Keaton Templates - Orithan - 07-04-2016
- Power: 0 (+0)
- Courage: 0 (+0)
- Wisdom: 0 (+0)
- Hearts: 1/1 (+0)
- Magic: 0/0 (+0)
- Initiative: $init 1d10
- Attack Dice: 0
- Defense Dice: 0
- Armor: 0
- Stat Points: 68
- Stat Points (Used): 7
- Heart Containers: 0
- Rupees: 200
Affinities: Light, Shadow
- Any Magic you would lose, outside of your own Magic Costs and transferring to allies, is halved.
Race: Keaton
“Hello, fellow traveller. May I interest you with a riddle or two?”
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Use your body as a shield! Select a target to use Cover on or Reverse Cover.
- Cover:
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- DURATION: Cover lasts until you're hit or until you use Cover on someone else.
- Reverse Cover:
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- RESTRICTIONS: This will only work in combat if you're Camouflaged
- DESCRIPTION: Hide behind a nearby object large enough to conceal you.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
- EFFECT 2: If you successfully get past a Spot Check while using Hide, you will gain 3 Dice when using either Sneak-Up or Stealth Strike from that position.
- This can stack up to three times.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Counterattack Skill. If you have another Counterattack Skill set to '(Enabled)', this one is '(Disabled)' by default.
- DESCRIPTION: The basic Counterattack Skill, this skill allows you to counterattack when the opportunity arises.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
- DESCRIPTION: You can use both of your hands for most attacks that're normally one-handed for a dice bonus.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Swords not good enough? Punch a target with your fist!
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Who says shields are only good for defending? Bash a target with your shield, head-on!
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: You can throw people or large objects at other people! First, pick up a target using ATTACK 1.
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You manage to pick the target up! Throw them at another target using ATTACK 2, which uses the same success rate for you.
- ATTACK 2: Target rolls Courage dice to defend
- Target Damage: +0
- Projectile Damage: Halved and based on difference in successes from ATTACK 1
- DESCRIPTION: Why run when you can kick the crap out of your enemy? Kick a target with your leg!
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Run away! Run as far as you can! 'Hits' all enemies by using either Outrun or Outwit.
- Outrun:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Outwit:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to speedily sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to speak in the same language as the target
- DESCRIPTION: Call out to an enemy and insult them! Insult them, their family, their backstory, and their swimming skills!
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it works, target gets Taunted:
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- DURATION: One round.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- COST: 1 Heart for every 50ft traveled.
- If you cannot pay that Hearts cost, you are ejected from the Spirit Dive before you reach your target.
- CHARGE: 1 Action
- During this time, a veil of spiritual energy begins to condense around you.
- DESCRIPTION: When fully charged, briefly dive into the Spirit World.
- EFFECT: Briefly dive into the spirit world and emerge elsewhere, ignoring obstacles in your way.
- For example, you could Spirit Dive behind a gate and then emerge past the gate.
- You can not use Spirit Dive to reach a location you haven't seen.
- You can use this in combat to dive to behind someone's back and execute a Back Attack:
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: You can choose to immediately follow up with an attack from an equipped weapon, bypassing any equipped Shields.
- IF EITHER FAILS: The target gets an automatic counterattack.
- RESTRICTION 1: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- RESTRICTION 2: You can only have one illusion active at a time via this skill.
- COST: Any amount of Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Keaton have the ability to lead people astray by creating sinister embers containing part of their soul; which project a 3D illusion of theirself as the embers move around.
- EFFECT: Create a living, breathing illusion of yourself that moves around and defends against attacks.
- You silently control the illusion by whispering into your hands.
- This illusion can phase through objects and fly through the air on command.
- The illusion has stats equal to your base Power, Courage and Wisdom stats, with its Hearts stat being the amount of Magic spent in casting the illusion. It does not retain any bonuses or Armor you had.
