Zelda Universe RPG

Sandor Clegane - Printable Version

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Sandor Clegane - darthzebes - 09-16-2013

Sandor Clegane
  • Power: 18 (+0)
  • Courage: 23 (+0)
  • Wisdom: 12 (+0)
  • Hearts: 12/19 (+0)
  • Magic: 5/5 (+0)
  • Initiative: $init 1d10
  • Attack Dice: 0
  • Defense Dice: 0
  • Armor: 0
  • Stat Points: 0
  • Stat Points (Used): 75
  • Heart Containers: 4
  • Rupees: 551
Affinities: Fire, Nature

Other Bonuses
  • None! For now...

Mercy Kill
  • RESTRICTIONS: Can only be used by Sandor Clegane
  • REQUIREMENTS: Target must be prone or unable to move
  • DESCRIPTION: They’re dying. They’re bleeding out. They’re in some sort of pain. You should fix that. Simply take your sword and behead them! That’s all it takes. Hits one target.
    • Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
      • Damage: +10
      • EFFECT: If the target has 3 Hearts or less afterwards, the target is beheaded and cannot be revived.
  • RESTRICTION 1: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
  • RESTRICTION 2: This can only be used once per battle.
  • DESCRIPTION: You gain increased confidence within yourself, temporarily breaking free of negative effects, but making you more susceptible to attacks.
    • EFFECT: You become immune to all your effects that were caused by enemies, but you also temporarily lose 5 Defense Dice.
      • This does not actually remove them or prevent you from getting more.
      • DURATION: One round.
  • RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
  • DESCRIPTION: You become fortified temporarily, reducing damage you would take for a short time.
    • EFFECT: You gain 3 Armor.
      • DURATION: One round.
  • RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
  • COSTS: 3 Magic
  • DESCRIPTION: As a Human, you’re able to learn new things, especially in the heat of battle, very quickly, and as a result, you can adapt to any situation. Scan one target, attempting to learn their strengths.
    • EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and the defender in this attack.
    • Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
      • Damage: None
      • EFFECT: If it works, you can pick a stat (Power, Courage, or Wisdom) that the target has higher of than you, and add half of the difference between them to your respective stat.
        • For example, if the target has 20 Power and you have 10 Power, you gain 5 Power.
  • RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
  • DESCRIPTION: Humans are able to persevere through battles, and thus gain bonuses with lower Hearts.
    • EFFECT: When your Hearts are reduced to 50% of your Maximum Hearts or lower, you gain 3 Attack Dice & Defense Dice.
      • DURATION: This lasts until your Hearts return to above 50% of your Maximum Hearts.
  • RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
  • DESCRIPTION: Humans are naturally compelled to explore the unknown, increasing their ability to find secrets or triggers.
    • EFFECT 1: You gain an extra hint at nearby secrets or triggers.
    • EFFECT 2: Whenever you are close to a secret or trigger, you feel a wave of extra curiosity echo through you, alerting you to its presence.
Gut Feeling
  • RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Humans can learn and use this skill.
  • DESCRIPTION: Humans have occasional compulsions, pulling them towards or away something.
    • EFFECT: You also are aware of the direction of the plot, unless you’re in a maze.
  • SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
  • REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
  • DESCRIPTION: Select a target to steal from. Hopefully it's not considered illegal.
    • Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
      • Damage: None
    • Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
      • Damage: None
    • Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
      • Damage: None
      • EFFECT: If at least two of the three attacks are successful, steal an item that's equipped by the target.
        • Then, either store it in your inventory or, if you meet the REQUIREMENTS, you can immediately equip it.
PSI Quake
  • SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
  • COSTS: 1 Magic
  • DESCRIPTION: A basic Nature spell that sends a rumble of Magic through the ground, hitting a target.
    • EFFECT: This bypasses Cover.
    • Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
      • Damage: +2
  • SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
  • REQUIREMENTS: Two-Handed
  • DESCRIPTION: A large sword easily capable of slicing through any foe in your path. Can Power Slash or Cleave a target.
