[*]A very lightweight blade with serrated edges. You can either slice or stab a target.[list=1]
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=+4 type-b=Courage] / Damage is halved
[*]If the attack is successful, target gets the [b]Bleeding[/b] [u]Affliction[/u]:[list]
[*]Target takes 1 bleed damage (neutral) at the start of each round.
[*]This stacks infinitely.[/list]
[*][b]Bleeding[/b] lasts for the remainder of the battle.[/list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage type-b=Courage] / Damage increased by 2
[*]If the attack is successful, you can keep the blade in or you can attempt to pull the blade out. By pulling the blade out, the serrated edges hit other organs on the way out, clawing at them.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Power type-b=Power] / Damage is halved
[*]Damage counts as bleed damage (neutral).[/list]
[*]If the attack is unsuccessful, target automatically gets to counterattack you.[/list][/list][/list][/box]
[box=Edge Shield][list]
[*]A fairly light shield that has serrated edges and provides minor defense. It also has the ability to [b]Quick Bash[/b] a target.[list]
[*]When defending, your dice are increased by 1.
[*]When you successfully defend against someone in melee combat, the attacker takes 1 bleed damage (neutral) from the edges of the shield.
[*]You can quickly bash a target, dealing a light amount of damage but allowing you to follow-up.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=+3 type-b=Power] / Deals 3 damage
[*]If the attack is successful, target is dazed partially and loses 3 dice when defending against the next attack.
[*]Then, immediately follow-up with a different attack.[/list][/list][/list][/list][/box]
- Edgeclaws are very jumpy and have increased mobility.
- When defending, your roll is increased by 2.
- When attacking your roll is increased by 1.
- When you successfully defend an attack, you can immediately use Cover on an ally at no cost.
- For each turn that passes that any Edgeclaw is not targeted (except on their own turns), all Edgeclaws gain +1 successes on their next attack or defense.
- When an Edgeclaw is targeted for an attack and he has at least +3 successes from this passive, he is then able to automatically counterattack, regardless of whether he's hit by the attack or not.
- After an Edgeclaw has been targeted for an attack, that particular Edgeclaw loses its current bonus successes from this passive.
- Requires Fire (Level: 2)
- Costs 3 Magic
- Give yourself or an ally the Double Veil of Flames Buff, causing two rings of fire to rotate the target:
- Anyone that fights the target in melee combat takes 2 burn damage (neutral) from Double Veil of Flames.
- Double Veil of Flames cannot be used on someone with Water affinity.
- If Double Veil of Flames is used on someone with Nature affinity, target takes 2 burn damage (neutral) at the start of each round.
Double Veil of Flames lasts for the remainder of the battle.
- Amount: 3
- A very lightweight blade with serrated edges. You can either slice or stab a target.
- Slice:
- Roll your Courage +4 dice vs. targets' Courage dice / Damage is halved
- If the attack is successful, target gets the Bleeding Affliction:
- Target takes 1 bleed damage (neutral) at the start of each round.
- This stacks infinitely.
Bleeding lasts for the remainder of the battle.
Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice / Damage increased by 2
If the attack is successful, you can keep the blade in or you can attempt to pull the blade out. By pulling the blade out, the serrated edges hit other organs on the way out, clawing at them.
Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice / Damage is halved
Damage counts as bleed damage (neutral).
If the attack is unsuccessful, target automatically gets to counterattack you.
- A fairly light shield that has serrated edges and provides minor defense. It also has the ability to Quick Bash a target.
- When defending, your dice are increased by 1.
- When you successfully defend against someone in melee combat, the attacker takes 1 bleed damage (neutral) from the edges of the shield.
- Quickbash:
- You can quickly bash a target, dealing a light amount of damage but allowing you to follow-up.
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice / Deals 3 damage
- If the attack is successful target is dazed partially and loses 3 dice when defending against the next attack.
- Then, immediately, follow-up with a different attack.
Origin: Ocarina of Time
Similar to how the Ice Keese is a Keese that's evolved to wintery conditions, the Winter Wolfos lurks around in deep patches of snow, waiting for prey to come by and succumb to the cold. They're more intelligent than their Wolfos bretheren, having to survive in frostbitten conditions. They have a white coat of fur that keeps them cozy and protected against the onslaught of winter.
- When Winter Wolfos dies, it can drop a Claw.
- A very sharp claw. Careful, you may poke your own eye out with it!
[*]A very sharp claw. Careful, you may poke your own eye out with it![/list][/box]
Water (Level: 1), Shadow (Level: 1)
- An aura of shadows bathes the field, affecting everyone without Shadow affinity.
- Courage is reduced by 3.
- When attacking, your roll is decreased by 1 dice.
Only one Shadowosken can be active at a time.
- Winter Wolfos brings a chilling air to the field, affecting everyone without Water affinity.
- At the end of each round, everyone loses 1 dice when attacking and defending.
- All current stacks of Freezing Aura can be wiped as if it were a Field Effect.
- This stacks up to a maximum of three times.
- Only one Freezing Aura can be active at a time.
Freezing Aura lasts for the remainder of the battle or until all Winter Wolfos die.
If there are multiple Winter Wolfos in the battle, Freezing Aura is shared collectively through all of them, meaning it doesn't stack on top of itself nor does it reset when one dies.
- A fur coat of pure white that sustains Winter Wolfos even through the heaviest blizzards.
- Ice damage (Water sub-type) taken is halved.
- Spell damage taken is reduced by 2.
- Fire damage taken is increased by 3.
- This means Fire spell damage taken is only increased by 1, total.
- Requires Water (Level: 1) and Shadow (Level: 1)
- Winter Wolfos swipes a target with its claws, causing a rush of poison and frostbite.
- Roll your Power +2 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- If the attack is successful, target gets the Poisonous Frostbite Affliction:
- Target takes 1 poison damage (neutral) at the start of each round.
- Target loses 1 success when attacking and defending.
- This stacks infinitely.
Poisonous Frostbite lasts for the remainder of the battle.
- Winter Wolfos leaps at a target, knocking them to the ground.