- DURATION: The illusion is dispelled once its Hearts is depleted to 0, or someone successfully uses Illusion Break on it.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- CHARGE: 1 Action
- Charge by focusing on gathering as much spiritual power as possible, and then concentrating on releasing it in a controlled manner.
- Your soul will glow brightly during this time, being visible from behind objects and any Camouflage you have wears off.
- DESCRIPTION: Once charged, release a massive pulse of spiritual energy that pulses through the entire room or area.
- EFFECT: The souls of everyone in the room shine with with a bright light that is visible from even behind objects and dispelling all Camouflage, revealing them to everyone.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Keaton are closely connected with the spirit world, being able to sense the spirits residing in people.
- EFFECT: You are able to sense the spirits of people who have Magic within the same room or area.
- You can also pinpoint their exact location and read their feelings.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Keaton have natural knowledge of the world, giving them a higher innate ability to solve riddles and puzzles.
- EFFECT: Whenever you are presented with a riddle or a puzzle which has an answer, you are given an extra hint to solve the riddle or puzzle with.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Keaton souls are resistant to the effects of weathering from the effects of attacks, cutting the power of anything that attempts to effects that drain Magic.
- EFFECT: Any Magic you would lose, outside of your own Magic Costs and transferring to allies, is halved.
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A basic Shadow spell that quickly strikes a target with sapling shadows.
- Roll your Wisdom +6 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: This can be rerolled once for free.
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- COSTS: 4 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Purify a target, ridding them of their tricks. Can be cast as an Offensive Spell to an enemy, or as a Support Spell to an ally.
- Offensive:
- Roll your Wisdom +7 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, remove one Shadow Named Effect from the target as well as any Temporary Reroll Points.
- Support:
- EFFECT 1: Remove one Shadow Named Effect from the target.
- EFFECT 2: Additionally, target recovers 6 Hearts.
- SELL VALUE: 200 Rupees
- COSTS: 4 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A veil of soothing yet threatening shadows surrounds a target. Can be cast as an Offensive Spell to an enemy, or as a Support Spell to an ally.
- Offensive Spell:
- Roll your Wisdom +8 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: Halved
- EFFECT: If it hits, remove up to 5 of a selected Stat Bonus from the target.
- Support Spell:
- EFFECT 1: Remove one Light Named Effect from the target.
- EFFECT 2: Additionally, remove one Negative Stat Bonus from the target.
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A standard shield used by many of the Hylian Guards. It defends well against most attacks.
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A steadfast, durable plate of armor that protects you well against attacks.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A tasty Heart that can be devoured to recover your Hearts! ... that doesn't sound right.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 6 Hearts.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A jar containing liquified Magic, which you can drink to recover your Magic! Hope there's no alcohol in it.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 6 Magic.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.
- EFFECT: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a Reroll Point at the target to force them to reroll it. Then, choose which roll the target uses.
- Amount: 1
- DESCRIPTION: A lively Fairy, waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?
- EFFECT: If you use the Fairy manually, you are restored to Maximum Hearts.
- If you die, you can use the Fairy on the spot, reviving you and restoring you to 3 Hearts.
[stats name=Keaton Priest power=0 (+0) courage=0 (+0) wisdom=0 (+0) hearts=1/1 (+0) magic=0/0 (+0) initiative=1d10 attack-dice=0 defense-dice=0 armor=0 stat-points=68/7 heart-containers=0 rupees=200][Light], [Shadow][/stats]
[box=Other Bonuses][list]
[*]Any [Magic] you would lose, outside of your own [b][Magic] Costs[/b] and transferring to allies, is halved.
[u]Race[/u]: Keaton
“Hello, fellow traveller. May I interest you with a riddle or two?”