    • Power Slash:
      • Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Courage dice
        • Damage: +7
    • Cleave:
      • Roll your Power -5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
        • Damage: +7
        • EFFECT: If the target dies, cleave through them and hit another target at the same success rate, dealing half the damage.
Extra Smash Hammer
  • SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A steel hammer that packs extra extra punch, this hammer can cripple defenses and disable targets. Can Whack or Cripple a target.
    • Whack!:
      • Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
        • Damage: +5
    • Cripple:
      • Roll your Power -3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
        • Damage: +0
        • EFFECT 1: If it hits, target's Power is reduced by 2.
        • EFFECT 2: Additionally, the target gets Immobilized:
          • Target cannot move or use any melee attacks.
          • DURATION: One round.
Spiked Boomerang
  • SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A nice, metal boomerang, duct tape'd to the brim with spikes. It's a wonder you can even hold it, much less throw it. You can hit a target with Throw or use Golden Throw.
    • Throw:
      • Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
        • Damage: -3
        • EFFECT: If it hits, the Spiked Boomerang bounces off and directs itself towards one more target at the same success rate.
          • This effect does not proc itself again.
    • Golden Throw:
      • CHARGE: 1 Action
        • Begin charging by forgetting your Spiked Boomerang exists... wait what?
      • DESCRIPTION: Once charged, your boomerang disappears, and when you want to hit something with it, it will reappear and remember itself, teleporting directly behind a target.
        • EFFECT: This attack bypasses Cover and ignores the target’s Bonus Defense Dice.
        • Roll your Power +2 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
          • Damage: +0
Inexplicably Large Bomb
  • Amount: 1
  • SELL VALUE: Incalculable
  • DESCRIPTION: A bomb as large as Sandor himself. That's quite a big bomb! Even larger than one of the new Mega Powder Kegs. If you set this off, you'd better be faaar away. It has a comically long fuse and can only be detonated via that fuse. Lighting the fuse costs a Support Action.
    • EFFECT: Once the fuse is lit, you have 10 Rounds. This fuse cannot be unlit or cut. At the end of those 10 Rounds, everything and everyone within 100 Feet is hit. Bypasses Cover.
      • Targets' hit roll their highest stat vs. 100 Dice to defend
        • Damage: 100
White Sword
  • SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A white blade enchanted with the power of wind. Can Slash, Stab, or Air Blade one target.
    • Slash:
      • Roll your Courage +6 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
        • Damage: +0
    • Stab:
      • Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
        • Damage: +6
        • IF FAIL: Target can Counterattack you, regardless of CONDITIONS.
    • Magical Blade:
      • REQUIREMENTS: You being at Maximum Hearts
      • DESCRIPTION: Fire a magical blade of air, powered by your Hearts, at a target.
      • Roll your Courage +9 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
        • Damage: +0
  • SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A very lightweight blade with serrated edges. After stabbing, it pulls on the target's organs, clawing at them on the way out. Can use Slash or Stab on a target.
    • Slash:
      • Roll your Courage +10 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
        • Damage: Halved
        • EFFECT: If it hits, target gets Bleeding x2.
    • Stab:
      • Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
        • Neutral Damage: Halved
        • EFFECT: If it hits, target gets Bleeding x3.
        • IF FAIL: Target can Counterattack you, regardless of CONDITIONS.
Deku Stick
  • Amount: 4
  • SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: Crafted from the bark of generations of the Deku Trees, these common but powerful sticks are imbued with Magic, which releases when it breaks. Can hit one target.
    • Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
      • Damage: +0
      • EFFECT: If it hits, the Enchanted Deku Stick breaks, giving the target Magic Bleeding x3.
      • IF FAIL: The Enchanted Deku Stick breaks and releases a wave of Magic, causing everyone to recover 3 Magic.
Hylian Shield
  • Amount: 4
  • SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A standard shield used by many of the Hylian Guards. It defends well against most attacks.