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice / Damage increased by 2
- Requires Shadow (Level: 1)
- Costs 3 Magic
- Give a target the Death Leech Affliction:
- When that target dies, you (the caster) gain 6 Hearts and 3 Magic.
Death Leech lasts for the remainder of the battle or when either the target or caster dies.
Origin: ZURPG
A standard inner guard of Clock Town. These Town Guards of the inner walls have little armament, as they're meant for stopping petty acts. Clock Town is a village that's closed in by multiple walls. On the outer layers are the stronger guards, but at the center, where no can reach except through Clock Tower, they have no need for powerful guards. Very rarely do these guards carry bladed weapons.
Town Guards have NPC status, meaning the start with the same starting stats that players do.
- When Town Guard dies, any equipped items are dropped.
[box=Trusty Deku Stick][list]
[*]It doesn't hurt as much as a normal Deku Stick, but it does seem considerably sturdier. Can whack one target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=+2 type-b=Courage][/list][/list][/box]
[box=Sledge Hammer][list]
[*]It may be small, but it still packs a punch! Can [b]Whack[/b] or [b]Power Shot[/b] a target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Power type-b=Power] / Damage increased by 1[/list]
[*][b]Power Shot[/b]:[list]
[*][dice type-a=Power amount-a=-2 type-b=Power] / Damage increased by 1
[*]If the attack is successful, target gets the [b]Slight Tremors[/b] [u]Affliction[/u]:[list]
[*]Slight tremors rumble through the target, lowering the target's strength.
[*]Target's [Power] is reduced by 2, and any items he can wield by hand have increased [Power] requirements by 4.
[*]This stacks infinitely.[/list]
[*][b]Slight Tremors[/b] lasts for the remainder of the battle.[/list][/list][/list][/box]
[box=Sturdy Shield][list]
[*]A well-built and basic steel shield that's resistant to attacks.[list]
[*]When defending, your dice are increased by 2.[/list][/list][/box]
[box=Soldier Platemail][list]
[*]Used by the lower ranked guards, this armor protects well against light attacks.[list]
[*]Damage taken is reduced by 1[/list][/list][/box]
- Your Power stat is increased by #, where # = your total affinity levels.
- Your Courage stat is increased by #, where # = your total affinity levels.
- Everytime you land an attack successfully, you recover 1 Heart.
- Requires Arcane (Level: 1)
- Costs 1 Magic
- A basic Arcane spell, PSI Arrow hits one target.
- Roll your Wisdom +1 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Requires Arcane (Level: 1)
- Costs 3 Magic
- Fire a blast of arcane that splits in half, hitting two targets.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice / Damage decreased by 2
- It doesn't hurt as much as a normal Deku Stick, but it does seem considerably sturdier. Can whack one target.
- Roll your Courage +2 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- It may be small, but it still packs a punch! Can Whack or Power Shot a target.
- Whack!:
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice / Damage increased by 1
Power Shot:
Roll your Power -2 dice vs. targets' Power dice / Damage increased by 1
If the attack is successful, target gets the Slight Tremors Affliction:
Slight tremors rumble through the target, lowering the target's strength.
Target's Power is reduced by 2, and any items he can wield by hand have increased Power requirements by 4.
This stacks infinitely.
Slight Tremors lasts for the remainder of the battle.
- A well-built and basic steel shield that's resistant to attacks.
- When defending, your dice are increased by 2.
- Used by the lower ranked guards, this armor protects well against light attacks.
- Damage taken is reduced by 1
- Amount: 1
- A keg of high-yield explosive powder that, after a period of time, explodes, hitting everyone and potentially destroying parts of the battlefield (DM's discretion).
- Set the keg down and roll your Maximum Hearts. The keg's Hearts are equal to the successes * 2. It starts your team's side of the field.
- The keg can be kicked to the other side for the cost of an action by any player. It explodes when its Hearts reach 0 or at the end of the second round after dropping it, hitting everyone.
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice / Damage increased by $1d5
- The Power Keg does full damage to players for the side it's on. It does half damage (after the $1d5 roll) to the side it's not on.
[box=Power Keg][list]
[*]A keg of high-yield explosive powder that, after a period of time, explodes, hitting everyone and potentially destroying parts of the battlefield (DM's discretion).
[*]Set the keg down and roll your Maximum [Hearts]. The keg's [Hearts] are equal to the successes * 2. It starts your team's side of the field.
[*]The keg can be kicked to the other side for the cost of an action by any player. It explodes when its [Hearts] reach 0 or at the end of the second round after dropping it, hitting everyone.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Power type-b=Power] / Damage increased by $1d5
[*]The Power Keg does full damage to players for the side it's on. It does half damage (after the $1d5 roll) to the side it's not on.[/list][/list][/box]
RE: 2-6-14: To Bomb a Clock Town - Darklink42 - 01-19-2016
An unnatural winter has fallen over Subrosia. A call goes out to adventurers willing to fix this, but the only two people who answer are the unlikely pairing of Dhoo, a werewolfos of questionable history; and Sandor Clegane, a man with no profile. Windst--reality kicks the two out into Subrosia village where Smithy is waiting to greet them. Our heroes wade through the blacksmith’s accent to discover that his plan is to kickstart the volcanos via the healthy donation of a powder keg to the core. The two walk away with the bomb, but the discussion of how to proceed quickly breaks down in favor of discussion about what the bomb could also conceivably blow up. Much to the DM’s chagrin, they settle on a heist plot aimed at blowing open the Clock Town bank’s vault. Just as the duo are making ready to put their plan into motion, however, Smithy reappears and attempts to convince them to stick to the original plot. Dhoo will be having none of that, good sir. For someone built entirely on power, the werewolfos proves surprisingly persuasive as he lays out a convoluted plan to pay Gorons with the ill-gotten proceeds to do the job the keg was supposed to accomplish. Smithy, who had just finished huffing too many industrial fumes, agrees to let them attempt the heist and wanders off to talk to some ore chunks.