[Skills type=Signature]
[Basic Skills]
[Skills Expanded type=Innate Skills]
[box=Spirit Dive][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]COST[/b]: [Heart]1[/Heart] for every 50ft traveled.[list]
[*]If you cannot pay that [Hearts] cost, you are ejected from the [b]Spirit Dive[/b] before you reach your target.[/list]
[*][b]CHARGE[/b]: 1 Action[list]
[*]During this time, a veil of spiritual energy begins to condense around you.[/list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: When fully charged, briefly dive into the Spirit World.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Briefly dive into the spirit world and emerge elsewhere, ignoring obstacles in your way.[list]
[*]For example, you could [b]Spirit Dive[/b] behind a gate and then emerge past the gate.
[*]You can not use [b]Spirit Dive[/b] to reach a location you haven't seen.
[*]You can use this in combat to dive to behind someone's back and execute a [b]Back Attack[/b]:[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: None
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: You can choose to immediately follow up with an attack from an equipped weapon, bypassing any equipped [b]Shields[/b].
[*][b]IF EITHER FAILS[/b]: The target gets an automatic counterattack.
[box=Will O' Wisp][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTION 1[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]RESTRICTION 2[/b]: You can only have one illusion active at a time via this skill.
[*][b]COST[/b]: Any amount of [Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [b]Keaton[/b] have the ability to lead people astray by creating sinister embers containing part of their soul; which project a 3D illusion of theirself as the embers move around.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Create a living, breathing illusion of yourself that moves around and defends against attacks.[list]
[*]You silently control the illusion by whispering into your hands.
[*]This illusion can phase through objects and fly through the air on command.
[*]The illusion has stats equal to your base [Power], [Courage] and [Wisdom] stats, with its [Hearts] stat being the amount of [Magic] spent in casting the illusion. It does not retain any bonuses or [Armor] you had.[list]
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: The illusion is dispelled once its [Hearts] is depleted to 0, or someone successfully uses [b]Illusion Break[/b] on it.
[box=Soul Echolocation][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]CHARGE[/b]: 1 Action[list]
[*]Charge by focusing on gathering as much spiritual power as possible, and then concentrating on releasing it in a controlled manner.
[*]Your soul will glow brightly during this time, being visible from behind objects and any [b]Camouflage[/b] you have wears off.[/list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Once charged, release a massive pulse of spiritual energy that pulses through the entire room or area.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: The souls of everyone in the room shine with with a bright [light] that is visible from even behind objects and dispelling all [b]Camouflage[/b], revealing them to everyone.[list]
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: One round.
[box=Spirit Sense][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [b]Keaton[/b] are closely connected with the spirit world, being able to sense the spirits residing in people.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: You are able to sense the spirits of people who have [Magic] within the same room or area.[list]
[*]You can also pinpoint their exact location and read their feelings.
[box=Innate Knowledge][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [b]Keaton[/b] have natural knowledge of the world, giving them a higher innate ability to solve riddles and puzzles.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Whenever you are presented with a riddle or a puzzle which has an answer, you are given an extra hint to solve the riddle or puzzle with.
[box=Spiritual Resistance][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [b]Keaton[/b] souls are resistant to the effects of weathering from the effects of attacks, cutting the power of anything that attempts to effects that drain [Magic].[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Any [Magic] you would lose, outside of your own [b][Magic] Costs[/b] and transferring to allies, is halved.
[Skills type=Active]
[Skills type=Passive]
[Spells type=Offensive]
[box=PSI Strike][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]50[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Shadow]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]1[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A basic [Shadow] spell that quickly strikes a target with sapling shadows.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+6 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: This can be rerolled once for free.
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]200[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Light]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]4[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Purify a target, ridding them of their tricks. Can be cast as an [b]Offensive Spell[/b] to an enemy, or as a [b]Support Spell[/b] to an ally.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+7 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, remove one [b][Shadow] [color=yellow]Named Effect[/color][/b] from the target as well as any [b]Temporary [Reroll Points][/b].
[*][b]EFFECT 1[/b]: Remove one [b][Shadow] [color=yellow]Named Effect[/color][/b] from the target.
[*][b]EFFECT 2[/b]: Additionally, target recovers [Hearts]6[/Hearts].