    • Defense Dice: +3
Iron Buckler
  • SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A small, iron-plated buckler that provides minor defense.
    • EFFECT: You can equip one Buckler while you have either a Bow & Arrows equipped or a Slingshot equipped.
    • Defense Dice: +1
Flaming Armor (Equipped)
  • DESCRIPTION: This metal-plated armor seems to be on fire, hurting anyone that comes close to you. Can use Veil of Flames on a target.
    • Armor: +4
    • EFFECT: Anyone that fights you in melee combat automatically receives 2 Neutral Damage.
    • Veil of Flames:
      • COSTS: 3 Magic
      • DESCRIPTION: A ring of Fire surrounds someone, its flames dealing damage to those who near.
        • EFFECT: Anyone that fights you in melee combat automatically receives 2 Neutral Damage.
        • DURATION: For the remainder of the battle. Cannot be stacked.
Soldier Platemail
  • Amount: 3
  • SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A steadfast, durable plate of armor that protects you well against attacks.
    • Armor: +4
Rauru's Ashen Angel of Death Robes
  • DESCRIPTION: These used to be such fine glittering golden robes, with a brilliant crimson red on the inside! However, they’ve since been rendered extra dusty via the ashes of Clock Town and all of its residents. Wearing this blends you in with the darkness. The night. The dead.
    • EFFECT 1: If you are standing still while in the darkness or among the remains of an entire town, you cannot be seen. You can still be heard though.
    • EFFECT 2: Once per battle, if an attack would kill you, you are left alive with 1 Heart.
Blue Bomb Bag
  • DESCRIPTION: It's a fine blue bag made from silk. And it's durable! Somehow, despite being the size of a handbag, it can fit an Inexplicably Large Bomb inside it, and it weighs almost nothing while doing so.
    • EFFECT: Bombs of any size can be put in here, and this bag will remain lightweight despite its arsenal.
    • WARNING: Do not put something - or worse yet, someone - other than an explosive in here. Doing so may enact untimely retribution from the DM.
Restoration Heart
  • Amount: 1
  • SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A tasty Heart that can be devoured to recover your Hearts! ... that doesn't sound right.
    • EFFECT: Consume this to recover 6 Hearts.
Red Potion
  • Amount: 1
  • SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A light red liquid that gives you health back when you drink it. So what's in it anyways?
    • EFFECT: Consume this to recover either:
      • Recover 10 Hearts... OR
      • Half of your Maximum Hearts.
Magic Jar
  • Amount: 1
  • SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A jar containing liquified Magic, which you can drink to recover your Magic! Hope there's no alcohol in it.
    • EFFECT: Consume this to recover 4 Magic.
Mysterious Potion
  • Amount: 1
  • DESCRIPTION: What color is it? What does it taste like? Is it even safe? Who knows! When you drink it, roll a $1d6. The result is what you get:
    1. Recover 15 Hearts.
    2. Recover 10 Magic.
    3. Gain 5 Attack Dice & Defense Dice.
    4. Take 10 Neutral Damage.
    5. Lose 7 Magic. If this drops you to 0 Magic, you die instantly.
    6. Drink a Crack Potion. DM will find and send you the details.
Reroll Points
  • Amount: 5
  • SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
  • DESCRIPTION: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.
    • EFFECT: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a Reroll Point at the target to force them to reroll it. Then, choose which roll the target uses.
  • Amount: 1
  • DESCRIPTION: A lively Fairy, waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?
    • EFFECT: If you use the Fairy manually, you are restored to Maximum Hearts.
      • If you die, you can use the Fairy on the spot, reviving you and restoring you to 3 Hearts.
Empty Bottle
  • Amount: 0
  • DESCRIPTION: It's an empty bottle. Or is it? Maybe you can store something inside of it. Assuming it's got more than Amount: 0.
Ore Chunks
  • Amount: 25
  • DESCRIPTION: Subrosian Ore Chunks! I wonder what these are good for?
Rare Ring
  • Amount: 1
  • Level 10
  • This ring seems to be quite powerful. What secrets does it hold inside? Get it appraised at the Appraisal Shop so that you can use it.
Ascended Ring
  • Amount: 2
  • Level 20
  • That's a mighty ring you have there. Get it appraised at the Appraisal Shop so that you can use it.
Common Ring
  • Amount: 1
  • It's just a common old ring. Get it appraised at the Appraisal Shop so that you can use it.