Things go almost immediately downhill as Sandor and Dhoo are set upon by a Lizalfos attempting to reassert sanity to the plot at the Temple of Seasons. It dies on the first turn, and reincarnates as an ocelot living under a small library in Phoenix. Heady with their success, the pair proceed further, but are too drunk on themselves to get far before a second Lizalfos and a Winter Wolfos attack. Dhoo goes down in a flurry of attacks from the lizardman, but Sandor manages to fairy his way to victory. Both of them bleeding and broken from the fourth wall’s attempts at being an actual wall, they head to nearest inn to recover as best they can.
As the sun rises on the South Inn of Hyrule Town, Dhoo and Sandor Clegane awaken and recall that they had hatched a totally awesome, brilliant plan of great fortune the day before, involving the clock tower of Termina, ransom money, and far more heavy ordinance than they should legally have been allowed access to. The sun isn’t the only thing rising that morning however. Voices, indecipherably shouting, have disturbed the slumber of our intrepid duo. Given the previous day’s misadventures, the two wisely elect to make a window exit rather than brave the front lobby and commotion brewing there. Dhoo barrels through the glass, inelegantly tumbling to the alleyway below. Sandor, on the other hand, pulls all 9s from the judges for his spectacular Kickflip McTwist into a 360 Nosegrab. In a fit of jealous rage, Dhoo proceeds to explode a random thug hanging out in the alley. An unfortunate guard happens by as this happens, and is sliced and diced by the pair as well, despite it being his first day on the job. Thankfully, no one else appears and the two hoof it to the Temple of Time. Unfortunately, while Sandor jumps gracefully, he isn’t so good at blending with crowds. Someone spots the pair as they reach the doors. Curiously enough, however, neither of the two can actually see this person. The only apparent signs that he’s there at all are his voice and the smell of a bloody knife. He proposes a deal, offering to meet them in the Temple of Seasons. Dhoo counteroffers to have them meet in Termina, which the stranger is amenable to. The three commence traveling through the portal.
In the darkness of the clock tower entrance, Dhoo and Sandor discover that there are significantly more invisible folk than there were before. They offer a job pulling a heist on the bank – convenient considering the duo was planning much the same thing. It doesn’t take a whole lot of convincing for the two to go along with the plan, although the details remain vague. The walk to the bank is uneventful. When they reach it, however, Mysterious Hooded Figure #5834 appears and begins to execute the plan. Subtlety is a word in the dictionary, but Dhoo and Sandor don’t have time for such trivialities. They immediately pick a fight with all of the guards at once. One guard dies before the others have time to do more than raise their weapons. The second manages a hefty hit on Sandor with a sledgehammer before being flung full force into the third, snapping one’s neck and maiming the other. Terror empowers the fourth guard to swing mightily with a Deku stick, though this succeeds only in impressing and annoying Dhoo. The only thing more annoying to the werewolfos is his troubling habit of rolling 14s every time he attacks. guard 4 goes down easy, but guard 3 and his Deku Stick prove quite the challenge to the blood drenched duo. Still, even the brave must pay the reaper his due, and he falls to well-placed swipe of Dhoo's claws.
Sandor Clegane decides that he’s had quite enough of ghosts and their Faustian bargains and elects to simply blow the whole bank up rather than loot it. Dhoo shrugs, lights the powder keg, and tosses it into the vault, slamming the door behind it. The bank promptly explodes, launching the duo across town but leaving them mostly unharmed. The pair hot-foot it out of town as fast as they can, never pausing to wonder just exactly who it was they blew up or why. Wanted signs for a werewolfos and a balding, half-burned human went up around Termina that evening, setting a new record for highest bounty ever offered. The Subrosian winter abides.
RE: 2-6-14: To Bomb a Clock Town - WindStrike - 07-17-2024
Yes, this quest is still going. It's ZURPG: the place where things go to die, but they never stay dead.
Please, purchase my wares. I have few things, but they are of high value, yes yes! In fact, most things you can buy from Kojima's Mysterious Shop, you can now purchase here!
Except the Bomb Bag Mask. That, you will have to purchase from Kojima. I will not make any exceptions!
Costs 100 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A light red liquid that gives you health back when you drink it. So what's in it anyways?
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover either:
- Recover 10 Hearts... OR
- Half of your Maximum Hearts.
[box=Red Potion][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]50[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A light red liquid that gives you health back when you drink it. So what's in it anyways?[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to recover either:[list]
[*]Recover [Hearts]10[/Hearts]... OR
[*]Half of your [b]Maximum [Hearts][/b].
Costs 100 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A light green liquid that restores your magical powers when you drink it. This isn't actually poison, is it?
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover either:
- Recover 7 Magic... OR
- Half of your Maximum Magic.
[box=Green Potion][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]50[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A light green liquid that restores your magical powers when you drink it. This isn't actually poison, is it?[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to recover either:[list]
[*]Recover [Magic]7[/Magic]... OR
[*]Half of your [b]Maximum [Magic][/b].
Costs 100 Rupees to buy.
- Amount: 1
- DESCRIPTION: What color is it? What does it taste like? Is it even safe? Who knows! When you drink it, roll a $1d6. The result is what you get:
- Recover 15 Hearts.
- Recover 10 Magic.
- Gain 5 Attack Dice & Defense Dice.
- Take 10 Neutral Damage.
- Lose 7 Magic. If this drops you to 0 Magic, you die instantly.
- Drink a Crack Potion. DM will find and send you the details.
[box=Mysterious Potion][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: What color is it? What does it taste like? Is it even safe? Who knows! When you drink it, roll a $1d6. The result is what you get:[list=1]
[*]Recover [Hearts]15[/Hearts].
[*]Recover [Magic]10[/Magic].
[*]Gain [b]5 [Attack Dice] & [Defense Dice][/b].
[*]Take [b]10 Neutral Damage[/b].
[*]Lose [Magic]7[/Magic]. If this drops you to [Magic]0[/Magic], you die instantly.
[*]Drink a [b]Crack Potion[/b]. [b]DM[/b] will find and send you the details.
Costs 50 Rupees to buy.
- DESCRIPTION: It’s a mask of the Hero, the one that saved Clocktown! But there’s a crack down the middle. Never fear, you’re still the Hero; clearly, it’s just a battle scar!
- EFFECT: None. It’s just a normal mask with a crack in it. Why would you expect otherwise?