[box=Veil of Shadows][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]200[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Shadow]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]4[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A veil of soothing yet threatening shadows surrounds a target. Can be cast as an [b]Offensive Spell[/b] to an enemy, or as a [b]Support Spell[/b] to an ally.[list]
[*][b]Offensive Spell[/b]:[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+8 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: Halved
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, remove up to 5 of a selected [b]Stat Bonus[/b] from the target.
[*][b]Support Spell[/b]:[list]
[*][b]EFFECT 1[/b]: Remove one [b][Light] [color=yellow]Named Effect[/color][/b] from the target.
[*][b]EFFECT 2[/b]: Additionally, remove one [b]Negative Stat Bonus[/b] from the target.
[Spells type=Support]
[Items type=Weapons]
[Items type=Shields]
[box=Hylian Shield][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]75[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A standard shield used by many of the [b]Hylian Guards[/b]. It defends well against most attacks.[list]
[*][b][Defense Dice][/b]: +3
[Items type=Armor]
[box=Soldier Platemail][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]75[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A steadfast, durable plate of armor that protects you well against attacks.[list]
[*][b][Armor][/b]: +4
[Items type=Robes]
[Items type=Tools]
[Items type=Consumables]
[box=Restoration Heart][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]25[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A tasty [Heart] that can be devoured to recover your [Hearts]! ... that doesn't sound right.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to recover [Hearts]6[/Hearts].
[box=Magic Jar][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]25[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A jar containing liquified [Magic], which you can drink to recover your [Magic]! Hope there's no alcohol in it.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to recover [Magic]6[/Magic].
[box=Reroll Points][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]25[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a [Reroll Point] at the target to force them to reroll it. Then, choose which roll the target uses.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A lively [b]Fairy[/b], waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If you use the [b]Fairy[/b] manually, you are restored to Maximum [Hearts].[list]
[*]If you die, you can use the [b]Fairy[/b] on the spot, reviving you and restoring you to [Hearts]3[/Hearts].
[Items type=Masks]
[Items type=Misc]
RE: Keaton Templates - Orithan - 07-04-2016
- Power: 0 (+0)
- Courage: 0 (+0)
- Wisdom: 0 (+0)
- Hearts: 1/1 (+0)
- Magic: 0/0 (+0)
- Initiative: $init 1d10
- Attack Dice: 0
- Defense Dice: 0
- Armor: 0
- Stat Points: 71
- Stat Points (Used): 4
- Heart Containers: 0
- Rupees: 250
Affinities: Water
- Any Magic you would lose, outside of your own Magic Costs and transferring to allies, is halved.
- After you get hit by an attack, Camouflage automatically activates.
Race: Keaton
“Let’s make a Magic trick- Yoink! I have your Rupees!”
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Use your body as a shield! Select a target to use Cover on or Reverse Cover.
- Cover:
- EFFECT: Anyone targeting the selected target will instead hit you. If an attack would hit both you and the Covered target, it won't hit the Covered target.
- If you are unsuccessful in defending any attack, Cover wears off.
- DURATION: Cover lasts until you're hit or until you use Cover on someone else.
- Reverse Cover:
- EFFECT: Hide behind an ally, causing them to use Cover on you.
- RESTRICTIONS: This will only work in combat if you're Camouflaged
- DESCRIPTION: Hide behind a nearby object large enough to conceal you.
- EFFECT 1: You gain 3 Defense Dice when defending against a Spot Check.
- EFFECT 2: If you successfully get past a Spot Check while using Hide, you will gain 3 Dice when using either Sneak-Up or Stealth Strike from that position.
- This can stack up to three times.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is a Counterattack Skill. If you have another Counterattack Skill set to '(Enabled)', this one is '(Disabled)' by default.
- DESCRIPTION: The basic Counterattack Skill, this skill allows you to counterattack when the opportunity arises.
