All of the latest announcements and updates are listed here.
Getting Started
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Rules and Knowledge
Contains the official list of all rules. If you have any questions regarding rules, ask here. Also contains tutorials for how to play, along with tips and tricks.
Your characters' stats and info are in here!
Sub Forums: NPCs, Profile Templates, Inactive ProfilesLore
While based off the Zelda series, ZURPG brings its own slew of characters, settings, and stories that are unique.
Sub Forums: Story, Settings, Characters, Archived LoreFeedback & Suggestions
Got an idea that you want added to ZURPG? Post it here! Feel free to make any suggestions you want. Also talk about balance here.
General Discussion
Here, you can discuss anything you'd like.
Member Specific
New member? Introduce yourself here! Going away on vacation or got a birthday? Talk about it here.
Who's Online [Complete List]
307 users active in the past 15 minutes (0 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 307 guests).
2 Owners, 0 Admins, 1 Operator, 0 Half-Operators, 0 Voiced Users and 0 Users
3 users are online in #zurpgchat (
~Navi, ~Sephiroth, @ChanServ