[box=Cracked Hero's Mask][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: It’s a mask of the [b]Hero[/b], the one that saved [b]Clocktown[/b]! But there’s a crack down the middle. Never fear, you’re still the [b]Hero[/b]; clearly, it’s just a battle scar![list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: None. It’s just a normal mask with a crack in it. Why would you expect otherwise?
Costs 300 Rupees to buy.
- DESCRIPTION: I-i-it’s a bit ch-chilly in here, isn’t it? Pop this on, and you’ll be extra chilly! And your head is encased in a block of ice. Grants the Super Freeze ability.
- EFFECT 1: Good news! You take no Fire-based damage while wearing this.
- EFFECT 2: Also good news, your Courage is reduced by 6 while wearing this.
- Super Freeze:
- COSTS: 5 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Become encased in a block of invulnerable ice! It can be slid around, but while inside, you are safe from all attacks!
- EFFECT 1: You take no damage of any kind!
- EFFECT 2: The block of ice has no friction. Enjoy.
- EFFECT 3: Also, you’re encased in a block of ice. You can’t do anything until you unfreeze.
- DURATION: Until the start of your turn one round later.
[box=Ice Mask][list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: I-i-it’s a bit ch-chilly in here, isn’t it? Pop this on, and you’ll be extra chilly! And your head is encased in a block of ice. Grants the [b]Super Freeze[/b] ability.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT 1[/b]: Good news! You take no [Fire]-based damage while wearing this.
[*][b]EFFECT 2[/b]: Also good news, your [Courage] is reduced by 6 while wearing this.
[*][b]Super Freeze[/b]:[list]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]5[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Become encased in a block of invulnerable ice! It can be slid around, but while inside, you are safe from all attacks![list]
[*][b]EFFECT 1[/b]: You take no damage of any kind!
[*][b]EFFECT 2[/b]: The block of ice has no friction. Enjoy.
[*][b]EFFECT 3[/b]: Also, you’re encased in a block of ice. You can’t do anything until you unfreeze.
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: Until the start of your turn one round later.
Cannot be bought here. Must be purchased at Kojima's Mysterious Shop.
- DESCRIPTION: You’ve now got a bag with a skull over your head. Congrats! How are you breathing in that thing? While you’re wearing this, your Bombs are empowered, and you’ve got an explosive surprise for anyone that kills you…
- EFFECT 1: Bombs thrown or used by you deal x1.5 damage (rounded up).
- EFFECT 2: When you die, you explode! Hits everyone else, bypassing Cover.
- Roll your Power +6 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: 15
- EFFECT: Each bomb you’ve thrown this battle increases the damage dealt by 3. Also, the total is affected by the above listed damage multiplier.
RE: 2-6-14: To Bomb a Clock Town - WindStrike - 07-18-2024
- Power: 23 (+0)
- Courage: 18 (+0)
- Wisdom: 9 (+0)
- Hearts: 14/14 (+0)
- Magic: 8/8 (+0)
- Initiative: $init 1d10
- Attack Dice: 0
- Defense Dice: 3
- Armor: 2
Affinities: Light
Origin: Majora’s Mask
These carpenters served under Mutoh and now seek compensation. They’ve become a new group called The Flock... and their plans are nefarious.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Humans are able to persevere through battles, and thus gain bonuses with lower Hearts.
- EFFECT: When your Hearts are reduced to 50% of your Maximum Hearts or lower, you gain 3 Attack Dice & Defense Dice.
- DURATION: This lasts until your Hearts return to above 50% of your Maximum Hearts.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Humans are naturally compelled to explore the unknown, increasing their ability to find secrets or triggers.
- EFFECT 1: You gain an extra hint at nearby secrets or triggers.
- EFFECT 2: Whenever you are close to a secret or trigger, you feel a wave of extra curiosity echo through you, alerting you to its presence.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Humans have occasional compulsions, pulling them towards or away something.
- EFFECT: You also are aware of the direction of the plot, unless you’re in a maze.
- RESTRICTION 1: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
- RESTRICTION 2: This can only be used once per battle.
- DESCRIPTION: You gain increased confidence within yourself, temporarily breaking free of negative effects, but making you more susceptible to attacks.
- EFFECT: You become immune to all your effects that were caused by enemies, but you also temporarily lose 5 Defense Dice.
- This does not actually remove them or prevent you from getting more.
- DURATION: One round.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: You become fortified temporarily, reducing damage you would take for a short time.
- EFFECT: You gain 3 Armor.
- DURATION: One round.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: As a Human, you’re able to learn new things, especially in the heat of battle, very quickly, and as a result, you can adapt to any situation. Scan one target, attempting to learn their strengths.
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and the defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it works, you can pick a stat (Power, Courage, or Wisdom) that the target has higher of than you, and add half of the difference between them to your respective stat.
- For example, if the target has 20 Power and you have 10 Power, you gain 5 Power.
- SELL VALUE: 125 Rupees
- REQUIREMENTS: Specify what you're camouflaging with
- If you say "the darkness" or "the shadows", be aware that it has no effect against anyone with Dark Vision
COSTS: 3 Magic
DESCRIPTION: Shh! I'm being sneaky. Go away! Magically camouflage in with something nearby to go sneaky.
You cannot be targeted by anything Single-Target.
If you take any damage or do anything other than moving around, Camouflage ends.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Select a target to steal from. Hopefully it's not considered illegal.
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
Damage: None
Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Damage: None
EFFECT: If at least two of the three attacks are successful, steal an item that's equipped by the target.
Then, either store it in your inventory or, if you meet the REQUIREMENTS, you can immediately equip it.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Hearts
- DESCRIPTION: With a series of grizzly adrenaline rushes, your next attack gains a boost.
- EFFECT: Your next attack gains 5 Dice.
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: Poke someone. For the lulz. This is automatic and counts as a Support Action, by the way.
- Neutral Damage: 1
- FYI: This does not break Cover.
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Use your body as a shield! Select a target to use Cover on or Reverse Cover.
- Cover:
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- DURATION: Cover lasts until you're hit or until you use Cover on someone else.