- CONDITIONS: If your Successes when defending are at least twice as great as the attacker’s Successes, you can Counterattack by using any non-charge attack.
- DESCRIPTION: You can use both of your hands for most attacks that're normally one-handed for a dice bonus.
- EFFECT: When you use an attack that's normally One-Handed as Two-Handed, you gain 4 Dice on the attack. This does not include Spells.
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Swords not good enough? Punch a target with your fist!
- Roll your Power +5 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- DESCRIPTION: Who says shields are only good for defending? Bash a target with your shield, head-on!
- Roll your Power +3 dice vs. targets' Power dice
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: You can throw people or large objects at other people! First, pick up a target using ATTACK 1.
- ATTACK 1: Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Power dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You manage to pick the target up! Throw them at another target using ATTACK 2, which uses the same success rate for you.
- ATTACK 2: Target rolls Courage dice to defend
- Target Damage: +0
- Projectile Damage: Halved and based on difference in successes from ATTACK 1
- DESCRIPTION: Why run when you can kick the crap out of your enemy? Kick a target with your leg!
- Roll your Courage +5 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to move
- DESCRIPTION: Run away! Run as far as you can! 'Hits' all enemies by using either Outrun or Outwit.
- Outrun:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- Outwit:
- Roll your Courage +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If your successes are higher than the average successes of your enemies, you (specifically) escape from the current battle.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to speedily sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- REQUIREMENTS: Being able to speak in the same language as the target
- DESCRIPTION: Call out to an enemy and insult them! Insult them, their family, their backstory, and their swimming skills!
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If it works, target gets Taunted:
- Target’s single-target Combat Actions can only target you.
- DURATION: One round.
- RESTRICTIONS: Target cannot know you are there. Otherwise, this will automatically result in IF FAIL.
- DESCRIPTION: Try to sneak up on a target in an attempt to cause a pre-emptive strike!
- EFFECT: Bonus Attack Dice & Defense Dice are disabled for both the attacker and defender in this attack.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- IF SUCCESS: You're able to immediately follow-up with any attack or action on the target.
- If it's an attack, it gains Dice equal to the difference in successes from the Sneak-Up. It will also initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- IF FAIL: Target becomes aware of you and automatically gets the chance to use Escape or initiate official combat (everyone rolls initiatives).
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- COST: 1 Heart for every 50ft traveled.
- If you cannot pay that Hearts cost, you are ejected from the Spirit Dive before you reach your target.
- CHARGE: 1 Action
- During this time, a veil of spiritual energy begins to condense around you.
- DESCRIPTION: When fully charged, briefly dive into the Spirit World.
- EFFECT: Briefly dive into the spirit world and emerge elsewhere, ignoring obstacles in your way.
- For example, you could Spirit Dive behind a gate and then emerge past the gate.
- You can not use Spirit Dive to reach a location you haven't seen.
- You can use this in combat to dive to behind someone's back and execute a Back Attack:
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: You can choose to immediately follow up with an attack from an equipped weapon, bypassing any equipped Shields.
- IF EITHER FAILS: The target gets an automatic counterattack.
- RESTRICTION 1: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- RESTRICTION 2: You can only have one illusion active at a time via this skill.
- COST: Any amount of Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Keaton have the ability to lead people astray by creating sinister embers containing part of their soul; which project a 3D illusion of theirself as the embers move around.
- EFFECT: Create a living, breathing illusion of yourself that moves around and defends against attacks.
- You silently control the illusion by whispering into your hands.
- This illusion can phase through objects and fly through the air on command.
- The illusion has stats equal to your base Power, Courage and Wisdom stats, with its Hearts stat being the amount of Magic spent in casting the illusion. It does not retain any bonuses or Armor you had.
- DURATION: The illusion is dispelled once its Hearts is depleted to 0, or someone successfully uses Illusion Break on it.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- CHARGE: 1 Action
- Charge by focusing on gathering as much spiritual power as possible, and then concentrating on releasing it in a controlled manner.