- Reverse Cover:
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- RESTRICTIONS: This will only work in combat if you're Camouflaged
- DESCRIPTION: Hide behind a nearby object large enough to conceal you.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
- EFFECT 2: If you successfully get past a Spot Check while using Hide, you will gain 3 Dice when using either Sneak-Up or Stealth Strike from that position.
- This can stack up to three times.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Counterattack Skill. If you have another Counterattack Skill set to '(Enabled)', this one is '(Disabled)' by default.
- DESCRIPTION: The basic Counterattack Skill, this skill allows you to counterattack when the opportunity arises.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
- DESCRIPTION: You can use both of your hands for most attacks that're normally one-handed for a dice bonus.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Swords not good enough? Punch a target with your fist!
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Who says shields are only good for defending? Bash a target with your shield, head-on!
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: You can throw people or large objects at other people! First, pick up a target using ATTACK 1.
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You manage to pick the target up! Throw them at another target using ATTACK 2, which uses the same success rate for you.
- ATTACK 2: Target rolls Courage dice to defend
- Target Damage: +0
- Projectile Damage: Halved and based on difference in successes from ATTACK 1
- DESCRIPTION: Why run when you can kick the crap out of your enemy? Kick a target with your leg!
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Run away! Run as far as you can! 'Hits' all enemies by using either Outrun or Outwit.
- Outrun:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Outwit:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to speedily sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to speak in the same language as the target
- DESCRIPTION: Call out to an enemy and insult them! Insult them, their family, their backstory, and their swimming skills!
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it works, target gets Taunted:
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- DURATION: One round.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- COSTS: Any amount of Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Bend the Light around an object, tethering the illusion to it.
- EFFECT: Cause an object to become invisible.
- DURATION: Until the object touches anything or is otherwise damaged.
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- COSTS: 4 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Feed some lifeforce into a target, increasing their health.
- EFFECT: Target gains 5/5 Hearts (Stat).
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A steel hammer that packs extra punch, this hammer can cripple defenses and disable targets. Can Whack or Cripple a target.
- Whack!:
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: +4
Roll your Power -3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Damage: +0
EFFECT: If it hits, the target gets Immobilized:
Target cannot move or use any melee attacks.
DURATION: One round.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A large shovel fer movin' loot. Let's ye Whack! or Thwack! any lad ye want! On th' bright side it be a good workout for yer pecs an' lats!
- Whack!:
- Roll your Power +4 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: +4
Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
Damage: +4
EFFECT: If th' attack be successful, target loses 3 Wisdom.
- SELL VALUE: 250 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A big, super-sized red Bomb that's packed as tightly as possible with gunpowder for the user to rain Michael Bay death all over. Unfortunately, it has a massive blast radius, as it hits everyone.
- EFFECT: This bypasses Cover.
- Roll your Power +6 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: 10
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A kite shield that provides minor defense, but causes you to recover over time.
- Defense Dice: +1
- Regen: +2
- SELL VALUE: 125 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: Who needs Dragonhide when you have Dragon's Blood? This beauty of an armor is literally crafted from the sundered, crusty husk of Dragon's Blood! It was originally going to be used for pizza sauce, but then Master DM had dumber ideas.
- Armor: +2
- Regen: +2
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A rather sturdy emerald cape that's popular with travelers for its ability to get someone out of a battle with ease. Basic Mode is active by default; alternatively, you can instead have Augmented Mode active as long as you pay its Magic Cost.
- Basic Mode:
- Defense Dice: +1
Augmented Mode:
COSTS: 4 Magic at the start of each round to maintain
Defense Dice: +4
EFFECT: You gain 5 Dice when using Escape.
- Amount: 2
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A light red liquid that gives you health back when you drink it. So what's in it anyways?
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover either:
- Recover 10 Hearts... OR
- Half of your Maximum Hearts.
- Amount: 2
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A light green liquid that restores your magical powers when you drink it. This isn't actually poison, is it?
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover either:
- Recover 7 Magic... OR
- Half of your Maximum Magic.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.
- EFFECT: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a Reroll Point at the target to force them to reroll it. Then, choose which roll the target uses.
- Power: 16 (+2)
- Courage: 18 (+2)
- Wisdom: 14 (+2)
- Hearts: 18/18 (+0)
- Magic: 6/6 (+0)
- Initiative: $init 1d10
- Attack Dice: 3
- Defense Dice: 0
- Armor: 4
Affinities: Nature
Origin: Majora’s Mask
The standard guardsmen of Clocktown. They’re trained a bit differently than Lord Gustaf’s Hylian Guards, but they’re still effective. As long as they’re not interns.
Though, supposedly, they lack a life insurance policy. Would be a shame if anything were to happen with them, especially with the fairy deficit…
Drops all equipment on death. How’s that for a policy?
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill. There’s no limit on Innate Skills.
- DESCRIPTION: Hylians are considered to be the first race created by the Goddesses and thus get a general stat boost.
- Power: +2
- Courage: +2
- Wisdom: +2
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill. There’s no limit on Innate Skills.
- DESCRIPTION: Hylians have a better sense of hearing than others, allowing them to hear something from far off that would normally be inaudible.
- EFFECT: Additionally, you can selectively hear what you want to in a crowd of noises.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill. There’s no limit on Innate Skills.
- DESCRIPTION: You can send telepathic messages to someone else.
- You can initiate two-way communication with that person, even if he’s not capable of telepathy.
- These telepathic messages can only be sent to one person at a time.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Pray to either Din, Nayru, or Farore. Depending on which goddess you to pray to, you gain different blessings.
- Din:
- EFFECT: You gain $1d2 Attack Dice.
EFFECT: You gain 1 Defense Dice.
EFFECT: You gain a temporary Reroll Point.
DURATION: The Reroll Point automatically expires at the end of the battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill.
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Alter the will of your next move to use your strength or your speed instead.
- EFFECT: Change your roll for the next attack or defense you do to use either Power or Courage.
- RESTRICTION 1: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill.
- RESTRICTION 2: A target hit by Telepathic Mindstrike cannot be hit by it again in the same day.
- DESCRIPTION: Turn your telepathy into a weapon, as you strike a target’s mind with it!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and the defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: Halved
- Neutral Damage: 2
- EFFECT: If it hits, read the thought the target is currently thinking about.
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- REQUIREMENTS: A melee attack
- CHARGE: 1 Action
- Charge by readying your attack, and preparing to leap at the target.
DESCRIPTION: Once charged, you can leap and attack a target using the melee attack.
EFFECT: If it succeeds, multiply the difference in successes by x1.5.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Hearts
- DESCRIPTION: With a series of grizzly adrenaline rushes, your next attack gains a boost.
- EFFECT: Your next attack gains 5 Dice.
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Use your body as a shield! Select a target to use Cover on or Reverse Cover.
- Cover:
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- DURATION: Cover lasts until you're hit or until you use Cover on someone else.
- Reverse Cover:
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- RESTRICTIONS: This will only work in combat if you're Camouflaged
- DESCRIPTION: Hide behind a nearby object large enough to conceal you.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
- EFFECT 2: If you successfully get past a Spot Check while using Hide, you will gain 3 Dice when using either Sneak-Up or Stealth Strike from that position.
- This can stack up to three times.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Counterattack Skill. If you have another Counterattack Skill set to '(Enabled)', this one is '(Disabled)' by default.
- DESCRIPTION: The basic Counterattack Skill, this skill allows you to counterattack when the opportunity arises.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
- DESCRIPTION: You can use both of your hands for most attacks that're normally one-handed for a dice bonus.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Swords not good enough? Punch a target with your fist!
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Who says shields are only good for defending? Bash a target with your shield, head-on!
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: You can throw people or large objects at other people! First, pick up a target using ATTACK 1.
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You manage to pick the target up! Throw them at another target using ATTACK 2, which uses the same success rate for you.
- ATTACK 2: Target rolls Courage dice to defend
- Target Damage: +0
- Projectile Damage: Halved and based on difference in successes from ATTACK 1
- DESCRIPTION: Why run when you can kick the crap out of your enemy? Kick a target with your leg!
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Run away! Run as far as you can! 'Hits' all enemies by using either Outrun or Outwit.
- Outrun:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Outwit:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to speedily sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to speak in the same language as the target
- DESCRIPTION: Call out to an enemy and insult them! Insult them, their family, their backstory, and their swimming skills!
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it works, target gets Taunted:
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- DURATION: One round.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A beam of fairy dust that shrouds a target, causing them to recover from their wounds.
- EFFECT: Target recovers 4 Hearts.
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A mold of earth covers a target in a protective shell.
- EFFECT: Target gains 2 Armor.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A rubber hammer that’s both small and lightweight, yet due to its magical enchantment, it can break even the toughest of defenses. Can Whack or Cripple a target.
- Whack!:
- Roll your Power +10 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: Halved
Roll your Power +2 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Damage: Halved
EFFECT: If it hits, target loses 2 Defense Dice.
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A white blade enchanted with the power of wind. Can Slash, Stab, or Air Blade one target.
- Slash:
- Roll your Courage +6 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: +0
Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
Damage: +6
IF FAIL: Target can Counterattack you, regardless of CONDITIONS.
Magical Blade:
REQUIREMENTS: You being at Maximum Hearts
DESCRIPTION: Fire a magical blade of air, powered by your Hearts, at a target.
Roll your Courage +9 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
Damage: +0
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A shield that actually blocks attacks by reducing their damage. What a miraculous concept!
- Armor: +3
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A lightweight armor that enhances the offense of its wearer, though the protection it provides is subpar.
- Armor: +1
- Attack Dice: +3
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A tasty Heart that can be devoured to recover your Hearts! ... that doesn't sound right.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 6 Hearts.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A jar containing liquified Magic, which you can drink to recover your Magic! Hope there's no alcohol in it.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 4 Magic.
- Power: 18 (+2)
- Courage: 20 (+4)
- Wisdom: 16 (+2)
- Hearts: 13/20 (+0)
- Magic: 8/8 (+0)
- Initiative: $init 1d10
- Attack Dice: 3
- Defense Dice: 0
- Armor: 4
Affinities: Nature
Origin: Majora’s Mask
The captain of Clocktown’s Guards. A stalwart fellow and a veteran that goes all the way back to the Hyrulean Civil War. Tends to take a rather no-nonsense approach. Always wears his gear, and he’s always suspicious. Ever since that incident with that one thief, way back when…
Drops all equipment on death. How’s that for a policy?
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill. There’s no limit on Innate Skills.
- DESCRIPTION: Hylians are considered to be the first race created by the Goddesses and thus get a general stat boost.
- Power: +2
- Courage: +2
- Wisdom: +2
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill. There’s no limit on Innate Skills.
- DESCRIPTION: Hylians have a better sense of hearing than others, allowing them to hear something from far off that would normally be inaudible.
- EFFECT: Additionally, you can selectively hear what you want to in a crowd of noises.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill. There’s no limit on Innate Skills.
- DESCRIPTION: You can send telepathic messages to someone else.
- You can initiate two-way communication with that person, even if he’s not capable of telepathy.
- These telepathic messages can only be sent to one person at a time.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Pray to either Din, Nayru, or Farore. Depending on which goddess you to pray to, you gain different blessings.
- Din:
- EFFECT: You gain $1d2 Attack Dice.
EFFECT: You gain 1 Defense Dice.
EFFECT: You gain a temporary Reroll Point.
DURATION: The Reroll Point automatically expires at the end of the battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill.
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Alter the will of your next move to use your strength or your speed instead.
- EFFECT: Change your roll for the next attack or defense you do to use either Power or Courage.
- RESTRICTION 1: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill.
- RESTRICTION 2: A target hit by Telepathic Mindstrike cannot be hit by it again in the same day.
- DESCRIPTION: Turn your telepathy into a weapon, as you strike a target’s mind with it!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and the defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: Halved
- Neutral Damage: 2
- EFFECT: If it hits, read the thought the target is currently thinking about.
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- REQUIREMENTS: A melee attack
- CHARGE: 1 Action
- Charge by readying your attack, and preparing to leap at the target.
DESCRIPTION: Once charged, you can leap and attack a target using the melee attack.