- Your soul will glow brightly during this time, being visible from behind objects and any Camouflage you have wears off.
- DESCRIPTION: Once charged, release a massive pulse of spiritual energy that pulses through the entire room or area.
- EFFECT: The souls of everyone in the room shine with with a bright light that is visible from even behind objects and dispelling all Camouflage, revealing them to everyone.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Keaton are closely connected with the spirit world, being able to sense the spirits residing in people.
- EFFECT: You are able to sense the spirits of people who have Magic within the same room or area.
- You can also pinpoint their exact location and read their feelings.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Keaton have natural knowledge of the world, giving them a higher innate ability to solve riddles and puzzles.
- EFFECT: Whenever you are presented with a riddle or a puzzle which has an answer, you are given an extra hint to solve the riddle or puzzle with.
- RESTRICTIONS: This is an Innate Skill. Only Keaton can learn and use this skill.
- DESCRIPTION: Keaton souls are resistant to the effects of weathering from the effects of attacks, cutting the power of anything that attempts to effects that drain Magic.
- EFFECT: Any Magic you would lose, outside of your own Magic Costs and transferring to allies, is halved.
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- REQUIREMENTS: A free hand
- DESCRIPTION: Select a target to steal from. Hopefully it's not considered illegal.
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Roll your Power dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: None
- EFFECT: If at least two of the three attacks are successful, steal an item that's equipped by the target.
- Then, either store it in your inventory or, if you meet the REQUIREMENTS, you can immediately equip it.
- SELL VALUE: 125 Rupees
- COSTS: 3 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Shh! I'm being sneaky. Go away! Magically camouflage in with your surroundings to go sneaky.
- You cannot be targeted by anything Single-Target.
- If you take any damage or do anything other than moving around, Camouflage ends.
- SELL VALUE: 50 Rupees
- COSTS: 1 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: A basic Water spell that flings a flurry of Water bullets at a target; which splash to heal you if it strikes.
- Roll your Wisdom +3 dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, recover 3 Hearts.
- SELL VALUE: 100 Rupees
- COSTS: 2 Magic
- DESCRIPTION: Send an icy wave of Water at a target, slowing them down.
- Roll your Wisdom dice vs. targets' Wisdom dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, target loses 3 Attack Dice.
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A deadly blade with jagged edges that causes its victims to bleed to death. Can use Slash or Stab on a target.
- Slash:
- Roll your Courage +8 dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: Halved
- EFFECT: If it hits, target gets Bleeding x2.
- Stab:
- Roll your Courage dice vs. targets' Courage dice
- Damage: +0
- EFFECT: If it hits, target gets Bleeding x3.
- IF FAIL: Target can Counterattack you, regardless of CONDITIONS.
- SELL VALUE: 75 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A standard shield used by many of the Hylian Guards. It defends well against most attacks.
- SELL VALUE: 150 Rupees
- REQUIREMENTS: Camouflage Active Skill
- DESCRIPTION: A lightweight armor that protects against light attacks and triggers Camouflage.
- Armor: +2
- EFFECT: After you get hit by an attack, Camouflage automatically activates.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A tasty Heart that can be devoured to recover your Hearts! ... that doesn't sound right.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 6 Hearts.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A jar containing liquified Magic, which you can drink to recover your Magic! Hope there's no alcohol in it.
- EFFECT: Consume this to recover 6 Magic.
- Amount: 1
- SELL VALUE: 25 Rupees
- DESCRIPTION: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.
- EFFECT: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a Reroll Point at the target to force them to reroll it. Then, choose which roll the target uses.
- Amount: 1
- DESCRIPTION: A lively Fairy, waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?
- EFFECT: If you use the Fairy manually, you are restored to Maximum Hearts.
- If you die, you can use the Fairy on the spot, reviving you and restoring you to 3 Hearts.