EFFECT: If it succeeds, multiply the difference in successes by x1.5.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Hearts
- DESCRIPTION: With a series of grizzly adrenaline rushes, your next attack gains a boost.
- EFFECT: Your next attack gains 5 Dice.
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Use your body as a shield! Select a target to use Cover on or Reverse Cover.
- Cover:
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- DURATION: Cover lasts until you're hit or until you use Cover on someone else.
- Reverse Cover:
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- RESTRICTIONS: This will only work in combat if you're Camouflaged
- DESCRIPTION: Hide behind a nearby object large enough to conceal you.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
- EFFECT 2: If you successfully get past a Spot Check while using Hide, you will gain 3 Dice when using either Sneak-Up or Stealth Strike from that position.
- This can stack up to three times.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Counterattack Skill. If you have another Counterattack Skill set to '(Enabled)', this one is '(Disabled)' by default.
- DESCRIPTION: The basic Counterattack Skill, this skill allows you to counterattack when the opportunity arises.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
- DESCRIPTION: You can use both of your hands for most attacks that're normally one-handed for a dice bonus.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Swords not good enough? Punch a target with your fist!
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Who says shields are only good for defending? Bash a target with your shield, head-on!
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: You can throw people or large objects at other people! First, pick up a target using ATTACK 1.
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You manage to pick the target up! Throw them at another target using ATTACK 2, which uses the same success rate for you.
- ATTACK 2: Target rolls Courage dice to defend
- Target Damage: +0
- Projectile Damage: Halved and based on difference in successes from ATTACK 1
- DESCRIPTION: Why run when you can kick the crap out of your enemy? Kick a target with your leg!
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Run away! Run as far as you can! 'Hits' all enemies by using either Outrun or Outwit.
- Outrun:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Outwit:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to speedily sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to speak in the same language as the target
- DESCRIPTION: Call out to an enemy and insult them! Insult them, their family, their backstory, and their swimming skills!
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it works, target gets Taunted:
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- DURATION: One round.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A beam of fairy dust that shrouds a target, causing them to recover from their wounds.
- EFFECT: Target recovers 4 Hearts.
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A mold of earth covers a target in a protective shell.
- EFFECT: Target gains 2 Armor.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A rubber hammer that’s both small and lightweight, yet due to its magical enchantment, it can break even the toughest of defenses. Can Whack or Cripple a target.
- Whack!:
- Roll your Power +10 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: Halved
Roll your Power +2 dice vs. targets' Power dice
Damage: Halved
EFFECT: If it hits, target loses 2 Defense Dice.
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A white blade enchanted with the power of wind. Can Slash, Stab, or Air Blade one target.
- Slash:
- Roll your Courage +6 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: +0
Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
Damage: +6
IF FAIL: Target can Counterattack you, regardless of CONDITIONS.
Magical Blade:
REQUIREMENTS: You being at Maximum Hearts
DESCRIPTION: Fire a magical blade of air, powered by your Hearts, at a target.
Roll your Courage +9 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
Damage: +0
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A shield that actually blocks attacks by reducing their damage. What a miraculous concept!
- Armor: +3
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A lightweight armor that enhances the offense of its wearer, though the protection it provides is subpar.
- Armor: +1
- Attack Dice: +3
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A green robe that seems to flicker while you move, making your position unclear to enemies. Basic Mode is active by default; alternatively, you can instead have Augmented Mode active as long as you pay its Magic Cost.
- Basic Mode:
- Courage: +2
Augmented Mode:
COSTS: 4 Magic at the start of each round
Courage: +7
- Amount: 0
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A light red liquid that gives you health back when you drink it. So what's in it anyways?
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover either:
- Recover 10 Hearts... OR
- Half of your Maximum Hearts.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A light green liquid that restores your magical powers when you drink it. This isn't actually poison, is it?
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover either:
- Recover 7 Magic... OR
- Half of your Maximum Magic.
- Amount: 0
- DESCRIPTION: A lively Fairy, waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?
- EFFECT: If you use the Fairy manually, you are restored to Maximum Hearts.
- If you die, you can use the Fairy on the spot, reviving you and restoring you to 3 Hearts.
RE: 2-6-14: To Bomb a Clock Town - WindStrike - 08-15-2024
- Power: 4 (+2)
- Courage: 30 (+2)
- Wisdom: 20 (+2)
- Hearts: 5/24 (+0)
- Magic: 5/8 (+0)
- Initiative: $init 1d10
- Attack Dice: 0
- Defense Dice: 3
- Armor: 2
Affinities: Water, Light
Origin: Majora’s Mask
A thief that once tormented Clock Town and wanted bombs. Bigger bombs, lots of bombs! However, his plans were cut short by the Hero of Time. He was presumed dead in a great explosion, but now he’s back with a vengeance!
- Regen x4
- Once per round, you can override your defending stat with Courage. This does not include your Defense Dice.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill. There’s no limit on Innate Skills.
- DESCRIPTION: Hylians are considered to be the first race created by the Goddesses and thus get a general stat boost.
- Power: +2
- Courage: +2
- Wisdom: +2
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill. There’s no limit on Innate Skills.
- DESCRIPTION: Hylians have a better sense of hearing than others, allowing them to hear something from far off that would normally be inaudible.
- EFFECT: Additionally, you can selectively hear what you want to in a crowd of noises.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill. There’s no limit on Innate Skills.
- DESCRIPTION: You can send telepathic messages to someone else.
- You can initiate two-way communication with that person, even if he’s not capable of telepathy.
- These telepathic messages can only be sent to one person at a time.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Pray to either Din, Nayru, or Farore. Depending on which goddess you to pray to, you gain different blessings.
- Din:
- EFFECT: You gain $1d2 Attack Dice.
EFFECT: You gain 1 Defense Dice.
EFFECT: You gain a temporary Reroll Point.
DURATION: The Reroll Point automatically expires at the end of the battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill.
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Alter the will of your next move to use your strength or your speed instead.
- EFFECT: Change your roll for the next attack or defense you do to use either Power or Courage.
- RESTRICTION 1: This is an Innate Skill. Only Hylians can learn and use this skill.
- RESTRICTION 2: A target hit by Telepathic Mindstrike cannot be hit by it again in the same day.
- DESCRIPTION: Turn your telepathy into a weapon, as you strike a target’s mind with it!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and the defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: Halved
- Neutral Damage: 2
- EFFECT: If it hits, read the thought the target is currently thinking about.
- SELL VALUE: 125 Rupees
- REQUIREMENTS: Specify what you're camouflaging with
- If you say "the darkness" or "the shadows", be aware that it has no effect against anyone with Dark Vision
COSTS: 3 Magic
DESCRIPTION: Shh! I'm being sneaky. Go away! Magically camouflage in with something nearby to go sneaky.
You cannot be targeted by anything Single-Target.
If you take any damage or do anything other than moving around, Camouflage ends.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Select a target to steal from. Hopefully it's not considered illegal.
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
Damage: None
Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Damage: None
EFFECT: If at least two of the three attacks are successful, steal an item that's equipped by the target.
Then, either store it in your inventory or, if you meet the REQUIREMENTS, you can immediately equip it.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Hearts
- DESCRIPTION: With a series of grizzly adrenaline rushes, your next attack gains a boost.
- EFFECT: Your next attack gains 5 Dice.
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: Poke someone. For the lulz. This is automatic and counts as a Support Action, by the way.
- Neutral Damage: 1
- FYI: This does not break Cover.
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Use your body as a shield! Select a target to use Cover on or Reverse Cover.
- Cover:
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- DURATION: Cover lasts until you're hit or until you use Cover on someone else.
- Reverse Cover:
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- RESTRICTIONS: This will only work in combat if you're Camouflaged
- DESCRIPTION: Hide behind a nearby object large enough to conceal you.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
- EFFECT 2: If you successfully get past a Spot Check while using Hide, you will gain 3 Dice when using either Sneak-Up or Stealth Strike from that position.
- This can stack up to three times.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Counterattack Skill. If you have another Counterattack Skill set to '(Enabled)', this one is '(Disabled)' by default.
- DESCRIPTION: The basic Counterattack Skill, this skill allows you to counterattack when the opportunity arises.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
- DESCRIPTION: You can use both of your hands for most attacks that're normally one-handed for a dice bonus.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Swords not good enough? Punch a target with your fist!
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Who says shields are only good for defending? Bash a target with your shield, head-on!
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: You can throw people or large objects at other people! First, pick up a target using ATTACK 1.
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You manage to pick the target up! Throw them at another target using ATTACK 2, which uses the same success rate for you.
- ATTACK 2: Target rolls Courage dice to defend
- Target Damage: +0
- Projectile Damage: Halved and based on difference in successes from ATTACK 1
- DESCRIPTION: Why run when you can kick the crap out of your enemy? Kick a target with your leg!
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Run away! Run as far as you can! 'Hits' all enemies by using either Outrun or Outwit.
- Outrun:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Outwit:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to speedily sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to speak in the same language as the target
- DESCRIPTION: Call out to an enemy and insult them! Insult them, their family, their backstory, and their swimming skills!
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it works, target gets Taunted:
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- DURATION: One round.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- COSTS: Any amount of Magic
- DESCRIPTION: By manipulating currents of Water, start causing a sound to echo through the room. You can Tether this illusion to an area or to an object.
- Tether to Area:
- EFFECT: A sound of your choice begins echoing through the heads of anyone currently in the room.
- DURATION: Until you leave the room or area.
Tether to Object:
EFFECT: Anyone approaching the object hears a sound of your choice echo through their heads.
DURATION: Until the object is damaged.
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- COSTS: Any amount of Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Bend the Light around an object, tethering the illusion to it.
- EFFECT: Cause an object to become invisible.
- DURATION: Until the object touches anything or is otherwise damaged.
- INFORMATION: This item is an Augmented Item. This item has had 3/3 Augments applied to it.
- DESCRIPTION: A blade shining with shadows that strikes those who would cast spells. Can Slash or Stab or a target.
- Slash:
- Roll your Courage +6 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, target loses 3 Magic.
Roll your Courage +2 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
Damage: +0
EFFECT: If it hits, target loses 5 Magic.
IF FAIL: Target can Counterattack you, regardless of CONDITIONS.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A kite shield that provides minor defense, but causes you to recover over time.
- Defense Dice: +1
- Regen: +2
- SELL VALUE: 125 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: Who needs Dragonhide when you have Dragon's Blood? This beauty of an armor is literally crafted from the sundered, crusty husk of Dragon's Blood! It was originally going to be used for pizza sauce, but then Master DM had dumber ideas.
- Armor: +2
- Regen: +2
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A rather sturdy emerald cape that's popular with travelers for its ability to get someone out of a battle with ease. Basic Mode is active by default; alternatively, you can instead have Augmented Mode active as long as you pay its Magic Cost.
- Basic Mode:
- Defense Dice: +1
Augmented Mode:
COSTS: 4 Magic at the start of each round to maintain
Defense Dice: +4
EFFECT: You gain 5 Dice when using Escape.
- Amount: 18
- DESCRIPTION: A lively Fairy, waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?
- EFFECT: If you use the Fairy manually, you are restored to Maximum Hearts.
- If you die, you can use the Fairy on the spot, reviving you and restoring you to 3 Hearts.
- Amount: 2
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A light red liquid that gives you health back when you drink it. So what's in it anyways?
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover either:
- Recover 10 Hearts... OR
- Half of your Maximum Hearts.
- Amount: 2
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A light green liquid that restores your magical powers when you drink it. This isn't actually poison, is it?
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover either:
- Recover 7 Magic... OR
- Half of your Maximum Magic.
- Amount: 3
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.
- EFFECT: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a Reroll Point at the target to force them to reroll it. Then, choose which roll the target uses.
- INFORMATION: This item is a passive. Having it in your inventory is enough for its effects. I mean, they’re pants. You gotta wear them.
- DESCRIPTION: Yes, behold. Tight blue pants! Somehow, something about these pants gives you some extra skip.
- EFFECT: Once per round, you can override your defending stat with Courage. This does not include your Defense Dice.