[stats name=Keaton Bandit power=0 (+0) courage=0 (+0) wisdom=0 (+0) hearts=1/1 (+0) magic=0/0 (+0) initiative=1d10 attack-dice=0 defense-dice=0 armor=0 stat-points=71/4 heart-containers=0 rupees=250][Water][/stats]
[box=Other Bonuses][list]
[*]Any [Magic] you would lose, outside of your own [b][Magic] Costs[/b] and transferring to allies, is halved.
[*]After you get hit by an attack, [b]Camouflage[/b] automatically activates.
[u]Race[/u]: Keaton
“Let’s make a [Magic] trick- Yoink! I have your [Rupees]!”
[Skills type=Signature]
[Basic Skills]
[Skills Expanded type=Innate Skills]
[box=Spirit Dive][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]COST[/b]: [Heart]1[/Heart] for every 50ft traveled.[list]
[*]If you cannot pay that [Hearts] cost, you are ejected from the [b]Spirit Dive[/b] before you reach your target.[/list]
[*][b]CHARGE[/b]: 1 Action[list]
[*]During this time, a veil of spiritual energy begins to condense around you.[/list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: When fully charged, briefly dive into the Spirit World.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Briefly dive into the spirit world and emerge elsewhere, ignoring obstacles in your way.[list]
[*]For example, you could [b]Spirit Dive[/b] behind a gate and then emerge past the gate.
[*]You can not use [b]Spirit Dive[/b] to reach a location you haven't seen.
[*]You can use this in combat to dive to behind someone's back and execute a [b]Back Attack[/b]:[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: None
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: You can choose to immediately follow up with an attack from an equipped weapon, bypassing any equipped [b]Shields[/b].
[*][b]IF EITHER FAILS[/b]: The target gets an automatic counterattack.
[box=Will O' Wisp][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTION 1[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]RESTRICTION 2[/b]: You can only have one illusion active at a time via this skill.
[*][b]COST[/b]: Any amount of [Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [b]Keaton[/b] have the ability to lead people astray by creating sinister embers containing part of their soul; which project a 3D illusion of theirself as the embers move around.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Create a living, breathing illusion of yourself that moves around and defends against attacks.[list]
[*]You silently control the illusion by whispering into your hands.
[*]This illusion can phase through objects and fly through the air on command.
[*]The illusion has stats equal to your base [Power], [Courage] and [Wisdom] stats, with its [Hearts] stat being the amount of [Magic] spent in casting the illusion. It does not retain any bonuses or [Armor] you had.[list]
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: The illusion is dispelled once its [Hearts] is depleted to 0, or someone successfully uses [b]Illusion Break[/b] on it.
[box=Soul Echolocation][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]CHARGE[/b]: 1 Action[list]
[*]Charge by focusing on gathering as much spiritual power as possible, and then concentrating on releasing it in a controlled manner.
[*]Your soul will glow brightly during this time, being visible from behind objects and any [b]Camouflage[/b] you have wears off.[/list]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Once charged, release a massive pulse of spiritual energy that pulses through the entire room or area.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: The souls of everyone in the room shine with with a bright [light] that is visible from even behind objects and dispelling all [b]Camouflage[/b], revealing them to everyone.[list]
[*][b]DURATION[/b]: One round.
[box=Spirit Sense][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [b]Keaton[/b] are closely connected with the spirit world, being able to sense the spirits residing in people.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: You are able to sense the spirits of people who have [Magic] within the same room or area.[list]
[*]You can also pinpoint their exact location and read their feelings.
[box=Innate Knowledge][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [b]Keaton[/b] have natural knowledge of the world, giving them a higher innate ability to solve riddles and puzzles.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Whenever you are presented with a riddle or a puzzle which has an answer, you are given an extra hint to solve the riddle or puzzle with.
[box=Spiritual Resistance][list]
[*][b]RESTRICTIONS[/b]: This is an [b]Innate Skill[/b]. Only [b]Keaton[/b] can learn and use this skill.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [b]Keaton[/b] souls are resistant to the effects of weathering from the effects of attacks, cutting the power of anything that attempts to effects that drain [Magic].[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Any [Magic] you would lose, outside of your own [b][Magic] Costs[/b] and transferring to allies, is halved.
[Skills type=Active]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]75[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: A free hand
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Select a target to steal from. Hopefully it's not considered illegal.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: None[/list]
[*][dice type-a=Power type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: None[/list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: None
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If at least two of the three attacks are successful, steal an item that's equipped by the target.[list]
[*]Then, either store it in your inventory or, if you meet the [b]REQUIREMENTS[/b], you can immediately equip it.
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]125[/Rupees]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]3[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: [i]Shh! I'm being sneaky. Go away![/i] Magically camouflage in with your surroundings to go sneaky.[list]
[*]You cannot be targeted by anything [b]Single-Target[/b].
[*]If you take any damage or do anything other than moving around, [b]Camouflage[/b] ends.
[Skills type=Passive]
[Spells type=Offensive]
[box=PSI Blast][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]50[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Water]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]1[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A basic [Water] spell that flings a flurry of [Water] bullets at a target; which splash to heal you if it strikes.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom amount-a=+3 type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, recover [Hearts]3[/Hearts].
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]100[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: [Water]
[*][b]COSTS[/b]: [Magic]2[/Magic]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: Send an icy wave of [Water] at a target, slowing them down.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Wisdom type-b=Wisdom][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, target loses [b]3 [Attack Dice][/b].
[Spells type=Support]
[Items type=Weapons]
[box=Jagged Edged Sword][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]75[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A deadly blade with jagged edges that causes its victims to bleed to death. Can use [b]Slash[/b] or [b]Stab[/b] on a target.[list]
[*][dice type-a=Courage amount-a=+8 type-b=Courage][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: Halved
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, target gets [b]Bleeding x2[/b].
[*][dice type-a=Courage type-b=Courage][list]
[*][b]Damage[/b]: +0
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If it hits, target gets [b]Bleeding x3[/b].
[*][b]IF FAIL[/b]: Target can [b]Counterattack[/b] you, regardless of [b]CONDITIONS[/b].
[Items type=Shields]
[box=Hylian Shield][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]75[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A standard shield used by many of the [b]Hylian Guards[/b]. It defends well against most attacks.[list]
[*][b][Defense Dice][/b]: +3
[Items type=Armor]
[box=Camou Armor][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]150[/Rupees]
[*][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b]: Camouflage [b]Active Skill[/b]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A lightweight armor that protects against light attacks and triggers [b]Camouflage[/b].[list]
[*][b][Armor][/b]: +2
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: After you get hit by an attack, [b]Camouflage[/b] automatically activates.
[Items type=Robes]
[Items type=Tools]
[Items type=Consumables]
[box=Restoration Heart][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]25[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A tasty [Heart] that can be devoured to recover your [Hearts]! ... that doesn't sound right.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to recover [Hearts]6[/Hearts].
[box=Magic Jar][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]25[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A jar containing liquified [Magic], which you can drink to recover your [Magic]! Hope there's no alcohol in it.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Consume this to recover [Magic]6[/Magic].
[box=Reroll Points][list]
[*][b]SELL VALUE[/b]: [Rupees]25[/Rupees]
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A golden coin that can be flicked at any roll to rewind time for a moment and force a redo.[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: Once per turn, immediately after someone rolls for something, you can flick a [Reroll Point] at the target to force them to reroll it.
[*][b]DESCRIPTION[/b]: A lively [b]Fairy[/b], waiting in a bottle for your death! Isn't she just so kind?[list]
[*][b]EFFECT[/b]: If you use the [b]Fairy[/b] manually, you are restored to Maximum [Hearts].[list]
[*]If you die, you can use the [b]Fairy[/b] on the spot, reviving you and restoring you to [Hearts]3[/Hearts].
[Items type=Masks]
[Items type=Misc]